At the beginning of Dowser 5 *spoiler alert* Drake eats three different cupcakes. Two are new creations of Jade’s, and the fledgling has previously tasted the third one.

As I was working through the third draft today, I thought it might be fun if readers of the Dowser Series decided on the ‘previously tasted’ cupcake.
To that end, I have embedded a poll below – which I seriously hope works – with five possibilities. All of the cupcakes on the poll were mentioned in Dowser 1, and therefore could have previously been consumed by Drake (which is the main criteria).
Pick one. Majority rules.
I promise to release the cupcake recipe a couple of weeks before I release Dowser 5. Yum!
How about dark chocolate with salted caramel?
Hi Molly! It needs to be one of the ‘older’ cupcakes previously mentioned in Dowser 1, hence the five on the poll. 😀
Since I didn’t have a recipe for Sin in a Cup I made it up as I went along. Brilliant combination and thank you for the flavor profile idea!
Oh, that’s fun that you made your own!!
…but I hope Sin wins so I can have the original!
I think it should be Buzz because of Drake’s limitless supply of energy. It seems ripe with opportunity to give the fledgling a buzz.
Ha! Good reasoning!
Great, now I’m hungry!
Sorry, Trish! LOL
I agree with Beth! His boundless energy makes this cupcake perfect for him! Hugs, Leiah
Reblogged this on So, I Read This Book Today and commented:
I think that “Buzz in a Cup” would be perfect for Drake – he has such Boundless Energy! What do you think? Dowser 5 will be coming out, and Meghan needs your help. And if you haven’t read the books yet? They are GREAT!
Thanks for your help, Leiah!
Grinning like a maniac at the thought of the next Dowser!
Ha, me too, but I still have to … get … it … finished …
You will – and it will be amazing, just as you always are!
I always crave a cupcake when reading this series! Just finished #4, including Oracle #1, and can hardly wait to read the next book in each series! Loving all the characters! {and the cupcakes}
💗 I’m so glad you like the series, characters, and cupcakes 😊 I love writing them. 💗
Definitely “Buzz in a Cup” for aforementioned reasons.
I’m a cookie baker and here are two “cupcake” ideas you might like: double- chocolate-chocolate mint (Andees candies, has just a breath of mint) and ginger snaps with a hint of chipotle ( a little less than an 1/8 of a tsp per batch ).
Buzz did win. But I was just sneaky and released Ecstasy as well via IndieVisible (baking contest). I’ll post both recipes here next month as well.
Funnily enough, I’m a cookie baker as well. Don’t tell anyone, but I prefer it. Simpler.
Ideas are always welcomed! I have two new Christmas themed ones in Dowser 5 that really won’t make sense to release until next December, but that’s just how the timeline worked out.