Amplifier 5.5: official cover reveal & synopsis

If you’ve read Instincts and Impostors (Amplifier 5), you might have noticed (via the back matter) that I have a short novella (22k) releasing at the end of September – Recon Mission: Bee (Amplifier 5.5), narrated by Samantha/Zans! Yes! There is an excerpt from the first chapter in the back of Amplifier 5 Zans’s adventure runs concurrently to Emma’s newest challenge (so hopefully it answers some lingering questions!)

Releasing September 29, 2022



Cover design by: Gene Mollica Studios

Synopsis: Concerned that we hadn’t heard from her in over a year, Fish had dragged me all the way into the middle of Russia to follow up a lead on the whereabouts of our telepathic team member. Amanda, aka Bee. But what was supposed to be a simple reconnaissance mission — gathering intel so we could formulate a plan that might need to involve the rest of the team — went sideways within twenty-four hours.

Because even though the bonds that held we Five together in life were tied so tight that the death of one of us might mean the death of all … I was apparently the only one who took the responsibility that came with those ties seriously.


Recon Mission: Bee is a 22k novella in the Amplifier series, which is set in the same universe as the Dowser, Oracle, Reconstructionist, Archivist, and Misfits of the Adept Universe series.

Releasing September 29, 2022



MCD’s FYIs: The paperback will be combined with Amplifier 5. No preorder available. The audiobook is actually done (AND IT IS FANTASTIC!), but I might hold off releasing it until I’ve released the audiobook for Amplifier 5 in midOctober. Click here for the full reading order of the Adept Universe.

Amplifier 5.5: you get that a lot

I’m working through the second draft of Zans’s novella, Amplifier 5.5, and I wrote the first draft long enough ago that this little bit of perfect dialogue (if I say so myself) caught me unawares and had me laughing out loud. So I thought I’d share. Amplifier 5.5 will be bundled with Amplifier 5. I’m hoping for an August release date but it’s way too soon to firm anything up yet.

She pursed her lips, glancing slightly away. “How much do you have on you?”

I shrugged, tapping the wad of cash against my thigh. “I have no idea.”

“You shouldn’t flash that kind of money around so casually.”

“There is nothing casual about me.”

She sniffed again. “And if I have nothing to tell?”

“Then it’s a bad investment. Not my first.”

“Three hundred.”

“So you do remember us?”

“You do stand out. Half the regulars wanted to fuck you.”

“And the other half?”

“Left early.”

I laughed, surprising myself with a genuine response.

She frowned, playfully. “You get that a lot, I suppose.”


— untitled Zans novella (Amplifier 5.5), second draft