Morana “Mory” Novak: Necromancer. Soul seer. Junior specialist for the witches’ Convocation. The wielder’s necromancer. Purple hair, naturally ash brown. With shades of blue in Dowser 7. In Oracle 3, it was sunset-dyed. In Misfits 1, her hair is a deep purple streaked with pink and light blue. Large dark brown eyes, round cheeks, short and petite. “Pixie-like.” Brother: Rusty (d). Mother: Danica. Father was a witch, descended from the founding members of the Godfrey coven, who died before she was born. DOB: February 8, 1998. 15 years old in Dowser 2, 19 in Dowser 7, 21 in Misfits 1. Obsessed with knitting. Lives in a weathered cream-colored Georgian manor in Shaughnessy, with a laurel hedge, wrought iron fence, marble entrance way, massive library, and eight bedrooms. Empty pool, and an overgrown yard. Apprenticed to Pearl, head of the Convocation. Graduated the Academy in 2019. Best friends with Burgundy, witch. According to Jade, her magic tastes like toasted marshmallows with a candied violet undertone. Objects of power: a heavy linked silver chain and thinner flat-linked gold chain, with a jade stone in a cage made from gold bangles, made by Jade, and modified into a coin-ladened necklace by Dowser 7. Dead red-eared slider named Ed, animated with Mory’s power and further enhanced when Jade bled all over him in Dowser 9. Knitting needles that amplify her own ability to wield soul magic.
Mory first appeared in Trinkets, Treasures, and Other Bloody Magic (Dowser 2) as well as the other books in the Dowser series. She narrates the first novella in Graveyards, Visions, and Other Things that Byte (Dowser 8.5), and is the main character in Misplaced Souls (Misfits 1).

ADORE her, she’s just how I think she’d look in RL <3 and with Ed <3
Mory is definitely one of my faves
Me too!!
Those are amazing
Memo really rocks!!
Just perfect!
As if I couldnt love your characters more, Mory just skyrocketed to the top of my list. How can I not love my birthday twin? She is 25 years younger but that is just semantics.
Yay! Just yay!
Love Ed. Love the necklace. Love “her tombstone”. Love “Kandy’s” shirt. Just keeps me wrapped up in her character. I sooo need an Ed shirt!!! ♥️
Love these sketches! I’m so tempted to start my own version of Mory or Jades necklace, but without being an alchemist, I’m worried it wont turn out as splendidly. Thanks for sharing!
Any way we can download these to my computer
Did you see the wallpapers, Teri? They are all sized for download. With instructions on how to do it.
I never thought I would LOVE a necromancer who knits and her undead red-eared slider.. But then I found MCD and learned that ANYTHING is possible and everything is exciting. LOVE all of your characters.
OMG! this is perfect! I love her “pixie like” appearance! Do you think we could potentially have companion compendium of artefacts, places and people? That would be AWESOME!!……… You know when you have time
Amazingly captured in the second sketch. She shows the attitude that always bugs Jade.
Love the sketches.