Discussion thread: In Less Than A Moment (Kandy 0.5)

I just dropped In Less Than a Moment (Moments of the Adept Universe 0.3) (aka Kandy 0.5) into the inboxes of my newsletter subscribers, and as promised, I actually remembered to start a thread where you could discuss all the secrets it reveals as a group.

The novelette (15k+) cracks Kandy’s background wide open – a large piece of the puzzle leading to the events of the Dowser series, as well as the upcoming Misfits 2. Yep, the Kandy stories are most definitely prequels to the second novel of the Misfits of the Adept Universe. 

Click here for Kandy’s bio and sketches.

Click here for the discussion thread for Kandy 0.25.

Assume there are spoilers for the novelette, as well as any Kandy book, in the comments below.

Feel free to discuss among yourselves (I believe there is a follow comments button? So you can see if anyone replies, etc?).

I hope you enjoyed the read!!