A writing break on a Monday

I’m currently writing the first draft of I See You (Oracle 2). Life has been crazy – we are moving. Yes, again – but I’m still managing to eke out about 2000 words every day.

Writing – as opposed to brainstorming, which I live and breath – needs fuel and focus. Not enough fuel, and I lose focus quickly. So I try to enforce mini breaks when I feel weary or distracted. I could push through, and I do so when time is crunchy. But it’s better if I don’t. An unfueled MCD is not a pretty sight. Such days usually devolve into ranting, then weeping. Generally over things that do not require yelling or tears.

This is my break today. Only two chocolates remain from my second to last forage at Chocolate Arts. They look at little worn – perhaps they’ve been bashed about in the stash drawer – and I can’t remember what kind they are, but I know I’m going to love every nibble.

chocolates from chocolate arts

ETA: The Chocolate Arts website has helpfully reminded me that I indulged in a Framboise (rectangle) – single origin, intense dark chocolate with fruit and acidic overtones – while writing this blog post. And will luxuriate in a Cleopatra – caramel ganache, surrounding a caramel cream with a roasted organic hazelnut in a dark chocolate shell – right after I hit publish.

What fuels you on a draggy Monday?

Surprise gifts

I love surprise gifts … you know, when it’s not your birthday or Christmas so it’s completely unexpected. Who doesn’t? I love giving them (in case you hadn’t noticed with all the giveaways I do – ha!) but I certainly don’t mind receiving them either.

This sweet thank you note along with a tatted ring and bracelet made by Billie arrived in the mail yesterday.

Tatted jewelry from BillieBillie won the last round of paperback giveaways celebrating the release of Dowser 5. And the super cool thing? Other than the totally classy thank you note. I’ve never laid eyes on tatted jewelry before. I’d heard the term tatted, of course. But I hadn’t associated it with jewelry, etc.

So Billie, thanks for the surprise present and for the new knowledge! Look for an upcoming character wearing tatted jewelry somewhere, sometime. 😀

Kandy’s birthday s’mores

In Dowser 4 Jade takes Kandy out to dinner for her birthday. They go to Fable Kitchen and have s’mores for dessert. Well, last Saturday I was lucky enough to dine at the same restaurant and partake in the same insane chocolatey goodness.

Behold the beauty! From the menu: chocolate ice cream, brownie, marshmallow.

The only problem was that I had to share it with Michael. 😀

Dowser 5: chocolate

I’ve had a few requests to post a list of the chocolate eaten or mentioned in the Dowser books, so I thought I would dash off this blog post so if you wanted to get your hands on any of this chocolate before the release date for Dowser 5 (July 23, 2015) then you would have a bit of time to do so.


Inaya chocolate discs from Cacao Barry — a 65 percent blend of intense but balanced cocoa. Purchased at Chocolate Arts in Vancouver along with chocolate for my stash (in the bag) and a seriously yummy bittersweet hot chocolate (in the pig mug).


The holy trinity of chocolate bars — aka Loma Sotavento from the Dominican Republic, Gran Couva from Trinidad, and El Pedregal from Venezuela by Valrhona. Purchased from Xoxolat.


Ritual Chocolate75 percent Madagascar, made-in-Colorado chocolate bar. Purchased from Xoxolat.


Lindt’s 70 percent Madagascar – I wanted to add a bar that I thought most of the Dowser readers might be able to get their hands on. This was a gift from my sis-in-law, Cindy. 🙂


^^^ And a little something it’s good for all of us to remember! ^^^

<3 <3 <3

The Dowser 5 ebook will be available THURSDAY, JULY 23, 2015 on Amazon, Kobo, iTunes, B&N, and Smashwords. The paperback will follow about two weeks later. The preorders should start going live around July 9 or 10th.

To help celebrate there will be two large giveaways. One the week before (July 15 – 18) and one the week of the release (July 20 – 23).

Don’t want to miss the release day? Please make sure you are signed up for my mailing list.

Don’t want to miss the giveaways? Please subscribe to my blog via the link second from the top on the righthand side of this page.

Oracle 2: A playlist

I put together playlists for each book/story I write, then usually listen to it obsessively while I’m brainstorming and outlining, or even when I feel I need a kick start while writing.

My musical taste is rather eclectic and I don’t like to influence a reader’s impression of a novel, so I don’t often share my playlists. But in the past few weeks I’ve received a few requests to share more of my writing process or things about writing in general.

Music is huge motivator for me. I put on earphones, blast the playlist and think … visualize a scene, or a moment, over and over … Rochelle watching Beau as he fixes a car … a vision taking her sight … the terror of seeing the future unfold and not understanding what she sees … not understanding the magic, but always moving forward, always fighting for the tiny breath of paradise she’s found.

Here is a shot of my current desktop.

Now … headphones on … back to work!

Screen Shot 2015-06-04 at 11.13.41 AM

On iTunes:

Photograph by Ed Sheeran

Wild Ones (feat Sia) by Flo Rida

Here’s to the Zeros by Marianas Trench

Am I wrong by Nico & Vinz (Beau’s anthem)

Collide by Howie Day

Some Nights by Fun.

First egg!

We moved to Salt Spring Island last September on an adventure. As this adventure unfolded, I decided I would like chickens for the garden … why not dive in? And, yes, going to the Fall Fair might have had something to do with this sudden desire.

So chicks aren’t particularly easy to source in the fall, but Heidi from Greendale Heritage Farms had some Black Copper Marans and Blue-Laced Red Wyandottes that she’d hatched for her own breeding program and decided to sell to us on October 16, 2014.

And so it began. From the little chicks we were worried about keeping warm during the ferry trip home to this:

First pullet egg from our Blue-Laced Red Wyandotte Splash hens
First pullet egg from our Blue-Laced Red Wyandotte Splash hens. She laid just perfectly in the nesting box – first try! Though for some reason she removed all the straw first.

I admit I squealed a little and made Michael run back to the house for his phone (for pictures).

First pullet egg
First pullet egg and the coop
The flock
The flock. Two Blue-Laced Red Wyandotte Splash pullets, One BLRW Splash Cockerel, and two Black Copper Maran tucked in the corner.

And one tasty medium-soft boiled egg with a touch of salt:

Soft boiled egg

So that was today’s new experience. Life is ever changing.

Tasting: Ampamakia by Valrhona

I’ve been conducting an exceedingly scientific series of chocolate tastings for the next Dowser Series trilogy over on my Facebook page. However, I promised myself that I would blog more this year, so I will now be posting any tastings I do here – YAY FOR ME!!

Yes, this is my version of research.

To the tasting!

I loaded the latest version of Dowser 4 on my iPad yesterday afternoon in order to read it once more before I do final tweaks. Then, it will be off to the proof reader! It was a crazy rainy day – perfect for a book and a new chocolate bar. I dug around in my stash drawer and opted for a favourite maker but a new chocolate.

Ampamakia by Valrhona. Limited edition. 64% Madagascar single-origin cocoa.

Ampamakia by Valrhona

Tasting notes

  • According to the packaging: acid yellow fruit freshness and roasted notes.
  • My thoughts: smooth, creamy, with hints of citrus. Very balanced. All the quality I’ve come to expect from Valrhona, though slightly on the sweet side. Everything I love in a bean from Madagascar.

Very tasty. Definitely a keeper!!

Breathing the moment – Jan 8, 2015

This morning, despite the looming deadlines I’m attempting to tame with schedules and to-do lists, Michael and I took a moment to let the chicks wander out of the run and into the barren, fog enshrouded garden. And each time I started to say that I needed to go back to work I took a breath instead of speaking. This lasted for maybe ten minutes, but probably more like five.


Then we returned to the house, drank our smoothies, and chatted about our schedules for the day.

Now I’m cozy in my office with my writing buddy Parker spread out on the desk to the right of me. I can just barely hear Michael playing guitar, and singing quietly, while he writes a new song downstairs in the dining room. And, after I cross a few things off the to-do list, I’m going to fill the afternoon with words scribbled on paper … just as they occur to me.

This is this moment.

I breathe. I type. I sip my hot chocolate.

Tomorrow will be completely different in a hundred almost imperceptible ways.

It’s a lovely life.

Thank you for being apart of it.