Screenshot from Amazon USA. Five-star review by Rosemary. Could someone please pass the kleenex? July 18, 2022. I’m not sure what to say about this book and the two that preceded it. These books are complex, beautifully written, and pack an emotional punch that I feel all the way down to my pink-painted toenails. Read these books. You need to.
I’m sharing Rosemary’s review of Unleashing Echoes (Reconstructionist 3) because I know I focus too much on the vitriol I’m often deluged in about the Reconstructionist trilogy and I want to remind myself that not everyone tries to twist a book into what they want to see/read instead of trying to enjoy the story the author wanted (dare I say, needed?) to write.
It took a year and a half of my life to write this trilogy (after the first book sat partially written on my ‘shelf’ for two years*). I blubbered through each draft of each book (I do five). I knew how it ended when I put the first words on the page. I carefully, but intentionally, crafted the story around Wisteria and what she needed, what she so desperately needed, to heal, to move forward, to LIVE. And whether some readers believe me or not, I did exactly the same thing for Kett (and the other two major characters).
I put my heart and soul into this trilogy and way, way too much of my own childhood. And, I admit, it hurts when I get hate mail, even after all these years of getting nasty DMs, hateful reviews, and even snide remarks from my readers.
So thank you, Rosemary, for reminding me that I wrote Wisteria and Kett and Declan and Jasmine for a reason. Because I needed to heal even just a little section of my own battered soul.
*note: for those interested: the Reconstructionist trilogy was originally intended to start/fall after Dowser 4 in the timeline. Eagle-eyed readers will note that Kett was in Seattle at the beginning of Dowser 4. But I lost my stepmother that spring and found I just couldn’t pick up the book and write through the grief. At least, not write Wisteria and the story I needed to tell.
So here is a great example of something I should keep my mouth shut about, but I’m going to waste my time responding to. Ironically, I was just talking about the grief I get for the perceived length of my books, and the pressure that negative (and erroneous) feedback puts on my ability to write those books.
So instead of writing new words, I’m going to respond to the latest accusation that I write NOVELLAS and charge FULL PRICE for them. Also the exact definition of a cliffhanger.
As you can see above, this reader is incredibly disgusted by my cliffhanging, novella-length books, which I have the audacity to charge full price for.
So let’s address these accusations.
First, a NOVELLA is 17,500 to 40,000 words in length. (here is the wiki link if you don’t believe me). The average length for an urban fantasy novel is 70,000 – 95,000 (Ilona Andrews often blogs about needing to REDUCE their word count for traditional publishing).
Here are the WORD COUNTS for my FULL-LENGTH books (yes, I’m seriously wasting my time now)(in reading order):
• Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1) – 68,000
• Trinkets, Treasures, and Other Bloody Magic (Dowser 2) – 82,061
• Treasures, Demons, and Other Black Magic (Dowser 3) – 85,621
• I See Me (Oracle 1) – 72,483
• Shadows, Maps, and Other Ancient Magic (Dowser 4) – 68,538
• Maps, Artifacts, and Other Arcane Magic (Dowser 5) – 73,782
• I See You (Oracle 2) – 77,029
• Artifacts, Dragons, and Other Lethal Magic (Dowser 6) – 90,548
• Champagne, Misfits, and Other Shady Magic (Dowser 7) – 74,500
• Misfits, Gemstones, and Other Shattered Magic (Dowser 8) – 73,550
• Gemstones, Elves, and Other Insidious Magic (Dowser 9) – 91,443
• Demons and DNA (Amplifier 1) – 76,984
• Bonds and Broken Dreams (Amplifier 2) – 92,296
• Mystics and Mental Blocks (Amplifier 3) – 83,640
• Idols and Enemies (Amplifier 4) – 103,026 (also includes The Music Box – an extra 4500 words at no extra cost to the reader).
• Misplaced Souls (Misfits 1) – 91,661
• Invoking Infinity (Archivist 1) – 106,557
• Compelling Infinity (Archivist 2) – 88,680
As you can see NOT ONE of the books I charge so-called full price for is a novella. Nowhere near, in fact. The first book in a trilogy is often a little trimmer (Dowser 1, Dowser 4, Oracle 1, Reconstructionist 1, and Dowser 7) because it is the ‘first act’ aka the set-up. And is often balanced by a much longer third book (Dowser 3, 6, and 9, etc)
Dowser 1 is FREE. Dowser 2 and 3, Oracle 1 are $3.99. All my other full-length books are $4.99.
The average price for an urban fantasy novel? (eBook, USD): $3.99-$16.99, but most indies charge $4.99-$6.99.
And, highly ironically, the two books I call novellas, The Amplifier Protocol (Amplifier 0) and Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0) are actually short novel-length but I charge $3.99 for them. I also gave away Amplifier 0 and Archivist 0 for free on my blog (serialized). And, at one time or another, the Dowser box set (three books), Oracle 1, and Reconstructionist 1 have all been available for free.
And, even more ironically, my cost to produce a novel (not including an audiobook which adds $3500-$4000) has tripled in the last two to three years and I HAVEN’T RAISED MY PRICES. It costs me (depending on what cover artist I use or extras I include, like the illustrations in the Archivist series): $5k- $7k to produce the eBook and paperback. Minimum. To be completely transparent, I earn approx $3.70 on a $4.99 book. So … just to put it all together, I have to sell 1350 – 1890 eBooks just to break even.
None of my books end in an actual cliffhanger – as in the story abruptly stopping with no resolution, aka with the main character literally hanging off a cliff by their fingernails. Teasing where the story goes next IS NOT A CLIFFHANGER. Even in DOWSER 8, the main storyline is resolved. It just isn’t resolved to some readers’ satisfaction. The second book in a trilogy (so Dowser 2, Dowser 5, Dowser 8, Oracle 2, Reconstructionist 2) traditionally ends on a low note – that is the PROPER structure for a trilogy!! And even then, in my books, the main storyline is ALWAYS resolved. Hence no actual cliffhangers.
It is highly ironic, that the hate mail I got after Dowser 8 directly contributed to me not writing any more Dowser books, and no longer writing trilogies even though I love the structure. Nasty notes/reviews/etc took Jade away from me, and I will be forever bitter about it. Which is probably why I just wasted my time writing this blog post.
So … I hope whoever decided to write the nasty review accusing me of charging novel prices for novellas and ending all my books with cliffhangers is happy she got my attention. That she got me angry. And that instead of writing new words, and therefore releasing another novel sooner than later, that I wasted my time writing this blog post. I hope she also enjoyed getting (at minimum) Dowser 1 for free.
I hope she enjoys the fact that she has most likely galvanized me to raise my prices (since my own costs have more than tripled).
But one question? If you are so DISGUSTEDby paying for my so-called ‘cliffhanger’ ‘novellas’, why keep reading them?
Yes, I know, I shouldn’t read reviews, but when I’ve just released a book I often pop over to see how it is being received. This was staring me in the face when I did so this morning.
End Rant.
And then, I will attempt to get some new words written.
I know I haven’t been as engaged with promoting and chatting about (etc) my newest release, Invoking Infinity (Archivist 1) as I usually am – I thought the headache was bad before my Covid shot, but boy, was I sadly wrong (and I have my second shot booked on July 21. Ugh.) – so I’m even more overwhelmed and excited by how my lovely readers have embraced the newest offshoot of the Adept Universe. Your support – reviews, retweets, shares, photos, etc – means so much, and never more than when I’m still seriously struggling (it’s been a ridiculously hard 18 months for the world at large)!
On Amazon USA alone, Invoking Infinity already has more reviews/ratings in the month and half that it has been available than the bulk of my other books. Yes, the bulk. And word of mouth is everything. Everything!
I’ve been struggling with a crazy, insanely ramped-up headache that might be from my Covid19 (Moderna) shot?? Or might be from the HRT (Estradot) that I was taking to try to alleviate the perimenopause hell that has engulfed my life for almost two years now. I removed the patch just under a week ago to try to break the headache, so it’s down to its more typical low roar now. And of course, all the other symptoms are flooding back. Grrr!!
Anyway! That’s a long preamble to explain that, while I should be promoting my new release, Invoking Infinity (Archivist 1), I have instead been belatedly doing taxes and trying to keep myself somewhat functional. However! during that time, Michael has been reading some of my lovely reader reviews to me. And you all seriously rock (double thanks to everyone sharing those reviews online, since apparently, I’m shirking my marketing duties).
Here is one of Michael’s favs (he especially loved the gated courtyard comment):
Review from Amazon USA. Thank you, D. Stoneman!!
Here is one of my favs (b/c six more words required is dumb!) :
Via Kobo. Um, Caroline … just being mentioned in the same grouping of sentences … okay, same paragraph … with MY fav authors thrills me!!!
Review via Kobo. Thanks, Caroline!
All the reviews over on Goodreads are lovely, but I’m so pleased that Micca thinks Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0) adds to the story as well!!
Review via Goodreads. Thank you Micca!
Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to leave a review/rating on their preferred retailer! Your support means so, so much, especially when I’m not putting out my best effort myself.
I’m so glad that you all appear to be enjoying Dusk’s series. More Dusk and Sisu and Kellan and Ravine (etc) to come! Book two is all outlined and the first two chapters have been written … and, seriously, the ending of book two is going to be amazing (if I say so myself).
Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to review Mystics and Mental Blocks (Amplifier 3)!! I’m so, so glad that readers appear to be enjoying Emma’s series. YAY!
Here are a few selected review quotes (beware of spoilers):
5 stars. Riveting as always. The continued story of Emma and her family sucks me right back into this amazing Adept universe MCD is building. The glimpses into the past and hints of the future make me so hungry for the next installment. Emma’s growth, both personal and magical, is knitted together with quiet, gentle moments and kickass displays of power and action. What more could you want?! – Kirsten, Amazon USA
5 star. Enthralling! This book was packed full of action, plot twists and magic! But the part I loved most is the ongoing growth of the characters. They take your heart on a journey through tears, joy and heartbreak. – Diana, Amazon USA
5 star. *bam* That was one mind blowing ride I just took with Emma. (hehe) More insights into everyone and, well just MORE of all the good stuff. – Brenda, Amazon USA
5 star. Amazing! A real page turner! I just finished this book and as usual I was enthralled throughout the entire book – on the edge of my seat! – LCinVT, Amazon USA
5 star Amp 3. It’s a darker whirlwind of magic that will catch you this time around … I took my time with frequent breaks to mute the non-stop action a bit so I could withstand the tense imagery and the threats to characters who seem strangely real to me. Go now. Go read it. – P Chez, Amazon USA
5 stars. Stunning! I have never resonated and connected with a character as much as I did with Emma in this book. To say this book had me feeling ALL the feels, is an understatement. The fact that Meghan Ciana Doidge can combine extreme stress and tension, sadness, betrayal and heartache, with solidarity, warmth, comfort and unconditional love is a true testament to her story telling gift. This series just keeps getting better and better! – Carmin, Amazon CANADA
5 stars. A must read! Another amazing instalment in the lived of Emma, Aiden, Christopher, Opal and Paisley! I couldn’t put it down. I loved every minute of it. I laughed, I cried. I was angry and sad and happy and pleased! All the emotions! Can’t wait for the next book now – KaiR, Amazon UK
5 stars. Amazing! Complex shenanigans make this an amazing read. You won’t want to put it down once you start! Love the new characters and the dimension they add to the story! – David K, Goodreads
Bonds and Broken Dreams (Amplifier 2) released one week ago today! And readers appear to be enjoying another Emma story – thank goodness!
I’ve quickly cobbled together some lovely, early reviews. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to review on their preferred site. It’s very appreciated!! (By ALL authors).
5 star. Heart Stopping. “… takes you on a fast paced journey where you laugh, cry, and ignore anything else happening around you.” – Diana, Amazon USA
5 star. Intense breathless magical suspense. “A wonderful journey through Emma Johnson’s (Amp5) struggle to build a “normal” life and the enormous pitfalls that come with being extra ordinarily magical.” – Lisa M. Amazon USA
5 star. Loved it. “[Meghan Ciana Doidge] pulls me into her world of the supernatural, and of kickass female protagonists and I never want to leave.” – Sheryl, Amazon CANADA
5 star. Loved this. “Kept me guessing till the end.” – Amazon UK
5 star. “I love the magic in the world, this character’s journey to find herself, and just the right touch of romance.” – Gillian, Goodreads
5 star. “Bonds and Broken Dreams is another fantastic story by Meghan Ciana Doidge. This author never disappoints, her plots grab you and pull you into her Adept Universe, her characters have your heart and you’re left counting the days until her next book.”– Jacqueline, Kobo
5 star. Emma is a treat. “Emma is forced to face her past and step into a possible future. Loved it.” – Barnes and Noble
The Amplifier Protocol (Amplifier 0) and the novelette, Close to Home (Amplifier 0.5) have been officially released into the wilds of all the online retailers for one week today! Paperback version coming very soon!
Thank you to everyone who has read and reviewed, or tagged me with an encouraging note on social media. You all seem to be enjoying the Amplifier offshoot of the Adept Universe so far! YAY!
Here are a few spoiler-free review snippets for any of you who might not had a chance to read the new book yet:
5 stars – love this– What an awesome wordsmith! Meghan Ciana Doidge has given us a wonderful taste of a continuation of the Adept world. I love Socks and look forward to more of her stories!!!! – reviewer from Amazon USA
5 stars – Awesome job– Always keeps me on the edge of my seat! Another great story from Adept universe! Ms. Doidge never dissatisfies! I am very much looking forward to the next Amplifier!– reviewer from Amazon USA
5 stars – Fantastic!– Absolutely fab. I’ve pre ordered the next as I can’t wait to see where it goes. Brilliant. – reviewer from Amazon UK
5 stars – Great kick off to the new series– Once again MCD has pulled me into her magical world from page one. I am so excited for the ride that this series is sure to be. – reviewer from Barnes & Noble
5 stars – This new series is promising to be outstanding!– This prequel is excellent with action right from page one. I can’t wait for the rest of the series! – reviewer from Goodreads
I celebrated the one week anniversary for Graveyards, Visions, and Other Things that Byte (Dowser 8.5) by finishing the third draft of Dowser 9. Then I remembered I usually do so by sharing some early reviews, so I quickly popped around online and collected some pull quotes (see below).
Thank you to everyone who has had a chance to read the three novellas and taken the time to review on your retailer or favourite review site. Your reviews are welcomed and appreciated!
Overall, most of you seem to have enjoyed getting a glimpse at the Dowser Series from a different point of view. Well, three, to be exact. And that pleases me, because I really loved writing these bridge stories. The one draw back to writing first person POV is that I cannot show you what is happening ‘behind the scenes.’ And, for rather obvious reasons, in this particular case Dowser 8.5 contains important information and plot points that Jade herself is not privy to.
5 stars – Fun read with cheers and tears! – iBooks reviewer
5 stars – Great read! Another sweet treat for the fans. – Barnes & Noble reviewer
5 stars – Laughter, tears, heart palpitations, random audible cuss words, and fist pumps. – Amazon USA reviewer
5 stars – A riveting read. Do all your work and chores before you begin these books as nothing gets done after. – Amazon UK reviewer
Thank you all for hanging on for the ride as it now barrels onward toward Dowser 9!!
Champagne, Misfits, and Other Shady Magic (Dowser 7) has been officially released for a week today. Yay! And many of my lovely readers have lovely things to say about the newest Jade book, so I thought I’d share a few snippets here:
A solid 5 star series – Outstanding plot continues and gets richer and more exciting with each book. Similar to the other books in series, you won’t want to stop reading until you’re forced to because you have reached the end. – Liz via Amazon USA
More, more more – I just want to keep reading and never stop! – Randi via Amazon USA
Brilliant as always – Love this series. It incorporates magical beings with sass and superpowers within the modern world. With a cupcake or two thrown in. – Inka via Amazon UK
Left me wanting more – As usual this was a smart, sassy and engaging book that I couldn’t put down. I love the interplay between the characters and how Meghan weaves the different series in the Adept Universe together. – Carmen via Amazon CANADA
5 stars – I love how these characters are so well rounded – it was a real pleasure to join them on another adventure! …and the cupcakes! – Maggie via Kobo
5 stars – If you are a fan of snark, cupcakes, and kick a$$ strong female characters then this book is a must!!! – Shawna via Goodreads
Thank you so, so much for reading and reviewing. I’ve yammered on about this before, but supporting any author – indie or traditionally published – in the first 30 days of a book release is not only great for the author but it also does all sorts of the good things behind the scenes, such as ‘juicing’ algorithms on retailers, getting titles on best-seller or hot new release lists, etc. All of which calls attention to the book. So, thank you, thank you!
Now back to writing Dowser 8 …
[No release date yet, for anyone who was about to ask. ]
Okay, I’m seriously behind on this post. I should have had it up two weeks ago. I blame taxes and allergies. Better late that never though. I’m pairing my typical early review post with a giveaway tied to reviews – yay!
But first, what have readers been saying about Tangled Echoes (Reconstructionist 2) so far?
5 STARS – LOVED. LOVED, LOVED – Meghan’s characters are like old friends … you look forward to their visit, throw some tequila in the mix and then have no idea how things will turn out. – Amazon UK review
5 STARS – ADDICTIVE – another page-turner that leaves you bereft when you reach the last page … stunned that its over. – B & N review
4 STARS – AWESOME – gripping story. Held by breath while reading. – Amazon Canada review
5 STARS – WOW – The fast paced and intense story line make this book impossible to stop reading. – Amazon USA review
5 STARS – The story pulls you in and keeps you mesmerized until you read the last page. – Kobo review
5 STARS – AMAZING – This series is addictive! – Goodreads review
Would you like to win an autographed paperback copy of Catching Echoes (Reconstructionist 1), a silver charm necklace, and five Reconstructionist Series postcards?
You would? Fantastic!
To enter:
Comment below with a direct link to your honest review of Tangled Echoes (Reconstructionist 2) [any star rating] [any platform].
Bonus entry: favourite quote from the book.
No purchase necessary. All my ebooks are available to libraries for free via Overdrive (minimum fee), Library Direct, Baker & Taylor Axis 360, and Odilo.
Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. One entry per person. Each comment will be assigned a number, and one winner will be selected via random number generator. Please make sure to fill out a valid email address in the comment form. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than notifying the contest winner. No purchase necessary (see library option).
If you haven’t commented on the blog before, or you comment from a different IP address, the comments are moderated. So don’t worry if you don’t see your entry right away. I will approve it and then it will appear.
Giveaway closes SUNDAY MAY 28, 2017 at 8 pm PDT.
Detail shot of the necklace: a tiny silver house and key charm on an 18-inch silver chain. Just like the charms on Wisteria’s bracelet in the Reconstructionist Series.