GIVEAWAY CLOSED. LUCKY #23 has been emailed.
I’m publishing my second monthly newsletter today (about 30 minutes after this post goes live). Each newsletter features a giveaway, along with some exclusive content (a recipe, Q&A, etc).
The giveaway for the 2nd edition newsletter is an autographed paperback of Trinkets, Treasures, and Other Bloody Magic (Dowser 2).
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I dug some old trinkets out of the bottom of my jewelry box for this bookstagram, including the key to the actual box. The angel is a Little Traveller.
Dowser 2 features a bunch of items – such as the featured cupcakes – that bring Jade comfort. My comfort items also include cupcakes (of course, and Cozy in a Cup specifically), but a great scented candle, a fantastic nail polish, and a pretty trinket can always bring a little joy to any dour day.
To enter the autographed paperback giveaway, comment below and let me know:
- What is your favourite ‘comfort’ item or food? And why?
Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. Each comment will be assigned an entry number. ONE winning entry will then be selected via random number generator. One entry per person. Please make sure to fill out a valid email address in the comment form. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than notifying the contest winner.
If you haven’t commented on the blog before, or you comment from a different IP address, the comments are moderated. So don’t worry if you don’t see your entry right away. I will approve it, then assign it an entry number.
Contest closes THURSDAY, JULY 7, 2016 at 8 p.m. PDT.
I have 2 polished hearts. One is made of Tigers Eye and the other is Amethyst. One was my husbands the other is mine. I now have then with me all the time. I feel comforted when they are with me. When I need the extra comfort, I hold them.
As far as comfort food…ugh..cupcakes! Especially, when I read the Dowser series!
Chocolate milkshakes! I used to make them for my father when I was younger all the time. I wish he were still alive so we could make them with the grandkids and great grandkids.
My comfort food is chocolate ice cream. My go to for everything. I always have it in the house. IDK why honestly, I just love the smooth ice cold creaminess of it. I eat it and all is right with the world
Blankets that I crochet are awesome to snuggle in on bad days. Also spending time with my horses and dogs cheers me up. When I had goats watching the kids play was always good for a laugh. Pie is my favorite comfort food. Can’t pick a favorite type though although blue banana pie is REALLY good!
My favorite comfort food is biscuits with chocolate gravy. Growing up, my mom always made this for special days and it just feels like home when I have it. Plus it’s chocolate!
Chicken and dumplings and my grandma’s Mac and Cheese! My hubby makes the first which is a fav when it’s really cold out and my grandma used to make the second every time we went to visit her. It was a favorite of all the grand kids!
I have a charm locket that has stones in it. Black tourmaline and rose quartz. They comfort me and make me feel safe when I wear them
A nice, rich cup of homemade hot chocolate. Sitting on the patio with my dogs next to me and a cat in my lap, soaking in the night sky and savoring my cup of warmth is very comforting for me
Cabbage soup. I know that sounds silly, but that’s what mine is
My grandfather’s tiger eye sapphire ring. He has passed and I feel like he is with me when I have it. Peanut butter cups are my comfort food.
I have a necklace that has my daughter’s thumbprint cast in silver. I never take it off. Whenever I feel like I need some reassurance or comfort I hold onto the thumbprint and breathe deeply and purposefully. It always seems to work.
I have a patchwork blanket I made years ago. It’s kinda getting frayed around the edges but it’s so soft and cuddly. I love sitting in my recliner with my blanket, a chocolate cupcake and reading a good fantasy. Total comfort zone.
My comfort item is a fleece no-sew blanket on which my husband embroidered things that mean things to me… Our kids’ names, a claddagh, roses, etc. I am a sucker for monster cookies!! Mmm!
Pot roast is my comfort food and mashed potatoes, but I prefer to make them by hand, so I need the time to make them too. Chocolate is a go to stress reliever along with a hot bath (bubbles or not) by some candlelight and relaxing with a good book like the dowser series.
I feel the same about the bath.
Spaghetti would be my comfort food. I’m one of ten children and this was something we had growing up …. no doubt due to the fact it went far on a relatively small budget.
I am a foodie, so my favorite comfort is probably jalapeno poppers. The ones with the cream cheese and not the cheddar filling. I would pick them for my comfort food, because my grandma was the one who introduced them to me, so they remind me of her. They were my go-to when I was pregnant and was probably the reason why I gained 50lbs, while creating life, but worth it.
My comfort item is my husband’s pillow. He passed 4 years ago but it still has a tiny bit of his scent.
Go to when I need my soul healed is hot fudge brownie pudding cake, warm from the oven with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Will cure almost anything.
My comfort food would be chocolate molton cake and I love to cuddle with soft fuzzy blankets!!
Pizza because I can select toppings according to my mood.
Sweet and Sour Meatballs from an old Betty Crocker cookbook. My mom used to make them and had her own little tweaks and making it (and eating it!) always reminds me of cooking with her.
My comfort food is mac and cheese. Warm and gooey just makes a person feel good. My favorite thing to cuddle with is my kitty.
Hmm,this is tuff. But my above all comfort item is an old red Hensley that belonged to my grandpa and he wore them almost religiously throughout the year even when it was really warm. It’s my go to when I really need that comfort, mainly when I need my grandpa. Since he passed away almost 13 years ago, I don’t exactly have him to give me a hug or the advice I always asked him for.
Water is a comfort item for me, whether it’s the ocean or a bath. It soothes my soul. Cupcakes or a chocolate bar is my go to comfort food. It just simply puts a smile on my face.
Lucky #23!! Emailing you now.
I have this necklace that I wear when I feel I need comfort or protection. As for food, I love mac and cheese – makes me feel good when I eat it. Sweets – definitely cupcakes!
Warm, chewy chocolate chip cookies. Dark chocolate chips, please. Yum.
Favorite comfort food and item for me is definitely chocolate and crochet!
My comfort item is my Ganesh statue I carry around with me all the time. He grounds me, helps me think clearly and gives me the space I need to make decisions etc.
He was bought in India by my parents a few years back and I’ve had him ever since.
My comfort food is dark chocolate or my mother’s homemade chicken noodle soup. The dark chocolate is just plain good. The chicken noodle soup is food I’ve eaten forever and reminds me of home.
I have to go with anything from my mom for comfort food – I think the specific food would depend on the mood at that moment. But chocolate as a default. My comfort item is snuggling with my son. He is five, I have to get in as many cuddles as I can!!!
My favorite comfort food would have to be fudge brownies or a fresh out of the oven yeast roll with gravy all over it. I always find comfort in a book, you can escape to another world & leave yours behind for a little while.
Hot chocolate cake is my go-to for comfort. The warm moist chocolate cake warms you from the inside out and makes everything fade for a while.
My favorite sweet comfort food is a French horn ( a pastry shells filled with either a vanilla or chocolate frosting like filling) or a triple chocolate cupcake with chocolate frosting. For savory that would be a 4 or 5 cheese homemade mac and cheese, baked in the oven until the cheese is golden brown on the top. And, left overs to be fried in a pan for crispies all over. Yum. Love this series, I tell anyone who asks (or not sometimes) what a great unique series! <3 thanks for the chance
Coke and Hershey large milk chocolate bar. Mom and I would split it and just hang out.
My favorite comfort food is bread pudding, not with bourbon sauce, just a simple homemade caramelized butter sauce. When I was young, we were very, very poor. My mother saved the heels from bread loaves in the freezer all year long, and during the winter holidays, she would turn those “cast offs” into the most wonderful bread pudding.
Now that I think of it, the heels of the bread are a huge guilty pleasure for me. Everyone in the house looks down on them, but I love to just have toast with jam from the heels.
In more ways than just physically, food shapes us. Lol.