Happy Release Day, I See You (Oracle 2)

Book 2 in the Oracle Series is now available on all retailers. Paperback to follow in January 2016.

I hope you like it!

Oracle Series release day banner

17 thoughts on “Happy Release Day, I See You (Oracle 2)

  1. Got it. Can’t wait to read it but due to “old age” going to have to read I See Me again first. 🙂

  2. Yay!! I need to go to Amazon ASAP!! Can’t wait to read it. Btw, my Attempted murder shirt is scheduled for delivery tomorrow!!! 🙂

  3. I’ve never written to an author, but found your blog and just had to tell you how much I have enjoyed your books I started with the free Dowser book and was hooked! Now I’ve read all of your books and cannot wait for your next one! I love the characters, the magic, and the cupcakes! 🙂 You are truly a gifted storyteller. Thank you for sharing your genius with me.

    1. Beth! Thank you so much for reading and commenting here. I’m planning my 2016 this week – what books I want to write, what books I’ll actually get written, promos, etc. And it most definitely helps that you would like to see more from me! So I better get back to writing soon. Dowser 6 next!! [I’m so excited to finish writing it] Happy New Year!

  4. I know what i’m reading tonight 😀 so excited!!

    also, random question. Do you have any artwork of Jade because i’d love to see how you imagine her in a visual so I can make a cosplay of her (I love makeing costumes and i ADORE Jade)?

    1. YAY! And no, sorry. Not yet. I have a long term plan to do a bible and get some renderings done then, but I have nothing right now. I would say the jade knife and the wedding ring necklace and the blond curls are her most distinctive features … her regular wardrobe tends to be printed T-shirts and jeans. 😀 What fun!!!

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