I don’t usually open up discussion threads on my blog, but I just dropped In But a Moment (Moments of the Adept Universe 0.1) (aka a Kandy prequel novelette) into the inboxes of my newsletter subscribers and realized that you all might like have one place where you could discuss it as a group.
The novelette reveals lots of little bits of the ‘evolution’ of Kandy from an 18-year-old to the 31-year-old who appears in Misfits 1 (as well as all the Dowser books and Oracle 1, of course). I’m planning on at least one more story from Kandy’s POV in 2021 and she also narrates the upcoming Misfits 2. The shorts are most definitely prequels for the plot that unfolds in the second novel of the Misfits of the Adept Universe.
Click here for Kandy’s bio and sketches.

Assume there are spoilers for the novelette, as well as any Kandy book, in the comments below.
Feel free to discuss among yourselves (I believe there is a follow comments button? So you can see if anyone replies, etc?).
I hope you enjoyed the read!!
I loved going back and hearing about Kandy when she was younger! I was a little lost as to the names of some of the wolves since it’s been quite a while since I read any of the Dowser books, but that just made me want to go back and read them again. Very sly, Meghan haha!
All new characters except for Kandy and Audrey. 😊
Well that makes sense then!
I enjoyed reading a younger Kandy
Where was this? I read all the newsletters but I didn’t get this one, can anyone help please
Sue check your email that you signed up with for the newsletter, then scroll down. Check your junk mail.
I didn’t get this either. I checked my junk, spam and deleted folders and could not find it. I did get the announcement. just not the link to the short story
There was no ‘link’ to the short story, Diane. It was in the newsletter. I’m not sure what you mean by ‘announcement’ but you have to be subscribed to the newsletter, not just the blog.
Oh my goodness! What a fun read. Thank you, Meghan. I’ve grown so used to Kandy being the Wielder’s Wolf that I’ve forgotten they weren’t always BFF’s. Quite some interesting insights into her background. Is this the same Audrey that becomes Beta of the West Coast pack? If so, it must have been an upheaval for the pack to have two of the strongest members leave.
Can’t wait for the next glimpse into the past! (Yay for Archivist chapter tomorrow!)
Yes! Same Audrey.
I absolutely loved and cannot wait for the entire group to come out! I am so excited by this.
It is fun!
Have been having a crummy old week, so this cheeky little surprise has really cheered me up! Thank you ☺️
I love this insight into Kandy! She is multilayered and more mysterious than ever! I recognized Audrey – so now I need to know what happened to move her to the west coast- and Audrey ….
The next short should explain Kandy’s move (though not entirely). And Audrey showed up between Dowser 1 and 2 when Hudson’s death left a hole in the pack. Different story. Though the Kandy shorts should give some insight. And then Misfits 2.
Absolutely loved the story with Candy. I didn’t want it to end. Thank you!
❤️ Me either. So I’m already working on the next one. 🤣
I loved Kandy’s story! She’s one of my favorite characters, so I loved getting a glimpse into her past. I’m really curious what happened that caused both Kandy and Audrey to love to the west coast pack.
Audrey went to the West Coast Pack because Hudson died and they needed a new second. 🙁 R.I.P. Hudson…
Yep. Sigh. But WHY did Audrey abandon her status as pack princess on the East Coast … that part MIGHT be interesting too. I mean, my sort of ‘interesting’. 😂
I’m only about a quarter of the way they, cuz life, but I’m already loving the interactive between Kandy and Audrey (whom I love to hate)!!
Audrey appears in Misfits 2 as well!! If that wasn’t already obvious … 😂
Oh this makes me happy!
I managed to read this while shorty was watching Scooby Doo so I could read it in one shot and holy green guacamole!
Dedra is kinda sus. And although kandy seem enraptured with her and I was sitting and thinking at her that she should be on guard about all those questions she was asking.
Yeah, Dedra is definitely is a really, really rough position. Though she does also like Kandy.
I wonder how much of Dedra’s sus is past experience and how much is future planning… pretty sure she has something to do with why Kandy leaves. Heartbreak is def coming up. TT_TT
I haven’t received the Kandy story yet but I checked to see if I was subscribed. Sadly, I did not check my junk to see if it was in there (altho all of your posts always make it into my IN box). Is there anyway for me to receive that story? So sorry!! I love all of your writing. Thank you for bringing such a wonderful imagination to us all!!!
You have to be subscribed to the NEWSLETTER not the BLOG to have received the email. As I mentioned multiple times over the last few weeks. If you double checked that you are subscribed to the newsletter (NOT THE BLOG) then you need to check your junk/spam/promo. If it’s not in those then your email provider has decided not to deliver it and there is absolutely nothing I can do about that. And no, I’m not sending out individual emails to everyone who asks. I tried to be very very clear about that and about how it was going to work, again numerous times. I’m sure you can understand with a readership of thousands how I can’t possibly send out individual emails. The good thing is the story will be bundled at the end of the year and put up for sale on all retailers.
Oh dear – NEVER MIND! It was in my Junk folder! Sorry for the alarm but I am dying to read this. Ok, grabbing my tea and granola so I can settle in, on this really blustery cold but sunny day in Virginia. How appropriate that I’m reading this today – tonight we get a Wolf Moon!! Thank you!!
I LOVE THIS STORY. Mainly, because I love the character. But, then, all because you create such great characters. Your development of all of your characters is so intentional and unique. Thank you for being such a gifted writer. I hope that you never stop writing.
Oh wow loved reading this, thanks so much Meghan for delighting us your readers. So cool to find out where Kandy came from and what her younger self was like. Only knowing the older green haired strong werewolf with her eclectic mix of a pack to care for, of course it surprised me! Although already I can see she is strong and her own person even at that young age. And Audrey turned up – who knew! It’s just perfect the way all your books have links to each other.Can wait to read more of Kandy’s story.
I really enjoyed this glimpse into the younger Kandy! I’m eagerly waiting more. I need to know more about how Dedra so easily commanded Kandy. That can’t be good!
Falling for someone can change a person …
Ahhhh!!! It took me longer than usual to read it today thanks to a headache/nerve pain, but I couldn’t wait. I had to power through it. I am loving the back story and learning more about Kandy. Also, whew!! It got warm in here. You can bring the heat. I can’t wait for the next piece. Perfectly written. Thank you for sharing this with us!
This not only met my expectations but exceeded them! Such a beautiful look into her past and the inner workings of pack life, sexy, scary and full of so many pack rules. Thank you, I’m so grateful for the short x
I’m so glad you enjoyed it!!
Anyone else had “I want candy” by Bow Wow Wow going through their head all day?
I love Kandy’s story!! It’s so good to hear about her background – before she met Jade.
Loved, loved, loved this look back into Kandy’s past. Made me tear up. Can’t wait to read her book! She has always been one of my favorite characters. Exceptional writing as always. MCD never fails to amaze.
Amazing like always! It took me a moment at one point to realize I was reading about the same person with the typo’s of Dedra being Debra, it happens. Love the little tidbit about why her hair is so short now 😀 I look forward to the next installment of this backstory.
Ugh, yes. Such an annoying typo!! Apparently I need my prescription checked. Ha. I love that idea of that hair cut!!! Made me grin while writing it.
Oh sweet Kandy! My heart breaks for her. Audrey too. So thankful for this insight into both of them. Now we know why Kandy finally made the break and headed west. I’m guessing that Justin’s death (and the plotting) is also why Audrey heads west.