A head’s up: read-along-with-the-author for I See Me (Oracle 1)

Dowser 5 is about to head off to the editor, which means I get to seriously dig into Oracle 2 – yay! In order to really immerse myself in Rochelle’s voice, I’m going to (re)read I See Me, Oracle 1 first.

I’ve already mentioned this to a few readers, but I thought it might be fun for me to share my fav parts as I read and open up a possible discussion here. I’ll write up separate blog posts (Chapter 1 – 3, Chapter 4 – 6, etc) and try to answer any questions I can (without spoilers for Dowser 5 or Oracle 2).

*Reminder: Oracle 1 is a bit steamy, definitely deserving of its MATURE 18+ rating.*

Okay! Would you like to read-a-long with me? I’ll most likely start this Friday (so look for the first blog post this Saturday).


16 thoughts on “A head’s up: read-along-with-the-author for I See Me (Oracle 1)

  1. I’m in!! The first time I read it, I some how managed to skip over like 20-30 pages (was at the park and not sure what exactly happened) so my reading of it was slightly fragmented. Been meaning to dive back into it, and I’m grateful for this opportunity to read alongside you and actually understand your perspective of the characters and events.

    1. GAH! A lot can happen in 20-30 pages – I’m a rather plot driven writer, though Oracle 1, being an origin story is slightly slower paced in the beginning. Fun! Glad to have you onboard!!

  2. I am reading Dowser 4 now – thank you for your great writing, havent enjoyed a series like this in a long time. “I see me” is on my Amazon wish list so this is an interesting development. I am please to be invited in to be part of your process.

    1. Seemed like a fun opportunity. 😀 I have the plot for Oracle 2 all worked out, of course, but Rochelle has a very different voice than Jade so I think it will be a fun exercise.

    1. I do not. It’s looking like July now, as the schedules of the editor, proof reader, betas, formatting, and ten-day preorder (so I can have it release on all platforms all on the same day) come into play. I’m still hoping to tighten it, so I’ll announce when things are a bit firmer. 🙂

  3. Oooh, Dowser #5 at the editor? Whoo hoo! Okay, I haven’t read Oracle yet but hearing that it’s steamy sounds good! Good idea to get distracted with so much stuff going on lately. I’m gonna download a copy from kindle and I’ll try to get in some much needed reading time. I went from reading at least a book a week (although read Dowser series in 4 days) to haven’t touched a book in months! Thanks for posting Meghan!!!

  4. I enjoyed Oracle 1. What I want to say would be a spoiler so I’ll go with this… I am very displeased with the decision making of the main character… or maybe the whole thing is an exercise in irony. :).

    1. Hmmm, not sure I’m following you, Andrew. But when we get to those chapters in the discussion then you can bring it up in all its spoiler-y glory 🙂

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