Dowser 6: all the paperbacks giveaway


I’m giving away seven autographed paperbacks today! This is the final giveaway to help celebrate the release of Dowser 6 on May 5, 2016.

Artifacts, Dragons, and Other Lethal Magic (Dowser 6) is currently available for preorder on AmazonKoboiBooksBarnes & Noble, and Smashwords.


So … would you like to win seven autographed paperbacks?


To enter all you need to do is comment below and let me know:

  1. What is your favourite quote from the Dowser Series? [This must be an actual quote from one of the books 😉 ]

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. Each comment will be assigned an entry number. ONE winning entry will then be selected via random number generator. One entry per person. Please make sure to fill out a valid email address in the comment form. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than notifying the contest winner.

If you haven’t commented on the blog before, or you comment from a different IP address, the comments are moderated. So don’t worry if you don’t see your entry right away. I will approve it, then assign it an entry number.

Contest closes THURSDAY, MAY 5, 2016 at 8 p.m. PDT.

<3 <3 <3

62 thoughts on “Dowser 6: all the paperbacks giveaway

  1. There are sooo many! I love…
    “Never is a boring word” and “I could never rule out my own inability to focus on things that didn’t interest me”

    Both of those quotes are soooo me any more!

  2. While rereading the dowser series I came across this and it had me cracking up. Of course I have a ton of quotes I love, but this one is hilarious “Hey, big guy!” I shouted. “Look here. Look at me. See my shiny knife. No touchy the green-haired one, or I’ll poke you.” Geez. Poke you. Brilliant threat. Hopefully, my tone was doing the heavy lifting. Too bad I didn’t have any bells. Bears didn’t like bells, right?

  3. “Kandy was a child of the magic that ran through us all. And that magic wasn’t ready to let this vessel go.”

    From: “Shadows, Maps, and Other Ancient Magic.”

    <3 Can't wait to read Dowser 6!

  4. “If you’d asked me a week ago, I would have told you that the best cupcakes were dark chocolate with chocolate cream cheese icing, that dancing in a crowd of magic wielders – The Adept – was better than sex, and that my life was peaceful and uneventful. Just the way I liked it. That’s what twenty-three years in the magical backwater of Vancouver will get you – a completely skewed sense of reality. Because when the dead werewolves started showing up, it all unraveled… except for the cupcake part. That’s a universal truth.”

  5. Picking favorites is always hard . . . I guess for this I would say the opening lines of the first book “There was a vampire at the door to my bakery. My heart skipped a beat. The sun hadn’t even fully set- damn daylight savings time- and the vampire wasn’t even wearing sunglasses or a hat.” While they are not the most exciting or heartfelt words in the series they began the story and the journey of getting to know Jade and all her adventures!

  6. “I could get you cookies,” I finally said.
    “That would be nice.”
    -I See Me

    There are. Other sharp and witty things I love. Especially any exchange between Kett and Jade…but this quote was such a my boyfriend and me moment that I couldn’t not pick it.

  7. It’s to hard to pick just one, but I guess ” I have chocolate!” is one of my favorites.

  8. So all I could do was what everyone else did cherish the good relationships and attempt to avoid the bad. I didn’t have a great track record doing either, but I was sure as hell trying.

  9. The one that cracked me up and ended up sharing with friends was

    “I’m not sure what a jail free card is. But yes, I believe the sentiment us apt.”
    “Monopoly” I said. “A human board game.”
    “A game you play while you’re bored?”
    “Yeah,” I answered with a laugh. “I guess so”

  10. One of my favorite lines is, “The vampire just sent me an emoticon,” I said with utter disbelief.

  11. “You saved me. Me and Warner. Mission accomplished. We got the treasure. Come back, my friend. Come back to me.”
    I was a blubbering mess while reading this whole scene.

  12. I have tons, but here a few….”Big vamp is your Gramps” and “And I’m not ordering a salad…well, maybe on the side of fries”. “It’s like you and Kett had babies”….”Disgusting” Lol I could go on…

  13. “But it was completely another thing to waste chocolate out of some silly sense of perceived dignity.” -Shadows, Maps, & Other Ancient Magic

    Cuz it’s funny.

  14. “Screw that,” Kandy said, her mouth full. “It’s a freaking orgasm in a freaking cup.”
    I laughed and took another bite, closing my eyes to savor this one. “It’s like you and Kett had babies,” I said, my mouth full of insanely good goodness that tasted almost exactly like Kandy’s and Kett’s magic combined … except sweeter.

    I’ve always loved this from Treasures,Demons and Other Black Magic

  15. I love this one:

    It was one thing to stand up to Suanmi  — the fire breather, and one of the nine guardians of the world. But it was completely another thing to waste chocolate out of some silly sense of perceived dignity.

    Doidge, Meghan Ciana (2015-02-26). Shadows, Maps, and Other Ancient Magic (Dowser Series Book 4) (p. 20). Old Man in the CrossWalk Productions. Kindle Edition.

  16. Here’s one of mine, I would walk the path as I chose to walk it, with not another inch of it dictated by friend or foe.

  17. One of my favourites is: “I’d never seen someone bounce off the wards like they were a screen door before.” from Trinkets, Treasures and other Bloody Magic, made me giggle x

  18. He dropped his grin, suddenly serious and sexier for it. “I’m big on firsts.” I raised my chin. “What about lasts?” “Those too.” He whispered quietly enough that the words were nearly lost in the din of the street. I just had to smile at his utter sincerity. “One juice,” I said, “but only because I don’t want to go back to work.” “I would never have you do anything you didn’t want to do. One first juice, then. But not our last.” “One juice does not imply commitment to more.” “Ah, but you’re the one who already wouldn’t agree to firsts without lasts,” he said. Ever so lightly, he touched the small of my back to direct me up the street toward Whole Foods. “And by lasts, you meant forever, didn’t you? Wolves, you will find, understand all about forevers.” I have many favorites but I always come back to this one. It tugs on my heartstrings. I always wonder what could have been.💕

  19. The kid reached up and latched onto my necklace with both hands. I couldn’t get her pinned or contained. She was tiny but crazy strong, and moved as if she had more than four limbs. Completely like a rabid koala. My choice of nickname was becoming even more appropriate — which was unfortunate for me, because I only dubbed her with it to make myself feel in control of the situation.

    From Dowser 5….love the rabid koala/crazy dragon image you paint.

  20. I love the relationship between Kett and Jade. So my quote is from Maps, Artifacts and Other Arcane Magic. Jade: “You’re not trying to seduce me, are you Kett?” Kett: “What would I do with you , Jade Godfrey after I caught you?”

  21. “He said the oracle was going to need me, but I wasn’t going to like it. Then he laughed, and asked me to buy him Oreos because he never remembered to carry money.” I love that Chi Wen loves Oreos

  22. I love all things Kett! From Dowser 5:

    “Kett tilted his head, still looking at Cicely. “Does she require more words?” he asked.”

  23. So I’m re-reading all the books to get ready for the last…When I read this it reads true to parts of my life and many of my friends…

    “Why do you date guys who have no hope of understanding you?” Sienna asked. It wasn’t the question I thought she’d lead with, but it still wasn’t pleasant conversation territory. “It isn’t a goal,” I answered. “Take the coffee-machine guy. He probably loved coffee. That machine isn’t cheap. And when he buys you a present , making it glaringly obvious he’s not remotely paying attention because you don’t drink coffee — except for today — you dump him. Instead of working on it, instead of refining it.”

  24. “Kandy is guarding you. I’m attempting to date you. Seeing as how you’re the common denominator, with the trinkets and all, it’s kind of a conflict of interest. But I find I don’t even remotely care.”

    ….. It’s the I don’t even remotely care part that made me smile.

  25. “You have remained silent for three minutes, dowser,” Kett said. “I believe that might be a record of some sort.”

    Great, the vampire was attempting a joke. I was fairly certain that was one of the signs of the apocalypse.

  26. “I could never rule out my own inability to focus on things that didn’t interest me”

    This just spoke to me. Unless it grabs me and pulls me in. I’m not gonna be able to.

  27. “That’s easy. You’re Jade. You’re cupcakes,trinkets and desdly magic. Like that knife you carry. Pretty green stone, tasty magic, and deadly.” – Kandy dowser 3 absolutely love Kandy

  28. My all time favorite is: “The vampire just sent me an emoticon,” I said with utter disbelief.

    In fact it amused me so much I now say when something is unbelievable …. My husband thinks I’m weird now. Lol. 🙂

  29. I know I’ve used this one before, but it is still my favorite. I love it. “The customer looked familiar, like maybe he’d been in the bakery a few times before. The vampire however was new.”

  30. Oh my Gosh, I’m so excited – I have all the books on Kindle and would LOVE to win the paperbacks for my personal “library”. My absolute favorite quote is from Dowser 4:

    “That’s what you do, Jade Godfrey. To express your feelings. You bake for the people you care about.” – “You’re learning my language.”

    It’s my favorite quote because that’s exactly how I communicate my feelings. 😉

    Fingers crossed!!

    (Just in case my email address isn’t visible when I’m logged in: relaxhavesomecake[at]

  31. Oh, so many to choose from… but,
    “Yes, I was completely aware I used chocolate as a sex substitute. So what?”

    Dowser Series- Book 2

  32. This one caught my attention from the beginning.

    “If you’d asked me a week ago, I would have told you the best cupcakes were dark chocolate with chocolate cream cheese icing, that dancing in a crowd of magic wielders – the Adept – was better than sex, and that my life was peaceful and uneventful. Just the way I liked it. That’s what twenty-three years in the magical backwater of Vancouver will get you – a completely skewed sense of reality. Because when the dead werewolves started showing up, it all unraveled… except for the cupcake part. That’s a universal truth.”

  33. So many good quotes! I have many favorites. Currently dealing with my own chocolate cravings and I have to admit I’ve done this a time or two (or ten) myself…

    “I pulled my all-time favorite Amedei 70 percent single-origin Madagascar chocolate bar out of my Matt & Nat satchel. The bar was mangled. Even I couldn’t get hit by a small mountain and not get crushed. Thankfully I had no problem licking the shards of goodness off the inner foil wrapper.
    It was one thing to stand up to Suanmi – the fire breather and one of the nine guardians of the world. But it was completely another thing to waste chocolate out of some silly sense of perceived dignity.”

    #dowser4 #shadowsmapsandotherancientmagic #chocolate #lickingthewrapperisnormal

  34. On Kett’s plane when Jade is fleeing Peru and doesn’t yet know if Kett and Warner made it out. She’s never been in his plane and yet they have chocolate, hot towels, and steamed milk waiting for her. It’s like they know her.

    “It’s on the edge of creepy … except there’s dark chocolate. Chocolate can’t ever be creepy.”

  35. Drake – Cupcakes? What are cupcakes?

    Kandy – The dragon doesnt know what cupcakes are JADE

  36. “Problem was, I didn’t think I could survive without people to care for. So, all I could do was what everyone else did-cherish the good relationships and attempt to avoid the bad.” –Jade, Dowser 4

    I am a codependent pediatric nurse practitioner with two kids and a husband…these words breath life into my daily struggle! 😁😁

  37. Some of my favourites have already been mentioned, but this one jumped out at me on my reread:
    I might be able to walk away from sexy, dangerous shifters, but chocolate had me at its Beck and call.

  38. “Don’t let the blondness fool you, fledgling. The witch stabbed a nine-hundred-pound grizzly in the ass today. She just keeps her claws better hidden and painted pink.”-Kandy talking about Jade in Dowser 2. This is still my favorite quote 😆 of all time!

  39. I just adore Drake, so.

    Book 5 near the beginning.

    “Hmmm, what is this stylist?” Drake asked, like a predator who’d just discovered there was bigger game to be hunted. “And where do I find one?”

    “You drive me crazy.”

    “You love me.” The fledgling guardian’s smile remained, but his tone turned serious. “You’d do anything for me.”

    “Yes, I would.”

    “As I would for you.”

    I nodded, not sure what to say in the wake of the fledgling’s heartfelt declaration.

    **”Pack is important. Loyalty makes us stronger. We are dragons of the same generation. We must have each other’s back.”

    “Anytime and always,”** I said, completely serious now. And completely willing to be deadly serious, if necessary. Though he was only almost fifteen, the fledgling guardian was one of my BFFS.

    This is one of my absolute favorites. It starts the tone in a lot of ways. Showing how Jade is connecting with Drake and how much she cares about Drake, how they can go from silly to serious and the loyalty and love. I got really choked up and cried reading this the first time because I only have a few friends like this and I had to move 600 miles away from one and miss her with all of me. So we connect with reading.

  40. I always have trouble choosing just one when it’s one of your questions!!! But one of my favorite quotes is “…I was perfectly happy being utterly wrong. Because it was my choice leading me this time.”

  41. “Hey,” Kandy said. “Aren’t I supposed to get chocolate if you’re going to force girly talk on me?”

  42. I love this series with The Oracle series.

    I stared at Warner, mouth hanging open and everything. “You knocked on the door of the big bad of London because I was concerned?”

  43. She twirled the knife I’d made with blood magic- a knife powerful enough to kill a vampire who’d walked the earth for centuries. She grinned at me. “You give me such pretty presents.”

  44. “It’s like they know me here,” I whispered into the phone. “It’s on the edge of creepy… except there’s dark chocolate. Chocolate can’t ever be creepy”

  45. I love this one: “Not making a choice was a choice in itself. That choosing to turn the other cheek or look the other way wasn’t always the best choice either.”

  46. Many come to mind, but one is still “Call him vamp to his face.” from Trinkets, Treasures, and Other Bloody Magic. Hard to explain why….maybe it’s because we’ve all had to deal with guys like Hoyt….maybe it’s because Jade’s really starting to get her feet under her…maybe because she is still intimated by Kett…but getting closer? Don’t know… this has just stuck with me for some reason.

  47. My favorite quote is “not our circus, not our monkeys” …this whole scene just cracked me up!

  48. “I pulled a hand-painted silk jacket over my ‘Attempted Murder’ T-shirt – it has two crows on it; think about it – and a pair of Seven jeans.” (I want this shirt.)

  49. “I was supposed to take you to dinner before dancing” . . .
    “Drake indicated that our date should be dinner and dancing?”
    “Drake is fourteen” when I read that I was picturing my 14 year old nephew giving my 26 year old son dating tips.
    “I have chocolate” is always the solution, even when it’s not.

  50. Well, if that wasn’t the kettle talking smack about the pot, I don’t know what was. Love this quote, I use it all the time.

  51. “Don’t let the blindness fool you, fledgling. The witch stabbed a nine-hundred-pound grizzly in the ass today. She just keeps her claws better hidden and painted pink.” From Kandy in Dowser #2. The color? OPI Feelin’ Hot Hot Hot 😍

    1. By the way, this isn’t my ALL TIME favorite. But it’s a good one. I always highlight as I read your books just because I know you’ll ask 😉

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