Sometimes all you can do is a …

… page one rewrite. After talking my issue(s!!) (see my last blog post) with writing the next Amplifier book over with Michael ad nauseam, I finally came to the conclusion earlier this morning that I was forcing Amplifier 5 to be something it was never meant to be – a full-length novel. I was trying to combine the next two Amplifier stories (aka not necessarily novels) into one book, gearing up for capping the series at book 6 (technically a seven-book arc, plus shorts, counting the prequel).

And now that I’ve come to that conclusion the only thing I can do about it is … a page one rewrite.

*cue silent weeping*

On rare occasions, even a detailed plot and well-utilized notebook aren’t a solid enough structure on which to build a great novel.

It’s been a long, long time since I’ve gone so far off track (with an outlined book!!) that I needed to scrap everything and reimagine the story I wanted to tell. I actually can’t remember the last time I had to start with a blank page, and in this case, a new blank notebook.

Thank goodness I have a habit of overbuying notebooks! LOL

Here we go!

New notebook + redraft = a fresh start for Amplifier 5.

To clarify, Amplifier 5 will (likely) will now consist of an Emma novella and a Zans novella. And the projected release date will definitely shift further into 2022. Though, thankfully, I have a draft of the Zans story already done.

Here we go (for the fourth time)!

23 thoughts on “Sometimes all you can do is a …

    1. You can’t put your name on something you don’t like! I’ll personally wait for anything you write, because your integrity makes it all worth the wait.

  1. Me…eagerly awaiting more Amplifier stories …
    Me too… eagerly awaiting more Archivist stories…
    Still me… eagerly awaiting anything you write, any way you choose to write it!

  2. Completely agree with the previous two comments. I have absolute faith that whatever form the writing takes will be exactly what I wanted to read (so get busy woman 🙂 said with total love and patience)

  3. Anything you write, any way you write it, it will be something I will get joy out of. No preconceived notions, no expectations. You just do you!

  4. Looking forward to whatever form the next Amplifier book takes. And any new book you write! I have loved every single one of them and will patiently await the next one. Thank you for bringing so much pleasure into my life and that of many other readers! Take care!

  5. Whatever you do with this book I will love reading it! These are your stories snd your imagination. I feel privileged to have a chance to read whatever you publish. Reading your books always makes my day better! 😊🌺

  6. I will happily read anything you write. Even your shopping list – mmmm chocolate – so you do you. You do it so much better than anyone else could.

  7. I totally agree with what has been said here – go where the muse takes you – I have adored all that I have read – and I eagerly await all the gets released…. In whatever form that it does get released 😁

  8. You’ve got to do what feels right. Forcing something never works well. Your stories and characters are wonderful and will always be worth the wait. Your books always have such a wonderful way of leaving me completely satisfied with the story and wanting more all at the same time. You have a truly remarkable gift.

  9. The best books write themselves. Your characters know who they are and what they want to do, you just get to put it to paper. Good luck.

  10. The only DNF I had in my five manuscripts so far was the one I’d planned extensively on. Weird how it works sometimes. But you have so many books to your name so this is going to be a walk in the park for you. Have fun with the journey restart!

  11. I know it isn’t the same as writing a book, and knowing you knit, I just had to restart a child’s sweater for the fourth time and it is a pattern I’ve made six times. So sometimes our brains just don’t want to work the way we want but we eventually get it right. I’ll read the stories any way you wish to present them. Thank you for your wonderful imagination which you share.

  12. Luck and love, may Emma find what she needs to spend time in the light!

    Can’t wait to see how her relationship with the Vancouver coven develops

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