A couple of months ago, I decided I wanted to do an extra fun giveaway for the release of I See You (Oracle 2). This idea involved Elizabeth Mackey designing a T-shirt that appears in the book. Then I decided if I was getting Elizabeth to design a T-shirt I might as well make it available to anyone who wanted to buy it.
And if I was going to take the time to figure out where to get T-shirts printed (etc), then why not get Elizabeth to do up three designs?
Because three is always better than one, right?
Well, yeah!
In this case, at least.
So without further ado, this is Elizabeth’s and my interpretation of the ‘Attempted Murder’ T-shirt that Jade wears to go dancing in Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1).

I pulled a hand-painted silk jacket over my ‘Attempted Murder’ T-shirt — it has two crows on it; think about it — and a pair of Seven jeans. The jacket was the nicest and most expensive thing I owned. Sienna was out in the living room chatting with Rusty, though I couldn’t specifically distinguish his voice. They sounded far, far away, and I thought then I might still be shocky despite the hot shower. I strapped my knife back at my hip and took a deep breath.
It was just dinner and dancing. – Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1)
By the way, the flowers in the design are the chocolate cosmos that Jade grows on her balcony. And, as I reveal the designs for the next two T-shirts, the cosmos will show up again. Yep, branding.
I made the ‘Attempted Murder’ T-shirts available in black printing as well as white printing in the maximum colours I was allowed by the retailer (five). They are printed on fitted American Apparel T-shirts and THEY FIT SMALL!! Elizabeth is wearing an XL in the picture, and she usually wears a medium. I knew this about the American Apparel T-shirts (I also wear an XL) but I really like the fabric and the flattering fit. The site suggests going up a size – based on their sizing chart I’m a large – so please check the sizing.
The T-shirts are available at (via Amazon Merch), shipping to over 75 countries with taxes and duties added at check-out but before you purchase. They aren’t currently available at any of the other Amazon stores because they’re printed in the USA.
N.B. If you do choose to grab a T-shirt for your very own, please DO NOT buy the T-shirts appearing in the also bought section on the Amazon page. Those T-shirts are not actually supposed to be available for purchase, the logos are too large. There is a currently a glitch in Amazon’s system that they are working to resolve.
Also there are two more T-shirt designs to come, so you may wish to hold off any purchases until you’ve seen them all.
Would you like to win an ‘Attempted Murder’ T-shirt?
You would?
Okay then!
To enter the giveaway all you need to do is:
- Comment below and tell me your current favourite T-shirt or article of clothing.
Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. Each comment will be assigned an entry number. ONE winning entry will then be selected via random number generator. One entry per person. Please make sure to fill out a valid email address in the comment form. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than notifying the contest winner.
If you haven’t commented on the blog before, or you comment from a different IP address, the comments are moderated. So don’t worry if you don’t see your entry right away. I will approve it, then assign it an entry number.
Contest closes WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2015 at 8 p.m. PST.
Check back here on Thursday, November 26th and Saturday, November 28th for more T-shirts and giveaways. Yay!
<3 <3 <3
This t shirt is awesome!
My current favourite articles of clothing are my hand knit fingerless gloves. With the weather turning, they up the cozy feel immediately.
Entry #1 – I’m wearing hand knit fingerless gloves right now!! LOL
I have an awesome “Nessie” t-shirt from my last visit to Scotland. I love that little monster.
Entry #2 – ha, nice!
My favorite T-shirt right now has a T Rex and Brachiosaurus on it with the saying “T Rec hates high fives.” It makes me giggle every time I see it
Entry #3 – I have that one … mine says ‘hates push-ups’ I used to wear it to martial arts training.
My current favorite article of clothing is my old, holy, worn out Nike hoodie. It’s just perfect. It’s not too huge, but not too tight. The only thing I need to do is re-cuff it. They’re all stretched out and ragged. But I love it!
Entry #4 – I had one of those … but I eventually had to give up on it.
Luv this shirt ♡ Nice job.
My favorite article of clothes is a black and white striped lose fitting tank, that scoops and folds at the neck and has metal rings up the straps.
Entry #5 – glad you like it!
My absolute favorite shirt is white with black glitter letters spelling out “I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.” From Harry Potter lol
Entry #6 – ooo, I love it!
My favorite as a gift and it says “I’m not arguing, I’m relaxing why I’m RIGHT” lol
Supposed to say t-shirt auto correct hates me today
Entry # 7 –

It really hates me, geez lol, “I’m not arguing, I’m explaining why I’m RIGHT”
Old Navy super skinny jeans and a v neck tee.
Entry # 8 – nice!
I don’t really have a favorite article of clothing, but I’ve really enjoyed looking up all of Jade’s shoes and bags!! I also love the shirt and will have to get one of my own!!
Entry# 9 – I <3 Fluevogs.
In case you didn't know … LOL I bought the cranberry with black printing for myself. 
My favorite shirt right now is
Of course I talk to myself
Sometimes I need
Expert Advice
Enter #10 – LMAO!
I currently have a tee shirt which I LOVE and wear ALOT…its super soft and says, “This is my kind of salad” with a picture of candy bars in a bowl! It’s perfect!
Entry #11 – I need that shirt!
My favourite shirt is a red tee with “Never under estimate the power of a woman and her Canadian Horse” it has a black horse centred on it and some fleur de lis around it. Not being around horses for a long time, I bought a Canadian filly, (Canada’s national horse)named Shabraque Grandee Ash(breeder names all babies after fallen soldiers), I call her Smash, because she is bold and clumsy and is always into everything, including opening gates and jumping up onto the deck to ask for rubs! She came at a time that I was paralyzed with depression and her fuzzy little face and hilarious personality, pulled me out and makes everyday better! The shirt reminds me of the struggle and the joy my horse brings me everyday!
Entry #12 – Smash! I love, love it! So glad you found each other.
OMGosh … I love the t-shirt!!
This time of year, I love ALL my hoodies … but currently my favorite article are my knee high black boots … I love how versatile they are … I can wear them with my jeans, dresses, leggings, etc.
Entry #13 – I’m a big fan of hoodies myself.
My favorite t-shirt is gray with the Illinois Search Dogs logo on the front and K-9 Search and Rescue on the back!!
Entry #37 – Martha! Your comment got caught in my spam folder
So I have your entry out of order! But I see you #37!
I love that shirt! My current favorite would be my knee high boots.
Entry #14 – I definitely need some high knee Fluevogs. On the list!
My favorite is a new one – I just want to drink wine and rescue dogs – the only improvement I’d make is to add “read books” in there somewhere.
Entry #15 – love it.
Simple, thermal, long-sleeved, all cotton, Henley. Cozy and comfortable!
Entry #16 – Yes! But it’s so hard to find the perfect one!!?
Yes… you’re right! I’m pretty happy with L.L. Bean’s … but I wish they were a little longer
I love my shirts and tanks extra long. I layer, a lot.
I am a Kentucky girl that now lives in Florida. I have a sweet friend that recently funded her long term move to do missions in Cost Rica by selling a t shirt that she hand designed with a bohemian kind of look inside the shape of the state of Kentucky. It says HOME across the bottom of the state.
So many sweet memories associated with this shirt!
Entry #17 – Oh, that is super cool!
My favorite shirt is one I designed for my husband and his guild. He plays Dungeons and Dragons online and I design the guild shirts every year.
Entry #18 – Oooo, that is cool, Angie!!!
Current favorite shirt is a super soft slouchy Goonies shirt. “Goonies never say die!”
Entry #19 – Fun!
My Bearpaw boots are my current fav. We just had our first snowfall in Indiana…. Fuzzy boots are a must to keep your feet warm!
Must include that I love the Dowser series
Entry #20 – Snow! Already! And, thank you, glad to hear it!
I have been wanting a Tshirt with that saying!! Right now my favorite piece of clothing is my extra large fuzzy bathrobe, makes my old bod warm, and it feels like I am wrapped in a blanket! Love your books by the by.
Entry #21 – there is this cashmere sweater I desperately want, but I’m sort of concerned it looks like a bathrobe. And of course, I’d want to wear it all day, who wouldn’t? But then who sees me working at home anyway? Conundrum.
It’s hard to pick a favorite article of clothing, so I’ll pick two. I have some super comfy sweatpants from Old Navy that I love! I also gave a green Legend of Zelda t-shirt that I wear a lot around the house.
Entry # 22 – I have a Zelda shirt too!
My favorite t-shirt right now is a gray shirt with blue words that form the shape of the tardis. The words are all Dr. Who catch phrases such as Allons-y and wibbley wobbly timey whimey.
Entry #23 – ooo, neat!
I have two favorite T-shirts. One says “I’m a ninja. You can’t see me.” And the other says “More cowbell!” under a picture of a cowbell.
Entry #24 – LOL Michael has a ‘don’t worry, I’m a ninja’ T-shirt.
My favorite article of clothing is a fluffy, orange sweatshirt. It goes so well with jog pants. Comfy warm clothes are the best. You know….for when you are sitting in front of the fire reading and eating chocolate.
Entry #25 – Um, ya!!! LOL
My current favorite shirt is Remember Everyone Deployed that I wear every Friday but I need favorites for other days like this one, so thank you very much for the chance!
Entry #26 – <3 <3 <3
My current favorite t-shirt is one that reads “Polka Will Never Die” from the Harry Dresden series by Jim Butcher. ^_^
Entry #27 – I love that!
I have a shirt with a skeleton with a broken leg saying “Oh Sanp!” It’s one of my favorites and great to wear around the hospital.
Entry #28 – LOL!
Current favorite tshirt says “Bullies are a girl’s best friend.” With a picture of a Pit Bull and then bellow that Adopt don’t shop. Currently paired with a super soft cardigan, scarf, jeans and boots (becuse it’s cold here
Entry #29 – Yes! Adopting a pit bull is high on our list of things to do (as soon as we have a fenced yard.)
My favorite t shirt is a play on the Aliens movie. It’s of Ripley’s cat Jonesy dreaming while in cryo sleep that Ripley is riding him holding a spear while they chase down the aliens.
Entry #30 – LOL! I love the idea of that!!
My current favorite piece of clothing is my flannel pajamas. Does that count? Technically I don’t wear them out in public, but I totally would if it was appropriate.
Entry #31 – HA! That totally counts!
I love it! I can’t wait to get one!
Entry #32 – yay!
My most favorite shirts right now are these really soft ones that I got at Target. They’re in a variety of colors and feel like jammies. Though I did just get a really cool R2D2 shirt that has him made out of gems. Can’t go wrong with Star Wars.
I do wish I had more graphic tees though, I just can’t find any that are soft and are in a girls cut that also flatters my bust.
Entry #33 – Star Wars and gems? Yes! I like the cut on the American Apparel slim fit, but again they fit SMALL.
My favorite shirt is my pitties and titties shirt. Yes it is slightly dirty minded. It is in support of breast cancer and put bull awareness. Two things near and dear to my heart. Why? I have boobs and a pit bull puppy.
I love them both.
Entry #34 – ha! works for me!
Sorry, I totally didn’t read the giveaway part I was just so excited about the t-shirt! My favorite piece of clothing is my shirt that has the shape of North Carolina with the word Home in the middle. I currently live in TX.
My favorite thing to wear now that weather colder is my Wike Wazowski beanie hat with big eyeball. It also embarrasses my teenage son to he seen with me wearing it.
Entry #35 – double like!
I am in love with pretty much any tshirt that the site comes out with! I have so many t shirts from that site! They are fun and quirky and geeky – all of which I am!
Entry #36 – yeah … we have a bit of a T-shirt problem here as well.
Love love love the shirt!
Since it’s turned cold here my current favorite article of clothing is my Oregon Ducks hoodie. I’ll wear it everyday from now until spring. It’s old and ratty. Super comfy!
Entry #38 – so glad you like it! Hoodies rock.
My current favorite t-shirts bec can’t have just one is a spiderman shirt bec I’m a comic book geek and a shirt that say’s “I can’t keep calm I’m a Judd” . It was a tshirt that I kept of my father’s after he passed away
Entry #39 – Aw, I love that. <3 Dad <3
Love it!!
My current favorite shirt is t-rex with grabbers and it say UNSTOPPABLE its my favorite gym shirt.
Entry #40 – I love that!
My favorite t-shirt is my black shirt that says “Leave me alone, I ‘m reading”.
I wear a large
Entry #41 – nice!!
This week has been so chilly! I’ve been keeping my ‘sweater’ robe on for as long as possible. It has a hood and pockets so really, why would I wear anything else?
Entry #42 – I have my eye on one of those …
Mine has to be goonies forever even tho I’m 46 I watch the movie every year have done since my weins where little
Entry #43 – love it!
P.s because it’s winter boots boots and more boots !!!!!!!
My current favorite is made of organic cotton. It smells like hemp. So I’m kind of worried about airport security & sniffer dogs. Too funny.
Entry #44 – LOL. That could be a problem.
My favorite shirt is my Doctor Who Space Invaders shirt, because some times I am just that much of a nerd.
I love this one, great design!
Entry #45 – Nice! (Glad you like it).
Favorite piece of clothing sweater. Any sweater it is cold in NY
Entry #46 – but cold equals hand knits – so that’s good!
My current favorite is my lambswool slippers. It’s 17 degrees in upstate New York !
Entry #47 – I’m Canadian and even I know that’s chilly!
A Snow Patrol t-shirt from their 2012 concert tour. It has an eagle silhouette on the front.
Entry #48 – Nice!
My fav t-shirt is a mashup of GI Joe and Firefly. It’s a pic of Jayne in his iconic hat holding Vera!
But ever since reading dowser 1 I’ve been looking for an attempted murder shirt I like……soooooo this may change the leader board
Also, is this available at I couldn’t find it
Entry #49 – mashup – love it! And I’m glad you like this design!! Thanks for the the reminder about the info. I added it to the post. I just bought 5 T-shirts (I don’t get them at a discount) and the shipping was $24.94 and duty/taxes was $9.25, which always seems high but I think is actually in line with what it cost to ship into Canada.
They aren’t available at any of the other Amazon stores because (for right now) they are being printed in the USA. Amazon Merch was offering the best price point/nicest T-shirts I could find when I was doing my research on printing.
Don’t have a favorite shirt right now but that Attempted Murder shirt looks awesome
Entry #50 – Nice!
I have a soft “Browncoats” hoodie from Firefly/Serenity that I wear as soon as I get home with some comfy flannel pj bottoms.
Entry #51 – A brownouts hoodie!? I’m jealous.
My favorite item of clothing right now is my Dr. Seuss “One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish” T-shirt. You can’t beat the classics
Entry #52 – ha! no you can’t!
A green Tweed cap made in Ireland by the Carnaween Clothing company Beautiful Green Tweed with a rust stripe , it goes with my red hair and I love it! almost as much as Jade loves her shoes.
Entry #53 – red hair, a tweed cap that actually looks good on you … now I am jealous!
Oh wow! Love this t-shirt! My absolute fave right now is a light grey t-shirt that says “LEOPARD is the new black” The word LEOPARD is in block letters filled in with a leopard print. So comfy!
Entry #54 – That sounds totally fun, Meagen!
My favourite piece of clothing. I have several like the ones we got in Van with Jo. I also like this one Eric gave me. It’s post apocalyptic. So its divided into 4. In one section you see the Robot taking the recycling out, then you see him watering the garden, shooting a zombie hand. In the final one you see him sweeping.
Entry #55 – hey! I know that T-shirt
Love this design! My current favorite would probably be an old Grain Belt t shirt that’s been washed so many times it’s all kitten belly soft and uber comfy
Entry #56 – ah, I love it when fabric gets soft like that … unfortunately right before it starts fraying/ripping
A hand knitted wool green/purple/cream speckled jumper which is oversized and very comfy – its currently really cold in the UK and this is keeping me warm!
Entry #57 – I <3 hand knits!! I'm wear some right now.
Favorite article of clothing? Definitely my super soft super fuzzy socks….I love them. I think.I have like 10 pairs lol
Entry #58 – Love it. I knit cashmere socks but I hardly ever wear them anymore because I don’t want to wear them out too quickly on my treadmill desk. I have to remember to put them on Sunday mornings … when I actually take a Sunday off …
Lol you should sell them! I would buy them faster than you could make them. I wear them all the time, I’m a SAHM so I get to enjoy that little luxury
I can’t make them very fast, LOL!
My current favourite article of clothing is a lumpy space princess sweater that says trademark lumpy space princess lines all over it.
Entry #59 – ha, nice!
It’s been a bit chilly in the UK these past few days so I’ve been looking forward to getting home from work and putting my favourite snuggly pyjamas and rabbit slippers on.
Entry #60 – I can see you now …
I really love my pink v neck under armour tshirt. It has a Wounded Warrior logo on the back. Comfortable, cute and an amazing cause. Love it!
Entry #61 – Nice!
My current favorite tshirt is.. a cup of coffee aND a good book. Soft and fabulous.
Entry #62 – I need that to say ‘chocolate and a good book.’
It’s coming up on summer down here in Australia, so my favourite piece of clothing are my thongs. Which I think the Americans call flip-flops, and the Kiwis call jandles. Have about 6 different colours, to go with all outfits! (Just to verify, they go on your feet!) Ha Ha!
Entry #63 – yes, flip-flops. Everyone wears them here in the summer, but I can’t stand having anything in-between my toes like that, so not me!
Love this shirt! In fact it has inspired me to make a shirt in the same vain as ‘Attempted Murder,. One lone Raven with the words ‘a singular unkindness’.
That’s a freaking fantastic idea. Michael has one for first degree and second degree murder. If I use it in a book, I’ll get Elizabeth to design it up.
Entry #64 –