Reconstructionist Series: paperback giveaway

GIVEAWAY CLOSED. LUKCY #15 has been emailed.

Are you interested in adding three autographed paperbacks to your bookshelf?


Well, you’ve come to the right place. These three pretty paperbacks are looking for a good home.

To enter all you need to do is comment below and let me know you are willing to provide a suitable home for all three paperbacks in the Reconstructionist Series. Hopefully away from any damp and not too close to any open fire.

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. Each comment will be assigned an entry number. ONE winning entry will then be selected via random number generator. One entry per person. Please make sure to fill out a valid email address in the comment form. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than notifying the contest winner.

If you haven’t commented on the blog before, or you comment from a different IP address, the comments are moderated. So don’t worry if you don’t see your entry right away. I will approve it, then assign it an entry number.

Giveaway closes SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2017 at 8 p.m. PDT


Haven’t started the Reconstructionist Series yet? The first book is Catching Echoes. It is also the tenth book in the Adept Universe. Find the reading order here.

117 thoughts on “Reconstructionist Series: paperback giveaway

  1. Lol @ Mitzy…was going to say the same thing, but next to my Kim Harrison and Steven King.
    Lovely bookshelves by the way….just perfect, lol.
    Thanks for the chance Meghan ! Good luck everyone <3

  2. Love all of your books! I have only purchased your ebooks, so would love to have real books with your name on my bookshelves!

  3. I have an amazing home for those three books. They would have 1100 plus friends yo keep them company. Not only that, they would have a nice warm library to live in and would be taken out for exercise on s regular basis. LMFAO!!!

  4. I just moved to a new downsized home. Because we are empty nesters! Yay! Lol! So I will have a place of honor in MY new office on my bookshelf for these beauties!

  5. I’d give them the PERFECT home and read them and love them, and always remember how winning them was the best way to celebrate the world not ending on 9/23/17 🙂

  6. I have the perfect space for these books! I have read all your books and enjoy reading about each of the characters! I only have them on ebook though. I would love to have this set

  7. My bookshelf would love to have them. I will make sure there is a safe place on the top shelf for them away from little hands.

  8. The book covers are so beautiful, they would look awesome on my bookshelf! I’m trying to build up my book collection. Bookshelves are the best pieces of furniture in a house.

  9. I would so love to adopt these beloved books! My daughter and I love all of your books and they would be cherished in a smoke free home up high on a bookshelf after being read to protect them from my pup.

  10. My book shelves are getting a little crowded… Time to expand!! My knickknacks are getting kicked out to make way for these pretties! Because optimism means the RNG will pick me, right? Right?!

  11. We are in the process of buying a new house; where I already told my husband I must have my own space which will be my library…so I can escape these vampires, I mean kids, lol! Reconstructionist will be greatly guarded by the kid proof gates!

  12. I would be thrilled to provide these wonderful books a new home! I cannot wait to read the newest book! I have been waiting for the paperback!!!!

  13. Love all of your books, of course. These 3 books would have an honored spot right next to my prized possessions, my Disney snowglobes that my children have gotten me.

  14. I would love to have these books in my bookcase. I have a side table that looks as if it were made of tomes that they would look fabulous sitting on.

  15. Same as Libby – I love having paper copies of my favourite books, there’s just something about the feel and smell of a book in your hands… and like Alisha I would keep them safely away from my little one!! 🙂

  16. Yes! I am definitely willing to provide a home for these books. Thank for the chance to win these. I love your books!

  17. I would be delighted to open my home to those cuddly, little books. We will provide some comfortable accommodations and a whole community of books for them to socialize. They will be housed in a five-story bookshelf, near the top for alphabetical purposes, so they will have an ideal view of our living room. We’ll restrict TV watching to less than 5 hours a week and invite them to participate in midnight reading marathons.

  18. Omg yes I have plenty of room now that I have a newer bookshelf 😁 I would love to have these three books in my collection!

  19. I would love to have this great set in my possession! I love the smell of an amazing paperback and the feeling of paper under my fingers!!!

  20. Forget the bookshelf these belong on my nightstand! Then Whenever I’m living in my head too much I can reach for one of these and live in a great story!

  21. I’m about to move to a bigger place so will need more shelves & can’t wait to rescue / adopt / love more books to beautify my new home.

  22. I would happily give the books a forever home!
    Then I could lend them to responsible friends and get them hooked just like myself 😉

  23. My bookshelves would be happy to house the books. They would fit right in. One can NEVER have too many books 😉

  24. I would love to have these in my bookcase. Thanks for all your giveaways. I devour your books when they come out.

  25. I promise if I win the books will be treated properly. They will live in a lovely space on my book shelf where they will be dry and happy, making friends with my other books!

  26. I donated my paperbacks to the library when we were remodeling our home in preparation for our miracle baby. I would love to start a new collection of paperbacks. 🙂

  27. I think it would be good to guarantee a set on a bookshelf in the uk … I promise they would be allowed to holiday on each of my friends’ bookcases in turn

  28. I’m in a town house, and I have absolutely no space. But I’d gladly have my mom keep these in mint condition until we move into our new place next year! 🙂

  29. I have all of your ebooks’ EXCEPT the Reconstructionist series!! I really need to read them and this is the perfect opportunity!!

  30. My library-yes! A whole room for books (but there are more shelves of books outside it in the house) is happy to make room for more books especially these 3. Wisteria will be right next to Rachel 😋! I’ll even go buy another extra book cabinet I know I need already…😝

  31. So I don’t have a bookshelf….lol. But I’d love to have these! Best part is to read them at anytime and anywhere. I’m excited and I’d love to have them And of course give them the best home in the world! Good luck everyone. Xoxo smooches!

  32. I read The entire series on my kindle in the last month and reserve space on my book shelves for only my most favorite books. I would love to add these!!

  33. My book case is longing to have this three books grace it’s shelves. It has been so long since I bought a ‘real’ book (rather than a digital one), that my bookcase feels rather neglected.

  34. I can definitely give them a safe haven either on my bedside table or in the bookcase with Terry Brooks and Robert Jordan

  35. I would love these. I just recently started collecting the paperback/hard cover versions of my favorite e-books. These would be perfect to help my bookshelf grow 🙂 Your books will be sitting next to my Kim Harrison and Ilona Andrews books 🙂

  36. I really love the Reconstructionist series. I wasn’t sure I would. I wanted more of Jade. But, I really loved them. Couldn’t wait for release day. Now I’m totally hooked on The Alchemist, the Oracle and the Reconstuctionist. I NEED MORE!!!!
    Thanks. Rejana

  37. My bookshelf has gotten so spoiled lately with the Dowser series I think these cuties wpyld be the perfect fit!

  38. My husband recently built me a second story to house all of my books. My sanctuary/library would be the perfect place for your wonderful books to live and be loved! Thanks for the chance 😊

  39. I have the perfect location for these beauties on my book shelf! I love your books they have become some of my all time faves.

  40. I have a great place for these beauty’s! Right between my Darynda Jones and J. R Ward 😉 they’ll be snugly just in there 😀 then I would have them to hand whenever I wanted to re read them 😀

  41. I am a criminal prosecutor and your books have become such a welcome respite from my reality. I would give these 3 books so much love and attention that we may require our own reality show 🙂

  42. I have a new book case badly needing to be filled. Why not some signed books by one of my favorite authors!! Loving everything you have written.

  43. Oh yes please Megan. I promise to love them an squeeze them and pet them and… LOL. Quoting a WB bugs bunny cartoon is just too exhausting! hehehehe. They’ll have a place of reverence in my home. :o)

  44. The books would have a great spot to settle in right beside the signed copy of Dowser 1 I purchased from The Bookworm Box.

  45. I would love to give these books a good home. I know they were written in the far north and I think they would love to spend the winter where I live in southern Georgia. I also never dog-ear or write in the margins!

  46. A fan of fantasy from my long ago childhood I love your books. It would be a true treasure to have paper copies which I could lend my friends and get them hooked on your universe too. Promise to treat them with care like my favourite cashmere sweater

  47. YES!!! I promise to give them a wonderful home on my book shelf. They would be loved and cherished. And reread over and over again.

  48. Yes, I would love to take care of your books for you! I have a wonderful new home for them to go to right on my bookshelf, where they can spend time making friends with others! <3

  49. Haven’t read them yet. Would love to have them. After reading they will go on my bookshelf that is located in my livingroom filled with books. AWAY from fire, water or any damage!! I love my books almost as much as my adult kids. 😀 BUT MOSTLY just that you would be sending them would make them super awesome.

  50. I have a space next to Trinkets ,Treasures and other Bloody Magic that needs to be filled. Also to add to the collection of signed books by Meghan! Can assure you there is plenty of room for them on my warm dry bookcase 📕📗📙

  51. Good luck everyone! I didn’t know what to say, so I just wrote down everything.

    The Struggle Is Real (people):

    *Internally screaming*
    Brain: calm down, girl. Be cool about this. Relax.
    Mouth: Hey….
    Brain: Okay, that’s good. Why don’t you try a full sentence?
    Heart: *stares at books* I Ioooove you. 😍
    Mouth: Umm… Hi.
    Brain: Guys, this is not being cool. Mouth, try again. Heart, please calm down. It’s not like your life depends on reiceving these books, is it?
    Heart: 😱But it does.
    Brain: No, it doesn’t.
    Heart: Does, too!
    Brain: Calm down. Seriously.
    Heart: B-but they’re sooooooo preeeetty. 😍😍😍😍And we love Kett! WE’VE ALWAYS LOVED KETT.
    Brain: Then go read the Dowser book series.
    Heart: But I want him to end up with someone (because he’s so adorable)!
    Brain: You have like, a hundred books. Go read one of them. I’m sure you’ll find something to satisfy your ‘adorable vampire’ craving.
    Heart: *Slows with sadness* I got Eyes to look already. There’s nothing like the Reconstructionist series. I have a hole. It needs to be filled. 😭
    Brain: Buy the online copy, then. The Ebook things.
    Heart: It’s not the same.
    Brain: Go read all the excepts again and eat loads of chocolate ice-cream while you’re doing it. Mouth, where are you?
    Brain: What’s wrong? Why aren’t you saying anything?
    Brain: Okay, fine. I’ll do this my myself.
    (More silence)
    (Embarrassingly long silence)
    Heart: Brain, you’re hurting me. Why aren’t you saying anything?
    Brain: I’m practicing.
    Heart: I’m sorry, you’re doing what?
    Brain: I’m practicing what to say. You know, in my head… So I don’t sound weird.
    Heart: Oh, okay. That’s good. Do you know what would be even better?
    Brain:… No idea. What?
    Heart: Speaking out loud! You’re killing me!
    Brain: There’s just so much pressure… I suppose actually talking is the next logical step.
    Heart: Stop thinking! Feeeeel. Tell the author how fabulous she is and how we’ll take wonderful care of her books —
    Brain: IF! If we get them.
    Mouth: *Quietly to self* If, if is good.
    Heart: *continues as though brain and mouth hasn’t spoken* in our quiet little home in the south of England (UK, not New England). My book shelf even has a nice view! It’s at an angle so will be able to see outside, my artwork and the fireplace — so the books will be happy.
    Brain:… Wait, what? That doesn’t make sense.
    Heart: *ignores brain* because they’re beautiful and pretty and we’d really love – LOVE – to have them beside my always-expanding collection of urban fantasy books. They’ll go on my ‘all time favourite shelf’ in-between the Kate Daniels and Dowser series!
    Brain: Orrrrrrr we can make a Meghan Ciana Doige sandwich and have the Kate Daniels book series in the middle!
    Heart: That’s perfect! *Preens and beats rapidly with excitement*
    Brain: Okay. Heart’s speech sounds a little pushy and desperate, but it’s the best we’ve got. Mouth, you’re up!
    Mouth: I… Your books are really pretty.
    Hand: *Slaps face* You guys are so pathetic.

  52. Wow. Just received this email for the drawing on the morning of 9/25/17… oh, well I still love all your books in ebook format.

  53. Sadly, I missed this. I teach English and reading. My classroom library would have welcomed them with open arms. All 12 books and the short stories are ebooks, but never fear! I have kindles in my classroom, so they are shared. 😍

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