My paperback proofs

I keep all my paperback proofs – flaws and all – lined up in the upper left corner of my sitting desk. I just added Dowser 5 to the group, making it now almost eight inches of self-generated inspiration.

MCD paperback proofsI adore these books, even the misprinted spines of After the Virus and Spirit Binder. Perhaps that is egotistical, but there is just something so satisfying with this evidence of creation. So much so, that on days where I have to beat back the resistance just to chain myself to the desk, I can see that I’ve done it before. I’ve produced. I’ve made it through five or more drafts, editing, proofing, and into print.

Day and days of tears have gone into these books, but happily, much, much more laughter has accompanied their creation.

I published the ebook of ATV in June 2011, so the above eight inches encapsulates over four years of my life. It’s crazy that so much time has flown by, yet utterly fulfilling to have these books to mark the years. 

What a blast it’s been!

Guess what came in the mail today?

I almost immediately yanked them out of the box while squealing – I didn’t even hear the mail courier drop them – but I managed to contain myself long enough to grab my phone and snap a picture:

These are the proofs for After The Virus and Spirit Binder from Createspace. I been anxiously waiting for these to arrive (almost three weeks from shipping date, FYI).

I needed scissors to get the packages open … I guess customs opened the package at the U.S. border, so hopefully they liked what they saw: I DO!!

Interior: After The Virus
Interior: Spirit Binder

It is so exciting to see them in print!

Now to approve the proofs!!