Archivist 2: exposing those … forearms.

A drive-by excerpt of my current work in progress (Archivist 2), just because it made me laugh.

Ravine pushed a plate into my hands. “Kellan is manning the barbecue. Literally.” She grinned suggestively. “Cooking steak perfectly, wearing an apron, and exposing those … forearms. You might want to take a picture.”

I blinked. Once again rendered mute by her teasing. Okay, fine, my brain had just gone blank, then thrust the image she’d just described to the forefront.

Would taking a picture be rude? Or … I mean, people did take pictures to commemorate celebrations, right?

Ravine giggled gleefully, grabbing the salad tongs. “Eat, Dusk. You’ll need the energy.”

– Compelling Infinity (Archivist 2), Chapter Six, Second Draft

Reading order of the Archivist Series:

14 thoughts on “Archivist 2: exposing those … forearms.

  1. That made me laugh, blush, and remember a coworker. I had never before noticed men’s forearms, but his were amazing! I couldn’t help but keep noticing in the several years we worked together, after all hospital scrubs are revealing.

    1. Yep, my husband built fences (etc) when we met … I never knew before just how sexy forearms could be. Or strong hands for that matter. 😉

  2. Oh, this was good… And hoping the muses are with you! I must have missed something because I didn’t know/remember there was a 1.5 as well as 2. Also – is this the first release of the title for 2? Really looking forward to whatever you send down the pike, whenever it gets here. Thanks!

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