Dowser Series: Audiobook CD giveaway

GIVEAWAY CLOSED. LUCKY #8 has been emailed.

In celebration of all six of the Dowser Series books now being available in audiobook form, I’m giving away ALL SIX of the Audiobook CDs pictured below. Whoot!


You can purchase the first audiobook, Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1) on AudibleAmazonB&N, and iTunes.

Would you like to win the entire Dowser Series audiobook library?


To enter comment below and let me know:

  1. What music do you hear playing in the background of Jade’s bakery, Cake in a Cup? Or what particular song epitomizes the Dowser Series for you? Or what bands are on your Dowser Series soundtrack? Or which song would be your favourite character’s theme song?

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. Each comment will be assigned an entry number. ONE winning entry will then be selected via random number generator. One entry per person. Please make sure to fill out a valid email address in the comment form. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than notifying the contest winner.

If you haven’t commented on the blog before, or you comment from a different IP address, the comments are moderated. So don’t worry if you don’t see your entry right away. I will approve it, then assign it an entry number.

Contest closes TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2016 at 8 p.m. PDT.


84 thoughts on “Dowser Series: Audiobook CD giveaway

  1. Wow, not something I can answer quickly, going to take some time to think on it. Type would depend on her mood…hmmm….

  2. This is what you came for by Calvin Harris and Rhianna playing as you walk into the bakery.. I definitely came for the cupcakes! 🙂

  3. I think the music in the bakery would be very eclectic and varied based on Jade’s mood. But I think it would be more coffeehouse stylings rather than the original performers.

      1. Congratulations, #8 (sniffle…) I’m really very happy for you (sniffle again…). Seriously – congrats…. awesome giveaway prize!

  4. Desmond is my favorite character and his theme song should be “Teach me Tiger” by Marilyn Monroe and yes she is breathless in this song too. — hope I posted this correctly

  5. Honestly, I don’t assign music to places or things… I’m actually a bit paralyzed by this question, and wondering what’s wrong with me! 😉 I love, love, love both the Dowser and Oracle series, though, and cannot wait for the next ones!

    1. There’s nothing wrong with you if I may say Amy, I was stumped by it too but I LOVE these books too so I had to take a shot.

  6. I hear an eclectic mix of relatively new music…. slow to medium beat, mostly… makes you want to sway while you wait in line, but not jump up and down.

  7. Bob Marley sun is shining right as Warner walks in for them to go on their dim sum date!!😀😍😍

  8. I’very always heard a little Stevie Ray Vaughan, and David Bowie in Cake in a Cup……mmm delicious!

  9. Oh, I love this! I definitely hear more folksy, singer/songwriter stuff in the bakery. Walkin on sunshine for Kandy, and portishead whenever Kett comes around 😉

  10. I think the music playing at Cake in a Cup would be the CD “Songs From A Secret Garden.

    The action adventure soundtrack would include:
    Wolves at the Door by Bad Seed Rising
    Warrior by Imagine Dragons
    I Am The Fire by Halestorm
    Hard Walkin’ Blues by Amanda Fish
    The Light by Disturbed
    The Vengeful One by Disturbed
    Breath Of Life by Florence and the Machine

    just to name a few.. LOL

  11. Well this is a tuff one for me, but I think that maybe Jade would have a variety of music playing in the bakery. Maybe some music that gets the customers to feel comfortable, relaxed, and excited about coming in to the bakery. Thank you for the chance to win these audiobooks.

  12. When I bake I like music I can dance and sing to so I can have fun while working, so I will go with dance music sort of like disco-ish, mixed with club music. Makes the day go by faster and keeps the mood light and on the happy side 😊

  13. Ok this is going to sound corny,bit every time Jade is kicking a** I literally hear Taylor Swifts song Shake It Off…I know I’m a dork but honestly listening the lyrics like “I’m lightening on my feet” so yeah lol. I hear it every time she is shaking loose getting ready to give someone a smack down 😁

  14. When I read these books,while Jade is in the bakery I hear music like lesbnese blonde by Theivery corporation (specifically Lebanese blonde), Tegan and Sara, Dog Days by Florence and the Machine, and wonderwall- the Ryan Adams version. Pepper in couple of up-beat Taylor Swift and Bruno Mars songs to encourage the occasional dance break or sing along, and I can almost smell the cupcakes 🙂

  15. Had the iPod on shuffle while reading Dowser 5. When Warner appeared in the ally Never Tear Us Apart by INXS came on. Made me ball twice as hard. I imagine an eclectic mix for the bakery. I’d like to hang there!

  16. I would think her music style would be all over the place. Not tied to any genre or decade. So here I go showing you my decades but maybe something lie, Moon Over Bourbon Street — Sting, A wolf at the Door — Radiohead, Black magic Woman — Santana, even Werewolves of London by Warren Zevon for some fun.

  17. I could easily hear groups like Coldplay, Fun, Snow Patrol, Mumford & Sons, Lindsey Stirling, and Bastille playing in the Bakery.

    If I could pick a song for Jade it would be Immortal by Marina and The Diamonds! It’s a great song and it makes me think of her and Warner.

  18. The song would be “Black Magic Woman” because it reminds me of my favorite cake recipe!

  19. Okay so when she’s in the club they play newer music but Jade can dance to any music as long as it has a good beat! So I wouldn’t stick with one genre…in the bakery probaly something light like… Yazoo- Only you.. or Birdy- Skinny Love

  20. Jade’s theme song is The Police “Every Little Thing She Does is Magic.” I especially like how the song swings from frenetic to flowing and back again.

  21. I agree with the other posters that the music would be eclectic. I hear Amy Winehouse-F Me Pumps or Valerie in the background. I also think she may play some oldies , definitely some jazz, a little Nina Simone, Sarah Vaughn, Billie Holiday.

  22. I listen to Bruno Mars on Pandora while reading. Keeps me moving. Always have Pandora on switch between Elvis, Spice Girls, Bruno is the go to also do old school rock and country.

  23. Jade’s song would be Titanium – by David Guetta feat.Sia
    In the bakery I think it would be Jack Johnson music

  24. Each customer would hear a different song that perfectly accompanied the cupcake (or mixture of cupcakes cookies etc) they were about to eat as the air strummed with the magic in jades cupcakes just waiting to be realised to dance through the senses of the person about to take a bite.

  25. At the café, the music would be eclectic, but I hear “The Promise” by Tracy Chapman. Kade’s background music would be “Boadicea” by Enya.

  26. My Demons by Starset is the anthem for Jade’s passion and loss of both Hudson and Sienna. She’s a strong character and feels so deeply. Even after reading a second time I still got choked up when Jade saw Hudson’s body under the trees. Heartbreaking.

  27. Norah Jones. She has something for everyone. How could she not be versatile with Ravi as her dad?

  28. My all time favorite song is Witchy Woman and since her mother and grandmother are most often found in the bakery I think this would be appropriate to be played there! 🙂

  29. I could see Jade playing a lot of ccol and soothing Sade in her bakery. Cool Operator would play every time Ket walks in!

  30. I think jade would have alternative girl power music on ….. Depending on her mood ….bec I also think because of kandy she would have songs playing that mention cake, candy, cookies, etc. also if the book were turned into a movie on the sound track should be Evenescence song wake me up on the fight scene when her sister dies.

  31. I always hear the tinkling of the trinkets that are hanging around the shop, the ceiling fans gently blowing them. Plus I smell the cupcakes baking too lol, not sure if that counts 🙂

  32. Totally non musical and after reading the above post can hear most of the songs playing in one scene or other, but I keep thinking “I am Woman” when I think of Jade…. so I’ll go with that.

  33. I hear an 80’s 90 mix of Rock and R&B right now I am hearing Def Leopards Pour Some Sugar on Me

  34. I can’t narrow it down to one artist or song. However, I see Jade rocking her socks off to good old fashioned hard rock. Everything from the Stones to contemporary rock.

  35. Oooh, this is so exciting! I’ve stayed up waaaay too late reading your books before bed. I spend my days on the road for work and would love to have your stories along for company. Love audiobooks!

  36. Forgot the song….that’s a tough one. These characters have a lot of sides and changing interpersonal dynamics. I love that they surprise us sometimes in their interests. I think the song changes from time to time. I’ve read a lot of the comments and can see a mood for just about everything. I can see introspective Bach cello to kick butt rock.

  37. My Dowser Series Soundtrack has multiple CD’s. LOL Kandy’s CD has a lot of Disturbed, Nine Inch Nails and Metallica songs. In the bakery, though, I think the music would be based on Jade’s moods, so very eclectic.

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