Archivist 1: early reviews

I’ve been struggling with a crazy, insanely ramped-up headache that might be from my Covid19 (Moderna) shot?? Or might be from the HRT (Estradot) that I was taking to try to alleviate the perimenopause hell that has engulfed my life for almost two years now. I removed the patch just under a week ago to try to break the headache, so it’s down to its more typical low roar now. And of course, all the other symptoms are flooding back. Grrr!!

Anyway! That’s a long preamble to explain that, while I should be promoting my new release, Invoking Infinity (Archivist 1), I have instead been belatedly doing taxes and trying to keep myself somewhat functional. However! during that time, Michael has been reading some of my lovely reader reviews to me. And you all seriously rock (double thanks to everyone sharing those reviews online, since apparently, I’m shirking my marketing duties).

Here is one of Michael’s favs (he especially loved the gated courtyard comment):

Review from Amazon USA. Thank you, D. Stoneman!!

Here is one of my favs (b/c six more words required is dumb!) 😀 :

Review via Amazon USA. Thank you, Mimi!!

Click here to read all of the absolutely lovely reviews on Amazon (all countries).

Via Kobo. Um, Caroline … just being mentioned in the same grouping of sentences … okay, same paragraph … with MY fav authors thrills me!!!

Review via Kobo. Thanks, Caroline!

All the reviews over on Goodreads are lovely, but I’m so pleased that Micca thinks Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0) adds to the story as well!!

Review via Goodreads. Thank you Micca!

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to leave a review/rating on their preferred retailer! Your support means so, so much, especially when I’m not putting out my best effort myself.

I’m so glad that you all appear to be enjoying Dusk’s series. More Dusk and Sisu and Kellan and Ravine (etc) to come! Book two is all outlined and the first two chapters have been written … and, seriously, the ending of book two is going to be amazing (if I say so myself).

7 thoughts on “Archivist 1: early reviews

  1. I’m a chronic migraineur too. The shot did give me about a two week headache as well. Take care.

  2. Wow you already know the ending of book 2!!! Cool. I literally read the book twice back to back (and then read the last three chapters again as well). Do you envision 3x books for Dusk (like Rochelle or Wisteria) or 5x books (like Emma)? or do we get to follow Dusk on a journey like Jade?
    p.s. I really hope you get some relief from your headaches soon. it must truly suck to have them occur constantly

    1. The Archivist and Amplifier are ongoing series (as long as I have stories to tell). The Dowser was actually three trilogies. So glad you enjoyed Archivist 1!!!

  3. I can’t believe what you accomplish with the on-going headaches you have – when I have one, I’m out for the day!

    I seriously loved Archivist 1 – Dusk is such a strong character! I love that she thinks so too haha! Seriously can’t wait for Archivist 2!

    1. Unfortunately I just couldn’t completely stop. Otherwise I wouldn’t have done anything for almost two years now. And that’s worse, if I give into the headache. Though occasionally it is so bad I just have to ride it out. I’m so so glad you enjoyed Archivist 1!!

  4. I have loved each and everyone of your books in the Adept Universe. I feel fully immersed when reading your books. Though I miss Jade, I’m enjoying getting to know Dusk and her world. Your characters are so well rounded, I’m a little saddened when their stories are over. I wished we had gotten more of Wisteria and Kett’s story.

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