About Meghan: FAQ & TBR

Hi! I’m the author of the urban fantasy Adept Universe, including the Dowser, Oracle, Reconstructionist, Amplifier, Archivist, and Misfits of the Adept Universe series and the urban fantasy why choose romance Conduit World, including the Conduit Series and Mirth Duology.

I live on beautiful Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, Canada with my husband, Michael, Molly, the Chocolate Shar Pei, and a turtle, Miranda the Yellow-Bellied Slider. I have a penchant for bloody love stories, superheroes, and the supernatural. I also have a thing for chocolate, potatoes, and cashmere.


Question: What are your favourite books/favourite series?

A: Blog post: MCD’s completely incomplete list of favourite books.

Question: Places to go when visiting Vancouver (as related to the Adept Universe series/books):

A: Blog post: A Guide to Vancouver according to the Adept Universe

Question: What are your favourite/go-to Dim Sum dishes?

A: Blog post: MCD’s Dim Sum picks.

Q: What is your go-to hot chocolate recipe?

A: It is ever-changing but What’s in Meghan’s Mug (written in 2015 and updated in 2019) is worth a read.

After The Virus
Spirit Binder
Time Walker
Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1)
Trinkets, Treasures, and Other Bloody Magic (Dowser 2)
Treasures, Demons, and Other Black Magic (Dowser 3)
I See Me (Oracle 1)
Shadows, Maps, and Other Ancient Magic (Dowser 4)
Maps, Artifacts, and Other Arcane Magic (Dowser 5)
I See You (Oracle 2)
Artifacts, Dragons, and Other Lethal Magic (Dowser 6)
I See Us (Oracle 3)
Catching Echoes (Reconstructionist 1)
Tangled Echoes (Reconstructionist 2)
Unleashing Echoes (Reconstructionist 3)
Champagne, Misfits, and Other Shady Magic (Dowser 7)
Misfits, Gemstones, and Other Shattered Magic (Dowser 8)
Gemstones, Elves, and Other Insidious Magic (Dowser 9) 
Demons and DNA (Amplifier 1)
Bonds and Broken Dreams (Amplifier 2)
Mystics and Mental Blocks (Amplifier 3)
Idols and Enemies (Amplifier 4)
Instincts and Impostors (Amplifier 5)
Endings and Empathy (Amplifier 6)
Misplaced Souls (Misfits 1)
Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0)
Invoking Infinity (Archivist 1)
Compelling Infinity (Archivist 2)
Awry (Conduit 1)
Grand Romantic Delusions and the Madness of Mirth (Mirth 1)
Grand Romantic Delusions and the Madness of Mirth (Mirth 2)

Novellas and Short Stories
Love Lies Bleeding
The Graveyard Kiss (Reconstructionist 0.5)
Dawn Bytes (Reconstructionist 1.5)
An Uncut Key (Reconstructionist 2.5)
Graveyards, Visions, and Other Things that Byte (Dowser 8.5)
The Amplifier Protocol (Amplifier 0)
Close to Home (Amplifier 0.5)
The Music Box (Amplifier 4.5)
Moments of the Adept Universe (Moments of the Adept Universe 1)
Recon Mission: Bee (Amplifier 5.5)
Soulmates, Doorways, and Other Unruly Magic (Dowser 9.5)

Upcoming Releases
Mirth, Part 2 – MARCH 13, 2025
untitled (Conduit 2)
title TBR (Archivist 3)

MCD at Point No Point

Update: MARCH 2025: Mirth, Part 2 releases on March 13, and I’m currently writing the first draft of Conduit 2.

Questions? Email me at info [at] madebymeghan.ca. Social media links can be found on the sidebar. Oh, when I remember, I use iTunes and Amazon Affiliate links. Email addresses used in commenting are never collected or stored offline. Read my full privacy policy.

122 thoughts on “About Meghan: FAQ & TBR

  1. Great book! It did a great job depicting that there are worse things thanks Zombies.And they walk by us everyday.

    1. Michele – super cool that you’ve read almost everything!! I’m glad I can lend you some escapism! I love that in a book as well. I have series I reread just for that reason … charge my batteries, sort of thing. I’ve always been a story teller, and I’m having a blast writing books now. I just wish I could get the stories out of my head faster. Thanks for reading, reviewing, and commenting! It means the world to me to be read.

  2. I wasn’t sold on Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic – Dowser #1 luckily I got the ebook for free. That said I’m a bit of an odd ball. I usually give the first book in a series a “pass”. My logic is the author has to accomplish a lot in the first book. They must establish the world & characters while still entertaining us with a story. This info dump can slow the pace but it’s a necessary evil. Therefore, I (usually) reserve judgement until I read book two. I’m so glad I have this rule! Treasures, and Other Bloody Magic – Dowser #2 sold me on the series. I am anxiously awaiting Treasures, [spoiler], and Other [spoiler] Magic – the 3rd Dowser book releasing in April/May 2014.
    I expect great things from you now Ms. M. Ciana Doidge *wink

    1. Thanks, Jeanny. I’m glad you gave the second book a chance as well! I’m almost done the second draft of Dowser 3. So hopefully I will have book 3 all polished and in your hands by May. Remember to join the new release mailing list if you want to be the first to know when it is available.

      Have a great week!


  3. Hi, just wanted to say how much I’ve loved the three Dowser books.

    I’m really glad I tried the first one – free Kindle books are a bit hit and miss, but yours captured me from the start and continued to keep me entertained throughout as all three were fantastic (although as a Londoner I hadn’t found anything odd in having the 1st floor be called the ground until you mentioned it!)

    Thanks for writing, and please keep them coming!

    1. Thanks for commenting here! It was my talented and eagle-eyed editor that pointed out the first floor/ground floor oddity. I’ve been to London twice (as well as Ireland) and didn’t notice that myself. But once I was up-to-speed I thought I might make mention of it a couple of times for fun 🙂

      So glad you enjoyed the read. There is more coming!

      Sunshine & lollipops.

    1. Nice! You will see the Oracle #1 in October some time. And Dowser 4 in December. The Oracle transitions the Dowser series, and we get to see Jade from someone else’s POV. It’s also the beginning of a new series. However, I’ll write Dowser 4 – 6 next. Dowser 4 is halfway written already. 😊

      Thanks for commenting here!!

  4. Found your first Dowser book free as an ebook and figured I’d give it a whirl as I’m actively trying to find new authors to help fulfill my voracious reading appetite. Was hooked in the first couple of chapters. I love the unique storyline and relatable characters… 2 days later and I’m eagerly awaiting your first Oracle novel and books 4 and 5 of the Dowser series. Your writing style is fluid and your storyline is exciting.
    It was such a pleasant surprise to not see the books drenched in sex allowing me to pass your name along to my younger siblings and cousins as a fantasy recommendation. Thanks for sharing your stories with us!

    1. Jasmin!

      I’m so glad you found me as well! I just got the editor’s notes on the Oracle 1, so it should be available soon – yay! The characters are new adult in that series, but it’s definitely steamier, so you may want to read it first. 🙂 if you branch into any if my other books I also wouldn’t recommend After The Virus for a younger crowd, for violence in that case.

      Dowser 4 is also coming along well. I’m halfway through the first draft. I have such fun writing Jade!

      Thanks for dropping by the blog and commenting. 😃

  5. Meghan,

    I love your Dowser series so far & the beginning of the Oracle series. I read Dowser #1 start to finish & loved it so much I purchased the other two the moment I finish & read them with as much enthusiasm as I did the first. I couldn’t wait for I See Me to come out so I could continue to explore the amazing world you have created. I am trying desperately to distract myself from continually checking to see if Shadows, Maps and Other Ancient Magic has been released since 2014 is coming to a close in a blink of an eye.

    Thank you for your amazing stories. I hope your Holidays are fantabulous!

    1. Ah, thank you so much! I love writing in this universe so there are definitely more stories to come in both series. I just wish I could write quicker. You just reminded me I need to update this page. Dowser 4 is with the editor, so I don’t think I will manage to publish it before the year is out … with editing, proofing, and formatting needed before that happens. I hope to have it to you by the end of January 🙂 Merry Christmas!

  6. Started with the free first book last week. Finished all three books about Jade and the new Oracle book. Can’t wait for the next book!

  7. I can’t say for sure without reading the rest of them a 3rd time , but I think that Shadows is my new favorite in the Dowser series. Jade just gets even more fabulous with each book. Can’t wait for the next one!

    1. I think so too! Though I have a soft spot for Cupcakes (Etc) of course. I always like the book I’ve just released the best for some reason. Glad you enjoyed Shadows!! I was a bit worried about it actually.

  8. I am so happy I have found your books! I started with the Dowser series then Oracle and
    have just downloaded Spirit Binder to read tonight. You have very interesting characters and story lines. I am also enjoying the cupcake recipes. Thank you and keep on writing!

    1. Thank you for reading and commenting here. I’m so happy to have found you. I love to write/create, and being able to share my stories is a blessing.

      And that’s not just the chocolate talking … I haven’t had any yet today!

  9. Half way through Spirit Binder. Is this a stand alone novel or will there be more? I am addicted to your writing and can’t wait for more of…everything!


    I just finished Cupcakes, Trinkets and Deadly Magic. Outstanding! I almost didn’t get the book; frankly the title is a bit twee. Then, when the vampire showed immediately, I almost quit. I’m so not into vampires. Todays vampires are too sparkly, werewolves too horny and zombies, well I don’t know about zombies as this is the first I’ve read of them. But Kett was scary and the shifters, though sexy, were also scary. In fact, there was enough scary in the book to give me uncomfortable dreams when I had to stop reading for the night.

    The writing was excellent, the story compelling and the characters were intriguing. I’m almost afraid to get the next book for fear that you couldn’t pull it off twice. But the posts here tell me I shouldn’t worry.

    Thanks for several hours of exhilarating reading.

    1. Wow! Happy to have won you over! I hope you like Dowser 2, 3, and 4 just as much. I think you will find that the series … grows, expands, from its prettified beginnings. Not to say that Jade doesn’t like everything to be oh so nice, just that she doesn’t often get her way. 😀

  11. Happy Sunday ! I spent the day beach combing for trinkets to make faerie houses and wind catchers. I’m addicted to your books and am anxiously awaiting the next in both series. ( I read the downer series in a week) I would love to see an example of the window hangings or trinkets from the dowser series as I’m a collector and alchemist when I create my art.
    I am so elated to find a local writer who inspires and let’s me escape the real world.
    Thank you !

    1. Hi Kim! I’m so glad you found the Dowser series. I can picture the trinkets Jade makes so clearly in my mind but don’t have the skill to pull them off myself. I do own a wind chime (that I bought from a vendor at the Kits Farmer’s Market two years ago) that is made out of an old mechanical egg beater with antique silver spoons strung off it. I think that was part of the inspiration. The artist also did similar treatments to old tea pots, etc. I’ve never seen her again, which is too bad because I would certainly collect more.

      💕💕 Thank you for reading and commenting here 💕💕

  12. The Dowser Series has become my new favorite series. I’ve read all four in the last two weeks. Luckily I had some time off. 😉 Keep up the great writing!!

  13. Hi! Love, love, love your writing! I (embarrassingly??) read through the Dowsers and Oracle 1 in a week’s time and then had withdrawal until the Dowser 5 release! Thanks for getting me back on track! 😉 I just began scouring your blog- so I don’t go into withdrawals again- AND because I have one important question!! I have a difficult time visualizing Jade’s necklace- and it’s so important I want it perfect in my head but didn’t find anything like the picture of Rochelle’s necklace on your blog! Wondering if you have any kind of visual of it? 😉 Thanks for becoming my new favorite series- already spread the love to my bookie friends!

    1. I don’t have a specific picture of Jade’s necklace. Just the one in my head 🙂 so I’m not going to be very helpful that way. Sorry. I’m so glad you found the Dowser series and are enjoying it so much. I love writing it, and am crazy pleased to find readers!

  14. I am a youngster of 72, and have been a big fan of sci fi, fantasy, and paranormal stories over my lifetime, starting with Heinlein and many others. I’m REALLY enjoying your Dowser series!! And Oracle I looks great as well!

    Well, here I am, trying to make it through until Dowser Book 6 comes out this fall …. this a difficult road to be on. LOL! Like others commenting here, I wish this series could go on forever! I love the mix of Jade’s persistence and ingenuity (often based on her intuition). The fascinating variety of magic, the amazing realistic spiritual characters you create, surprises around every corner, and, OH! the Cupcakes & the Chocolate, based upon Jade’s magical “tastes” from surprising sources!! THANK YOU FOR THE RECIPES!! I think I may start baking while I’m waiting for Dowser #6. Maybe the chocolate will just get me by!

    By the way, I had to reread the last chapter of Dowser #5, because the ending was such a surprise (for me anyway!)!! So, again, I can’t wait for Dowser #6!

    Would my sending over my Siamese kitty, Luna, to distract your 3 guys, help you finish Dowser #6 any faster? LOL! Your cats are gorgeous, by the way!

    OK, I’ll stop nagging!!

    I will be leaving a positive review on Amazon, soon as I get a chance. I like to take my time on those.

    🙂 Shayla Markham, Anaheim, CA (izzylea21)

    1. Shayla: thank you so much for taking the time to comment here – you’re welcome for the recipes, I love sharing them. We’ve read a bunch of the same books, which I guess is to be expected. Ha! Sending your Siamese girl might be a good distraction for the boys! Might help me write faster. 🙂

      I’m working on Oracle 2 right now, hoping to release in November but at some point it is out of my hands, and in the hands of the editor/proofreader’s schedules, so that is still only a hope. Then Dowser 6, again hopefully in February.

      Chocolate always helps … Almost any situation. So I highly recommend it!

      Thanks for starting out my day with some sunshine!

  15. Hi, Meghan!

    And, thank you, again, for the wonderful Dowser Series and Oracle Series! And, I guess I “could” move on to your other works while I’m waiting for Dowser #6!

    Yes, I’m a Heinlein, Herbert, Hendrix, Card, (and don’t forget, Meghan C. Doidge!), etc., etc., fan for sure.

    And, if you want distractions, that would be Luna! The Siamese cat is truly meant to be a human companion (or they at least need a kitty pal to interact with) and she is very persistent and demanding at times! It is true when they say the Siamese plans ahead and can be unpredictable. But, her intellect makes up for it! She can open my bathroom drawers and get into other trouble! She loves to play games and we’ve cooked up several that she enjoys, such as my tossing elastic (but, not the rubber ones which break easily) hair bands so she can try to catch them (with great success, I might add!). They are very bouncy which she loves. And, then, don’t ask me why, but she loves for me to slowly scoot a hair band or one of her many toys to the edge of a table or bed just so she can watch/hear them drop on the floor! Then, she gets down to gather them up!

    Well, enough kitty talk or I’d be writing all day, and I don’t want to take up your too much of your time!

    🙂 Thanks again, Meghan, and best wishes for great writing sessions!

    1. Heinlein was the only seriously sci-fi stuff I read when I was younger, besides William Gibson who I adore but who I read when I was a bit older. I was a huge fantasy and thriller reader throughout my teens and twenties (not counting all the classics that came with my English minor and Theatre major, of course). I loved any of Stephen King’s books than skewed to fantasy … Anne Rice, etc. I read mostly urban fantasy now, some dystopian. 🙂

      1. Hi, Meghan!

        I had not heard of Gibson (have been on a Mystery novel binge for over a decade!!), but went into Amazon to read up on him a bit. So, I’ve downloaded Neuromancer to read later on. –Hope it’s OK to mention that here.– May as well begin at the beginning with a new author. Just looking over his book titles makes me wonder if he has some background in psychology, as do I.

        I know you don’t have much time these days, but, you might enjoy Howard Hendrix’s first two novels LIGHTPATHS and STANDING WAVES (Some of his later books weren’t as interesting, to me as these first two. And one later book was downright confusing, to me, that is.)

        The first two Hendrix books include lots of cognition- and computer-related situations and offer a mesmerizing look at the growing influence of a cyber game taking by storm both the “alternative world” orbiting above the earth as well as the world itself! There’s a stunning end as well! His books are complex, but if you’ve had a smattering of psychology, physics, sociology, even gardening(!), and so forth; you’ll find there is something for everyone. His vivid background descriptions are to die for as well, just like yours!!

        🙂 Shayla

      2. Thanks for the suggestions! I don’t get a lot of time to read, but I always love to get sucked into a new book/world/series. I’m a big fan of William Gibson’s books, though I find them a bit of a challenge to read. I love, love the Neuromancer trilogy and Pattern Recognition specifically.

  16. I think I got Cupcakes as a free offer on my Kindle. So in the past two weeks I have read the series non stop. Obviously that’s a great marketing move on the publishers part , but more than that readers like me are exposed to books we may not have chosen on our own.
    I have enjoyed all 5 books. Your characters were so engaging, interesting and funny. I kept ordering more books in the series because I cared about Jade and her crew. Just as engaging as the characters were the cupcakes! Thanks for a great read. I look forward to #6.

    1. Yes, setting Dowser 1 to perma-free felt insane at the time, but has really opened the series up to a ton of new readers. When I have three books in the Oracle series I may do the same with book 1, though I’m not sure about that yet. I’m so glad you enjoyed the series so much. I adore wiring Jade. I think she is fun and flawed and full of heart. The chocolate/cupcake parts take some serious effort though. Months and months of research on my part. But it is a sacrifice I’m willing to do … for veracity, you know. LOL Thanks for reading! And commenting here.

  17. Hi! I just discovered your Dowser series and it’s wonderful!!! I just finished book 3 and starting book 4. I feel like I’m missing a part of the story. Who is Rochelle and what happened in January?? If there a novella I need to read between these 2 books?? Thanks!!!

    1. Hi Vanessa! So glad you are enjoying the Dowser series!! You are missing I See Me (Oracle 1), Though it’s not necessary to read it, it will fill in the blanks. I’m about to release Oracle 2 in December. Starting with book four, each novel should have a reading order listed at the very beginning now. Eventually I plan to have at least three series that intertwine with each other.

      The Oracle series is different than the Dowser series though, so again you don’t have to read it if it’s not your thing. 🙂

      If you do read it, I hope you enjoy it just as much!

      Have a great week!

  18. I cannot seem to connect with your email so I will comment here.

    I have just recently discovered your stories and want you to know how pleased I am. I
    have read Cupcakes, Trinkets and Other deadly Magic. I am properly hooked on your
    writing. You have done an excellent job of growing Jade’s wisdom and judgement in
    proportion to her experience. This is the first time I have noticed this in a writer.

    So now I am off to find another couple of your stories.

    Thank you,

    Jim Moorman

    1. Ah, Jim. I’m sorry about my email. I hope it wasn’t bouncing? I’m very glad you’ve been enjoying the series so far. Thank so much for letting me know here.

  19. I tried to email my compliments but, just in case it bounces back, here’s the gist:

    My sisters (who introduced the Dowser series to me), myself, and now my roommate at college absolutely adore your writing! We love your characters, your imagery, the dialogue, the plots, and the cupcakes. The only downside- which honestly is more of an upside- is that the books make us constantly crave the aforementioned cupcakes. I think my roommate and I have eaten more cupcakes in the past two weeks than in the two previous years combined. Your writing is just that vivid and pulls us into its world.

    Thank you thank you thank you for providing us with these amazing stories! (And giving us excuses to eat cupcakes)


    Your fans in California, Utah, and Virginia

    1. 😀❤️😀❤️😀❤️ I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed the Dowser Series. Sorry about the cravings! Imagine writing the books. LOL I triple test all the recipes (at least the ones I release for free in the cookbook). Thank you so much for reaching out. I’m fighting a head cold today and still trying to work, so I seriously appreciate it! 😀❤️😀❤️😀❤️

  20. Meghan, so excited to start the new book! Great holiday gift…thanks!
    I must be a knucklehead cause I can’t figure out how to enter the contest? I’m not on social media if that is the path. Can you direct me to the right place to answer your question and enter?
    Have a magical New Years holiday and beyond!
    Donna Sue

      1. Okay…I’ve clicked everything on that page that I can find but still don’t see an entry form? Like I said, I’m sure I’m being a total knucklehead but I’ve been through that page a few times and can’t find where I leave my comment.

        The memory I would like to recapture is one from our ancient brain. Something I understand that all of us have and is buried deep in our subconscious. I would bring forward the memory of Early/Ancient earth and what it was like for us to live with the planet and not just on it. Where all things were new and fresh and untainted (could this have something to do with the wild ride of the US election this year?! 🙂 ). A memory of new beginnings and of where we all came from…perhaps a renewed sense of belonging. Where we were doing day to day life with all of our relatives and that included the animals and beings of nature (and of course any dowsers, shape shifters, witches – probably known as herbal / medicine / wise women back in the day – vampires, oracles, etc!). That puts a smile on my face!

        🙂 Donna Sue

      2. Sorry, Donna. Because you were commenting here I didn’t think to tell you to click COMMENT at the bottom of the blog post. 🙂 when you click that it will show everyone’s comments, scroll down to the bottom to leave your own.

  21. Love all the recipes but did you ever post them for Blitzen in a Cup, Joy in a Cup, Thrill in a Cup, Rapture in a Cup and Tart in a Cup? I’ve seen them mentioned but not been able to find them anywhere and they sound fun. Rosie

    1. All the the recipes I’ve posted/created so far are in the Dowser cookbook (you are automatically sent a copy if you sign up for one of my newsletters). If you mix and match you can make most of the ones you mention here, except Blitzen. To make Rapture you need to make a batch of the chocolate base, a batch of the yellow base, swirl them together before you bake, and a batch of the chocolate cream cheese icing. 😊

  22. I tried. I really tried. I wanted to pace myself, savor them, not finish until the next was released… You make bing reading way to easy! Thank you! Looking forward to many more.

  23. I have enjoyed all of your books so far and am currently reading “I See Us”, another good one. I think your writing style is wonderful and I love picturing the locations you use that are so close to home! Anyway, what I really want to know is if your cupcake recipes can be used for gluten free baking. I am getting ready to re-read the Dowser series and I was hoping to bake my way through it. Any thoughts? Thank you for writing these books, they are a joy…

    1. I haven’t tried to convert any of my recipes myself but I’m pretty sure that other readers have. If you are so inclined, you could join my reader run Facebook fan group and post this question in there. I’m sure you will get some answers. 🙂 I’ll find a link …

  24. Where can I find the reconstructist novellas? I’m looking for them like maniac are they not release yet? Love very the books!!! I have read every single thing you’ve wrote!!!!

    1. The Graveyard Kiss is currently available on Amazon, but Dawn Bytes and upcoming R2.5 were/are only available during the preorder period (for free as a giveaway). I’ll bundle all three together and release them on all platforms this fall. 🙂 Oh! But if you preorder Reconstructionist 3 I’ll send you all the download links. I’d almost forgotten that I’d decided to do that. 🙂

    1. Yep. Mory’s book. Ideally it falls between Dowser 7 and 8 in the reading order, but I’m not sure I’ll pull that off. I’m only writing in the Adept universe right now.

  25. Read and loved them all! Really looking forward to the new dowser books but the spin-offs have been terrific reads. Still not sure what “promised for next lifetime” in the Reconstructionist final book meant since Kett also told her to stay alive until he could find her. Any clarification on that?

    1. ❤️ Glad you’ve enjoyed all the books. ❤️ If you want to discuss them, I would suggest popping over to the spoiler group that is part of the reader run fan group on Facebook. 😊 But perhaps if you look at those scenes again, you might understand the promises people make under duress and without knowing what the future will actually bring.

  26. Just finished “Unleashing Echoes” – loved the entire series, can’t wait till the next one!
    Thanks for bringing these stories to life, Meghan!

  27. I truly LOVE your dowser, Oracle and reconstructionist series. I’ve read all of them all because I stumbled into the first one free, got hooked and have been going back and forth between this series and another as the books are released. Now I’m caught up and anxious awaiting more in this one. Please tell me there will be more of Jade, Wisteria, Kett, Kandy, Rochelle and all of the adept we have fallen in love with.

  28. I love your bookseries. I’ve read them all and I even baked love in a cup, last weekend! Which is seriously good! Can’t wait for the other books to come out. Very curious about the necromancer. Who is it about? And will we see more of Kett? By now he almost deserves his own bookserie 😉
    Anyway thank you for creating these books and cupcakes!

    1. So glad you are enjoying the books. Necromancer is Mory’s series, though it is shelved for the moment, she will have a novella in Dowser 8.5. Kett will always come and go but I prefer to write from a female POV so it is unlikely he will ever headline a series. Thank you for reading!! And commenting here. 😊

  29. Like a lot of your readers I checked out the free download and was hooked. Very smart. I was a little hesitant about buying the first oracle book, ( spin offs usually don’t live up to my expectations) but decided to try and and was very pleasantly surprised. Book 4 seemed a little off to me but I carried on and have enjoyed many hours wrapped up in the adept world. When it came to the Reconstructionist series I didn’t hesitate. That brings me to my confusion and question. Declan carries the birthstones of the three of them, Sappphire for September, Opal for October, and Topaz for November. So my question is how can Declan’s birthday be August 14 which would make his birthstone Peridot. Did I miss something?
    Can’t wait for the next book. I wish you could write them as fast as I can inhale them.

  30. Hello! Great books! I was reading the Reconstructionist when pregnant and I gave birth in a room called Wisteria! The birth centre I was in gives name to their rooms and my room was Wisteria. It gave me a great boost of energy when I saw that! I used gas&air to help with the pain and that’s altering consciousness a bit and I was seeing the characters of your book! Baby is nice and healthy. Kind of a magic. Thank you and I look forward your next books.

  31. How do I get the cookbook pdf? I have subscribed to your site since before the cookbook (since about Dowser #3) and when I try to get the pdf it says my email already exists. What is my next step?

    1. I usually put a link to the cookbook in any newsletters that talk about the Dowser Series. So if you dig back in your email or even view the newsletter I just sent you in your browser (and poke through the archives). The newsletter I sent out on Dec 4, 2019 had a link to the newest edition of the cookbook.

    1. Not for some time. Sorry. The audiobooks are expensive and take time to produce. I just had the three Oracle books narrated and I have a narrator working on the first book of the Reconstructionist. After those three I’ll tackle the next three Dowser books.

      1. Thank you. We will keep watching for them. I finally got my husband enjoying books again. Maybe I will convince my husband to actually read the other books.

  32. Hey there! I’ve powered through all your audiobooks up to and including Oracle book 3. Any schedule to do more audiobooks? Or are they listed somewhere other than audible?

    1. There aren’t anymore audiobooks right now. The Reconstructionist books were in production but they’ve been delayed so much that they are now on hold. I will be moving forward on audiobooks for my newest series, Amplifier next though. 😊

  33. Just recently picked up book 1 of the Dowser series, it was free with amazon kindle one day and I grabbed it just based off the title. I’m a cupcake baker. So glad I took a chance. I’m not 5 books into the Adept world. 🧁♥️

  34. Hi Meghan!
    I’ve been in love with reading since I was three and have, quite literally, read thousands of books. This collection you have written mingling the Dowser series with the Reconstructionist, Amplifier, and Oracle is one of my very very favorites. I’ve re-read every book over and over during the last years, and feel as though I’m visiting old friends. Your recent releases have added to the clan of faces and characters that I so enjoy interacting with as I flip the pages.
    I hope you realize how deeply you impact the lives of your readers as we escape into the worlds you create for us and get to leave our own lives behind for just a little while. Thank you for these books. They are gifts to each of us! I can’t wait for the next release!!

    Aia S.

    1. Thank you so much for reading and so so much for taking the time to comment here. You’ve made my evening (my week!!). Things are difficult here right now (I’m having some trouble with a constant daily headache) but the writing means so much to me that I try to persevere. Your encouragement helps immensely. Thank you.

  35. I’m not sure how I missed you and came so late to the Dowser series, but I sure am glad your work showed up in my recommended for you suggestions. I’m fully enjoying the dialog between Jade and Kandy, eating cupcakes with tea, and staying up well past my bedtime to read one more chapter. Thanks for the recipes I’ve had a little Sunshine and Lust. I think you need a 20/20 in a Cup for Chi Wen made with super dark black cocoa and espresso powder with white buttercream filling…seriously better than Oreo cookies. Thanks for all the entertainment!

    1. Thank you for finding my books! I’m so glad you are enjoying the Dowser series!! And those cupcakes sound amazing!!

  36. Hi Meghan,

    I just finished Gemstones, Elves, and Other Insidious Magic (Dowser 9)! I have thoroughly enjoyed ALL of the books, and after finishing this last one, I felt “sad” because I didn’t want it to “end”. I’m looking forward to your new books to continue reading all about Jade and her friends and loved ones! I can’t wait!!!

    Janet B.

  37. Just finished Invoking Infinity, now am going thru withdraw. Thank you so much it was a marvelous read. Will wait for the next one, patiently. Again thank you for your work. , imagination and creativity.

  38. Hi Meghan! I don’t think I can add anything to the lovely comments others have shared, except to join the chorus in saying that we love your writing! Character building, realistic details woven in, clever (and consistent) magic… such fun. I read your work voraciously, and am now trying to decide whether to start Amplifier or just restart Dowser from the beginning so I’m not left in suspense as the series continues!! But – please read that wrapped in a layer of appreciation and support. Sounds like things have been tough, and we the fans understand any delays and want you to be healthy and happy – also so that there are many more Adept books to come 😉

    As an aside: after enough mentions, I’ve finally succumbed to your Fluevog marketing (ha!) and have ordered a couple pairs! I have to assume you have a collection like Jade’s, and I think it could make for a great blog post!

    1. Ah! I’ve never thought to flash my fluevogs on the blog. Though I occasionally do on various social media sites. I’ll add that to my list of possible blog posts. 🙂 Glad you enjoyed the Dowser series!!

  39. Thanks for the Good News about the next Archivist book.
    I periodically check the “Future Releases” section of Barnes & igNoble’s website to see what I have to look forward to, but, for some reason, the haven’t gotten the news about this yet.

    I’ve read all the Adept Universe series so far and am in need of another “Fix”, not being very good at making Cupcakes, myself.

    In the spirit of spreading the Good News, are you familiar with The Honey Badger Chronicles by Shelly Laurenston? It’s definitely different, in a good way. “Honey Badger Don’t Care” as a way of Life and a shapeshifter species that has been Totally Ignored, up until now.

    Thanks, Jerry

      1. Thanks. I’m ready as soon as the Book is.
        I have loved the series and look forward to much more.

        Is there any chance that our favorite Archivist will be crossing paths with our favorite Cupcake Baker sometime in the future. I think they would probably like one another.

        Does Dublin need Cupcakes? Or would a standing order just get portaled to the Desk in the castle every now and then?

        My overactive imagination likes to do things like picture the occasional Crossover between my favorite authors’ characters and how they would react finding themselves popped into the other Author’s universe. (I know this sort of thing is usually just an excuse for two author friends to spend a bit of time together, but it’s fun to read when it does happen.)

        Later, Jerry

  40. Hi Meghan!
    I just spent the last week devouring all of your books. I absolutely love them! You are such a gifted writer and I thank you for creating this awesome universe. I am totally transported into your books when I read them and am looking forward to more!

    Happy New Year!

  41. Just got the B&N Compelling Infinity and there is a reading note about: A Momentary Retrieval (Archivist 1.5/Moments of the Adept Universe 0.7). I don’t see this anywhere.

    1. I gave Archivist 1.5 away to my newsletter in November. If you are subscribed you can grab it from the archives. It will be bundled with the other Adept Universe shorts and available for sale by the end of January. The editor was a little backed up but it’s all being formatted now.

  42. Love, love, love your books!!!!! I’m rereading the Amplifier series in anticipate of your next release.

  43. Why are the 1st 2 books of the Dowser Series not on audible? I want to listen to it but not if I can’t get all the books.

    1. Because all the Dowser Series books are currently being re-recorded and re-released. Please see my blog (you might need to scroll a bit) for more info. The first three audiobook will be available (again) in May 2023.

  44. Well met Ms Doige; I’m thoroughly entertained by your excellent storytelling, but even more tickled by the chocolatey confection and SHOE obsession. I’m both thrilled to have discovered your work, and distraught that I’m already halfway through.

    I sincerely hope you’re driven to keep writing the way Jade is driven to bake.

  45. I got the first 3 Dowser books thru Apple Books for free (sorry I love free books) I couldn’t put my iPad down…but I will be getting the next one in the series as soon as I have the extra money. I live also in Beautiful BC, Hope…

  46. Absolutely love ALL of the books! Just started “Misfits”, can’t wait for the rest!

    PS: as a chef LOVED the cupcake recipe book!

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