Amplifier 5: audiobook now available & giveaway

I am chuffed to announce the epically brilliant Tia Rider has once again lent her understated, dulcet tones to the Amplifier Series, bringing a more emotional Emma – and Instincts and Impostors (Amplifier 5) specifically – to audiobook.


AMAZON (via all stores)

iTUNES (all stores)


I’m giving away ten download codes (USA or UK Audible)!

To enter: let me know why you love listening to audiobooks in the comments!

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. One entry per person. One winner will be selected by random number generator. Only entries that follow the stated requirements will be valid. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than to contact the winner. No purchase necessary. The comments are moderated. I will approve your entry just as soon as I have a moment to do so.

Giveaway closes SUNDAY, NOV 13, 2022 at 8pm PST.

46 thoughts on “Amplifier 5: audiobook now available & giveaway

  1. Audiobooks allow me to multi-task, I can “read” while driving, walking the dog, doing work. I find, also, if I’ve read a book, a “re-read” of the audiobook can fill in some gaps from the first time thru the story…

  2. I just listened to my 1st Amplifier audio books recently and I loved putting a voice to Emma.
    I live audiobooks because I can listen to them all day at work. Makes my day more exciting!

  3. I like to read first then listen to audio while I’m multitasking so I can catch parts I may have not paid attention to at first.

  4. Don’t include me. For the record, I also need to read it first, then I can listen. That way I get to enjoy it again, but don’t have to give it 100% focus.

    I’m going over to buy it right now. The big decision is: Do I listen to it immediately, or do I start back on book 0? Decisions, decisions. 🙄

  5. I love listening to audiobooks in the car because it helps with my anxiety when I’m driving. I’m able to be calm and focus on something other than just driving.

  6. I like listening to audio books while I do house chores or when driving by myself. I buy the audios of books that I’ve read and loved so I can experience them again in a new way.

  7. Because….drum roll please…I get to listen to books while commuting as well!! I used to love taking public transit before cos I could read hardcover or ebooks, but with the development of audiobooks, I can drive and still catch up on my favorite books. You know I love a book when I have it in ebook and audio format as well.

  8. For me it’s the fact that I get to ‘hear’ the voices as the author wants me to. I love being immersed in to the world created by another and feeling, hearing, seeing it as they imagined. Sounds a little stalkerish now that I’ve tried to explain it! 😂😂😂

  9. I never liked listening to audiobooks until I tried yours. You work to pick the perfect readers for each series. I love listening to your audiobooks and have almost every book in audio that you have published. I can’t wait to get this one and the archivist series to collection.
    Thank you for adding this option. I have your wonderful world with me wherever I go.

  10. I love listening to audiobooks because I can do something and don’t have to stop reading. Traffic is slow- no problem, I can listen to more of the story. No one to walk with- no problem, the book will keep me company. Clean the house- no problem, the book will help the time fly. Audiobooks keep the stories going.

  11. I love listening to your audiobooks because it gives me a different perspective on the characters and the story. Perhaps “hearing” a good story reaches a different part of my consciousness than “reading” a story. Plus…you write such great stories that I love visiting them over and over ❤️

  12. I’ve been listening to audiobooks as a way to wind down from a busy day. I just finished Dowser 1. I will never ever get over Hudson.

  13. I actually didn’t start listening to audiobooks until one of your giveaways last year. I figured I would give it a try. Thank you for that! I found out how much I’ve been missing out. I am able to be more motivated because I can do chores, drive or whatever and listen.

  14. I find that I get different things from reading a book then listening to the audio book. I had problems reading a few years ago and started listening to audio books. When I did I realized that I sometimes must skip over stuff when I am reading as I can listen to an audio book I have read multiple times and swear it is all new to me! So now I read the book and then listen to the audio book. Its like having two new books every time a new book comes out.

  15. I love listening to audiobooks because they help me get more immersed in the story, but also sometimes I can’t focus on just reading the book, so it helps me focus when I want to read but can’t focus

  16. I love listening to the audiobooks because I can listen while I am working or baking and it’s nice to be able to listen to your stories and also be able to move around at the same time. I often end up loosing my concentration and can’t sit for too long when reading physical books, so the audiobooks help with that!

  17. I started listening to audiobooks this year while cooking, but I decided that they are even better suited to time spent stitching or knitting.

  18. I love listening to audio books because they make my 2 hour plus daily commute not feel like a waste of time. I get to “read” when I otherwise wouldn’t be able to. And a good book can get me out the door excited rather than dreading the commute, knowing I have a good book to “read” boosts my mood.

  19. I worked the election on Tuesday for our county and it included over 300 miles of driving. One of your audio books, Mystics, kept me company during the very long day. Thank you!

  20. I read at night but have trouble “putting down” your books (or e-books). Audiobooks remind me of being read to sleep as a kid and are much more likely to give me a good night’s rest (though I often have to rewind a fair bit each day)! Thanks for all the great stories!

  21. I love listening to audiobooks because, my husband is blind & we listen to audiobooks together. It’s a bonding time & what better way to do that than listening to our favorite books, visualizing the characters, immersing into roles each of us identify with & later discuss it with excitement…

  22. I’ve read the books and listening to the audio books have really helped with my anxiety and helped me build healthy routines of going out for walks and being more active! They’re amazing!

  23. I love to listen to audiobooks because the narrators help bring the stories to life, especially when the narrators are well matched for the book.

  24. I recently won and listened to my 1st Amplifier audio book. I loved hearing the story in Emmas voice. I am able to listen to audibles at work – makes the day so much more exciting!

  25. I find that when I read a book, my eyes move so quickly across the page that I miss details. When I listen to audiobooks, I am often more immersed and catch the details better. I will normally buy both the written version and the audiobook of the same book to get the best of all worlds.

  26. I have been living with blindness after a life of loving books. I was that kid with a book in hand and one in the messenger bag. I rely on audio books. On a side note, I have named two of my Siamese cats Knox and Sisu! Adore your work!

  27. Listening to audio books help distract my chattering mind when I am unable to concentrate at work. I’ve read all the books in the Dowser universe and am now listening to them on audio book.

  28. I use audio books to motivate me to exercise. They are my treat for being active! Your books are excellent treats!

  29. I love listening to audiobooks when I am doing chores, working on projects, driving, or just about any time where I do not need to focus on something and can lose myself in the story. I am dyslexic and although I love reading, when I am tired, I find this very difficult so audiobooks are the perfect way to immerse myself and escape with ease.

  30. My fitness level depends upon audio books. I get very bored with exercise and listening to an audio book keeps me motivated to get out.

  31. I listen to audio books in the car. I tend to get sleepy when I drive, and books keep my attention better than music on longer drives. The right narration (which you have!) makes or breaks a book. Plus I like to hear another person’s take on the voices that I hear in my head when I’ve read the book first.
    Thank you, Meghan, for the chance to win!!!

  32. I love listening to audiobooks because they give life and expression to the characters in a way written word alone cannot. Also, they help me get to know the author’s vision of the character better by their choice of character narrators. And audiobooks are like an audio play, and I love the creativity required for that kind of performance, especially without the option of visuals for enhancement.

  33. I am an avid baker, quilter and goat milker so audio books allow me to do all those things and get my book fix in too. I love that technology helps multitasking.

  34. I have never listened to an audio book but I’m intrigued to hear if hearing your characters speak to me will enhance my enjoyment
    My eyesight is starting to become fuzzy and I see this as a way I can still endulge in the fantasy. Although I think it will mean I will be listening more than I read. Fingers crossed 🤞🤗

  35. I love listening to audio books either when I’m doing jobs or to help me get to sleep when my brain is too busy. The narrator also brings the book to life, separate to the way how I read it in my head 🙂

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