Reading Order of the Adept Universe
(including the Dowser, Oracle, Reconstructionist, Misfits, Amplifier, and Archivist Series)
Note: Want more detail? Including the shorts and novelettes? Click here for a PDF of the MASTER READING ORDER OF THE ADEPT UNIVERSE and/or click here for sharable graphics and a printable booklist.

1. Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic, Dowser 1
- Narrator: Jade
- Main characters: Sienna, Kett, Desmond
- Supporting Characters: Kandy, Hudson, Rusty, Lara, Jeremy, Pearl, Scarlett

2. Trinkets, Treasures, and Other Bloody Magic, Dowser 2
- Narrator: Jade
- Main characters: Sienna, Kett, Desmond, Kandy, Blackwell
- Supporting Characters: Pearl, Scarlett, Mory, Lara, Jeremy, Yazi, Chi Wen

3. Treasures, Demons, and Other Black Magic, Dowser 3
- Narrator: Jade
- Main characters: Sienna, Kett, Kandy, Drake, Mory
- Supporting Characters: Wisteria, Desmond, Scarlett, Pearl, Blackwell. All of the guardian dragons, including Yazi & Chi Wen

4. I See Me, Oracle 1
- Narrator: Rochelle
- Main characters: Beau, Hoyt, Blackwell
- Supporting Characters: Lara, Desmond, Kandy, Jade, Chi Wen

5. Shadows, Maps, and Other Ancient Magic, Dowser 4
- Narrator: Jade
- Main characters: Kandy, Warner
- Supporting Characters: Pulou, Kett, Wisteria, Chi Wen

6. Maps, Artifacts, and Other Arcane Magic, Dowser 5
- Narrator: Jade
- Main characters: Kett, Warner, Shailaja
- Supporting Characters: Scarlett, Gran, Kandy, Yazi.

7. I See You, Oracle 2
- Narrator: Rochelle
- Main characters: Beau, Kandy, Blackwell
- Supporting Characters: Henry, Lara, Desmond, Chi Wen, Drake

8. Artifacts, Dragons, and Other Lethal Magic, Dowser 6
- Narrator: Jade
- Main characters: Warner, Shailaja, Drake
- Supporting Characters: Kandy, Kett, Scarlett, Gran. All of the guardian dragons.

9. I See Us, Oracle 3
- Narrator: Rochelle
- Main characters: Beau, Blackwell, Win
- Supporting Characters: Henry, Ember, Jade, Pearl, Scarlett, Mory

10. Catching Echoes (Reconstructionist 1)
- Narrator: Wisteria
- Main characters: Kett, Jasmine
- Supporting Characters: Jade, Pearl, Ben

11. Tangled Echoes (Reconstructionist 2)
- Narrator: Wisteria
- Main characters: Kett, Declan
- Supporting Characters: Jasmine, Ember, various Fairchild elders

12. Unleashing Echoes (Reconstructionist 3)
- Narrator: Wisteria
- Main characters: Kett, Jasmine, Declan
- Supporting characters: Copper, various Fairchild elders

13. Champagne, Misfits, and Other Shady Magic (Dowser 7)
- Narrator: Jade
- Main characters: Kandy, Warner
- Supporting characters: Scarlett, Pearl, Mory, and various new ‘misfits’

14. Misfits, Gemstones, and Other Shattered Magic (Dowser 8)
- Narrator: Jade
- Main characters: Kandy, Warner
- Supporting characters: Scarlett, Pearl, Mory, Jasmine, Rochelle, Freddie, Kett, Drake, Peggy, Maia

15. Graveyards, Visions, and Other Things That Byte (Dowser 8.5)
- Narrator: Mory, Rochelle, Jasmine
- Main characters: the Misfits
- Supporting Characters: Pearl, Scarlett, Olive

16. Gemstones, Elves, and Other Insidious Magic (Dowser 9)
- Narrator: Jade
- Main characters: Rochelle, Mory
- Supporting characters: Yazi, Pulou, the Healer, Scarlett, Pearl, Ben, Jasmine, Freddie, Kett, Kandy, Warner, etc, etc.

17. The Amplifier Protocol (Amplifier 0) – bundled with Close to Home (Amplifier 0.5)
- Narrator: Amp5/Emma
- Main characters: Nul5, Cla5, Tel5, and Tek5
- Supporting characters: Mark Calhoun, Becca Jackson, Silver Pine

18. Demons and DNA (Amplifier 1)
- Narrator: Emma
- Main characters: Christopher, Paisley, Aiden
- Supporting characters: Lani, Jenni, and Fish

19. Bonds and Broken Dreams (Amplifier 2)
- Narrator: Emma
- Main characters: Christopher, Paisley, Aiden
- Supporting characters: Lani, Jenni, and Opal

20. Mystics and Mental Blocks (Amplifier 3)
- Narrator: Emma
- Main characters: Christopher, Paisley, Aiden
- Supporting characters: Zans, Opal, Jenni, and Lani

21. Idols and Enemies (Amplifier 4)
- Narrator: Emma
- Main characters: Aiden and Paisley
- Supporting characters: Opal, Jenni, various Azar and Myers relatives

22. Instincts and Impostors (Amplifier 5)
- Narrator: Emma
- Main characters: Opal, Aiden, and Paisley
- Supporting characters: Lani, Ocean, Christopher, Pearl, Scarlett

23. Endings and Empathy (Amplifier 6)
- Narrator: Emma
- Main characters: Aiden, Christopher, Bee
- Supporting characters: Samantha, Daniel, Kader, Chenda, Opal

24. Misplaced Souls (Misfits of the Adept Universe 1)
- Narrator: Mory
- Main characters: Liam, Benjamin
- Supporting characters: Tony, Gabby, Peggy, Pearl, Jade, Kandy, Kett, and Jasmine.

25. Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0)
- Narrator: Dusk
- Main characters: Sisu and Jiaotu
- Supporting characters: Haoxin, Pulou, Suanmi, Zeke

26. Invoking Infinity (Archivist 1)
- Narrator: Dusk
- Main characters: Sisu, Kellan
- Supporting characters: Bethany, Ravine, River, Rook, Neve, Lile, Jiaotu, Suanmi

27. Compelling Infinity (Archivist 2)
- Narrator: Dusk
- Main characters: Sisu, Kellan, and Ravine
- Supporting characters: Bethany, Len, Rook, Neve, Lile, Suanmi, and Drake
Reading Order of the Conduit World
- Awry (Conduit 1)

- Narrator: Zaya
- Main characters: Presh, Rath, Rought, and Reck
- Supporting Characters: Coda, Cayley, Harlee
2. Grand Romantic Delusions and the Madness of Mirth, Part 1

- Narrator: Mirth
- Main characters: Rian, Bolan, Sully, Elias, and Christoph
Coming next:
- Mirth, Part Two
- Conduit 2
- Revealing Infinity (Archivist 3)
- Kandy’s book (Misfits 2)
- untitled (Archivist 4)
Other Novels by Meghan Ciana Doidge (in order of release)
The ‘free’ strategy was a good one – it got me on board! I’ve already bought Trinkets #2 and #3, read them both, and can’t wait for #4. I read a LOT, much of it urban fantasy, paranormal romance, etc., and thoroughly enjoy your work.
Yay, Pat! I just put Cupcakes to perma-free at the beginning of July and I was super nervous about doing so. But like you said, I’ve found some great readers with it. Glad you enjoyed reading my version of an urban fantasy, I’m a big, big fan of the genre as well. There’s more coming. 🙂
I found Cupcakes free in July. Immediately after reading the book, I bought the rest of the series. Then I ended up into reading The Oracle Series. So I’m super stoked for getting into Constructionist! And when I’m done with these (hopefully there is more!!!!) I need to check out the rest of your books!
I, too bought the first book. Am now on Oracle 3 and will continue. Loves the books and am so happy I can keep reading about the same people through so many books. Love the genre.
I’m so, so glad you are enjoying the Adept Universe, Brenda!!
It’s how you got me too. lol. Just finished 6th book of Dowser and starting 3rd of Oracle. I went ahead and bought the rest only to find the amplifier series. lol. 2 quick questions… How do I find Love lies bleeding? And where does it fall in chronological order? Thank you and please don’t ever stop writing!!!
Sorry!! Missed this comment. LLB is current not avail (b/c I’m just that lazy) so email me and I’ll send you a copy. It’s not set in the Adept Universe.
I, too, was lured in with the free book and purchased #2 & #3. I have thoroughly enjoyed all 3 books and can’t wait for the 4th! I also have to mention that Jade’s love of Fluevogs sealed the deal for me! Thanks!
I’ve already been “shopping” for Jade’s new shoes for Dowser 4 🙂 so glad you enjoyed the first three books, Brandi.
Jumped into the free book bangwagon and loved your book! You had me craving cupcakes through the entire series. 😆 Got the next two and just finished with the 3rd book! When is book 4 set to be out?
Sorry about the cupcake cravings 🙂 But I’m so glad you loved Dowser 1 – 3!! I’m about to release Oracle 1, which is the beginning of a new seres in which you get a glimpse of Jade and company through a different POV. I also have Dowser 4 half-written and I’m hoping you will see it before Christmas.
so funny I had to look up what Fluevogs where!! I came for the cupcakes stayed for the dark chocolate
Ready for book 5 please!!
You got it!! LOL So glad you like the series!!
Love the Trinkets series – really fun and charming – I am ready for 5 too!
Glad to hear it!! Thanks for commenting 💞
I LOVE your books!!! It makes me want some of her trinkets that she makes. I just bought I See Me about 10 minutes ago and can’t wait to start on it! Keep up the good work!!!
Thanks for popping by, Jen! I hope you like I See Me as well, though it is obviously different. Speaking of trinkets … I want Jade’s necklace!!
This is the best series!!!! I can’t wait for #5!! I’ll keep checking back…lol!!
Yay! Glad you like the Dowser! If you join the new release mailing list you can be sure not to miss the next in the series. 🙂
The freebie for first one left me needing the rest, so I bought them all – thank you! 🙂 my partner prefers audio books, any chance that might be happening? I know a few great voice people that might be willing in exchange for cupcakes lol
Hello! I’m so glad you enjoyed the Dowser Series. Author-narrated – GULP – audiobooks are actually in the works. But are going to take me a couple of months because I’m only working on them in the evenings and weekends (after hitting my word count for the day). Audible requires a minimum of five titles from me to open a publisher account. This is because I’m Canadian. USAers and UKers can publish through different route, a single book at a time.
So yes, audiobooks are coming!! If you sign up for the new release mailing list (link found on the top right of the blog) I promise to send out an email when they are all uploaded and ready.
Thanks for reading and commenting here!
I was “lured” in by the first book free as well…I bought the next three and am excited to read number 5 when it comes out!
Nice! I’m been very happy with the results from having Dowser 1 permafree. I’ve found some lovely readers.:) So glad you’ve enjoyed the series so far!!
I completely inhaled (pun intended) Jade, her cupcakes and her adventures in the Dowser series through Book 5 and loved it. And I See Me was just as captivating. As a bonus, my baking has been more inspired lately, too. Thank you for your awesome books and I can’t wait for the next books in the Oracle and Dowser series!
My baking has been much more inspired since writing the Dowser series as well … often inspiring tears of frustration, say when I discover that my sieve is too tightly woven to strain blackberries … it’s just a bad memory now, I shouldn’t even bring it up. LOL
So, so glad that you found and enjoyed the dowser and oracle books so much! I was driving around doing errands this morning and I figured out how Dowser 7 ends, I love that! Of course, I have to write at least three more books before I get there … but fun! fun!
😀 Thanks for commenting here. 😀
Do you have a release date for Rochelle #2 yet? Can’t wait!!!!!! chell
Hi Michelle! Just between you and me I’m shooting for a Dec 17, 2015 release date. 🙂 I’ll put up the preorder as soon as I have the book cover. Oracle 2 is with the editor right now, so I’m working on Dowser 6 while I await his notes. Make sure you are on my new release mailing list (top right hand corner of the blog), so you don’t miss the release. But I’ll also announce it here and on Facebook and Twitter. I hope you like it!!
Ha! Never mind I see you signed to the blog feed. That works too. I should look at all my emails in the morning!
Oh I can’t wait!!!!! What a great Christmas present. I can’t wait.. I adore these books and Dowser… Speechless on those books. You are a great author!!!!
<3 I'm so glad you think so (on all counts)!! <3
Just to follow up
.. I’m still avidly read these books and still amazed in the adapt universe you have created. The quality is always there and never lacking my interest!!!! Ty ty ty for sharing your talent with us!°
I’m so glad you enjoy all my books. 😊
I am so excited for book 6!!!! Absolutely love this series!
YAY!! Glad to hear it! I’m working on it. So soon!! 😀
I have spent two days reading the trinket series back to back and I love them can’t wait to read book 6 xxxx
Yay!! Glad to hear it! Dowser 6 is with the editor. So it’s definitely on its way! Thanks for commenting!
I loved the dowser series, will there be a #7. sure hope so
Dowser 7, 8 and 9 are definitely in the works but first I’m finishing up the third book in the Reconstructionist Series with Wisteria and Kett. Thanks for reading!!
YEah – I love this series!! Keep it going Please Please Please!!
If you mean the Dowser Series, then yes, there will be more. 😀😀😀 I’m glad you enjoy it!
I am so glad. I just finished Downer 6, and thought this can’t be the end. Good series!!!
On my 2nd Dowser book can’t put them down. Hilarious!
I’m so glad you are enjoying the series!!
Ahhh… wait, I just found Dowser #6. Not sure how I missed that one! LOL
Ha! I just commented on your other post. 😊
Ahh… Goodreads didn’t have your 6th book listed, that’s why.
Hmmm, here it is, but it hasn’t been linked to the series for some reason. And I can’t do it because I’m not a librarian.
Well, it wasn’t listed as part of the Dowser series for some reason, but I did find it on Good reads. 🙂 Sorry if confused you with 2 posts!
looking forwards to the next book pleeeeeeeese Meghan.
I See Us (Oracle 3). October 6, 2016 😍
I am so happy to say that I have read all the already published books. Every one of them was an exciting, great read. I am eagerly awaiting the Reconstructionist series!
Please HELP!!
I am literally seconds away from starting Reconstructionist 1 and on the Adept Reading Order notes it refrences “The Graveyard Kiss” Reconstructionist 0.5
But i cant find it at Barnes and nor do I see it referenced here.
I don’t want to read out of order. Is this book available somewhere else, like Amazon?
Graveyard Kiss is currently only available on Amazon (kindle). I offered it as a bonus for the preorder for Catching Echoes. The next two shorts will only be available as bonuses for the preorders for the next two Reconstructionist books as well. After which I’ll combine them, and make them available on all platforms.
Not reading Graveyard Kiss before Catching Echoes will not ruin the novel.
I hope you enjoy the book!
Very much enjoying your books, not only the great story telling, but I used to live in Kits before the False Creek development when it was still shrimpers that used to take up the docks. That’s how old I am. Now live in northern Ontario, another mystical magical place. Thanks for your particular brand of magic. Have bought and read every one of your available books in this series, they are my new chocolate.
So glad you’ve enjoyed the books! I’m a fan of setting the stories in places I’ve lived or visited enough to be able to feel I can ground the story there. Hence my obsession with the West Coast. I’m sure I’ll get around to Ontario. I lived in Ottawa for five years of my early teens. 😊 thanks for commenting! Have a lovely weekend!
Second the kudos on the perma-free strategy for book 1.
I recently rediscovered cupcakes in my ‘to read’ group, devoured it and have since bought all the assorted books from the cupcakes-oracle-reconstructionist series.
Love them! So glad to get to know Ķett (insert fangy smiley here).
So, so glad you found the Adept Universe. And that you’ve enjoyed the read. ❤️
I just completed The Dowser series and am on the last book “I SeeUs”. Anxiously awaiting ore books in these series!
The Reconstructionist trilogy branches off after Oracle 3. Book 3 should be out this August. So you have three more books (if you are so inclined). Then Dowser 7 will be out later this year. Glad you are enjoying the Adept Universe!!
I got hooked by the free first Dowser book and have listened through #5 all on Audible. The series is completely addictive. It’s hard to be able to find time to read between work and my 3 year old, so Audible has made your stories accessible during commutes, road trips, workouts, etc. I’ve put #6 (already downloaded!) on hold until I can get to the Oracle story, BUT IT’S NOT ON AUDIBLE. Oh, the horror! Hope it is in the works? I’m excited to know that Dowser 6 is not to be the last. I hope the series never ends.
I’m planning to narrate the Oracle and Reconstructionist series myself, hoping to begin recording this fall. And yes, indeed, Dowser 7 is next (after Reconstructionist 3). I’m so glad you are enjoying the series!!
Can’t wait!
Just wanted to let you know getting your first book free was how i got hooked on to the Dowser series. I love the series and am anxiously awaiting the release of Reconstructionist 3 and Dowser 7, 8 and 9!
I’ve been very lucky that having Dowser 1 permafree has brought me some absolutely lovely readers. I hope you continue to enjoy the series!
Been looking for Dawn Bytes but don’t see it anywhere! Finished Dowser and Oracle, ready to start Rconstrution series. Loved all.
Dawn Bytes was only available as a preorder giveaway with book two of the Reconstructionist Series. It will be bundled with the two other shorts and made available on all retailers this fall. But I’ll also be giving it away to anyone who enters the preorder giveaway for the third short story (staring this Tuesday). More info about that will show up in my newsletter and my blog next week.
So glad you enjoyed the Dowser and Oracle Series!!!
Found Dowser 1 in hospital following an accident, your books have seen me through painful nights, a month in hospital and have staved off boredom whilst recovering. A year on, looking forward to Reconstructionist 3 and more Dowser 7, 8 and 9. A big thank you ☺
Goodness! I’m glad I could provide some entertainment while you were recovering. And I’m terribly pleased you are looking forward to more. They are coming.
Hi Meghan, I just wanted to let you know that you write some of the best urban fantasy I have ever read, thanks for all the hard work!
Wow, really??! I’m so glad you think so!! Thanks you for reading and commenting here. Made by morning. 😊 especially because I have to get up and tackle the editor’s line/content edit in Reconstructionist 3.
When I do user 7 coming please please make it soon
No release date yet. 😊
I must co-sign with other members. I got Cupcakes, Trinkets and other Deadly Magic for free and I have been hooked every since. There is not a single book in the Dowser, Oracle, or Reconstructionist series I’ve missed and I even purchased the mini-book that was a kind of intro to the Recontructionist series. It was a bit hard to find, but once I saw reference to it, I didn’t want to miss anything, so I ended up getting a Kindle account just I could read it. (I’m a die hard Nook girl). Keep them coming! It’s an AWESOME series of series!
❤️ there are more coming! ❤️ and all three short stories will be available on all platforms soon. Thank you for reading!
It was the first freebie that led me to reading/buying everything else you’ve written!! Write on!!!
I’m glad to hear it. And I will. 😊📚😊
I would love to win. I never had an audio book. I love the whole adept world series. Pick me💛
Sorry, Barb. This isn’t a giveaway thread. You need to comment on the actual giveaway post that you wish to enter. This is just a listing of my books.
I agree! The free book ploy worked! I have read all your books, except the After The Virus”. Can’t wait for 7, 8, and 9.Didn’t get into the shot story bundle,Your work is akin to my liking of the Pier Anthony books that go to the same type of places. Keep up the good work.
So glad you’ve enjoyed the books (series) (etc). The permafree status of Dowser 1 has been a great investment for me, giving anyone who wants it a taste. And only those who are truly interested follow through. 🙂
I love the Dowser Series! It has all my favorite things. I’ve listened to the first 6 audiobooks and I love how Caitlin Davies reads narrates Jade. Will books 7, 8, & 9 be released as audiobooks?
The next Dowser audiobooks are not on my schedule as of right now. But I will definitely ask Caitlin to continue with them when I have a moment to get it all sorted. Audiobooks are very expensive to produce so they need to be carefully planned for. 😊
Thanks for the info! I will go buy your new books(and make some of the Cake in a Cup recipes! Yay!) so that someday more audiobooks can happen. 😉
When will Dowsett 9 be released?
I just released Dowser 8.5 on August 23. So it will be a few months for Dowser 9. Most likely end of 2018, but I’m still writing it so I haven’t set a release date yet. 😊
I found cupcakes free and now I’m hooked! I have all of your books and am waiting for dowser 9 to become available for pre-order. It says a lot about your talent when I read a series more than once . Keep up the good work.
So glad you’ve enjoyed my books. 😊😊❤️😊 I’ll keep writing. I can’t not write. So hopefully there will be many more hours of entertainment in store (for both of us).
I think i wanna read them from the beginning, in order
Hopefully that would be super fun for you. 😊😊😊
Was introduced to your Dowser Series by a friend. Just love them. Thank you xx
Yay! Thank you friend for me, please. 😊 So pleased that you’ve enjoyed the books!
I may have just devoured the entire series (except the Oracle books) in 22 days through my public library’s digital service…
Ha, ha. Fantastic!
I can’t find a copy of Close to Home in the amplifier list.
Sorry! I’ll add that to this page. Close to Home is bundled with The Amplifier Protocol.
Introduced by a friend I am totally hooked on your great series. Thank you Meghan.
Yay! So glad you are enjoying the books.
Ok. I am on your very last book. Amp 2. You are gonna have to write faster. 😉
I have not been so taken by a series of books since the Wheels of Time series
So glad you are enjoying the Adept Universe!!! 😊😊😊
I am so into this series that I would love to see it as a movie! Any thoughts of making a screenplay?
Actually I come from a filmmaking background, so TV or Movie is definitely the long term hope! 😊
That explains why your scenes are so vivid that I can see the seen and hear the soundtrack for a perfect scene. You have become one of my favorite authors!
Wow. I’m so glad. 😀😀😀
I’m so obsessed with the universe and have read 18 of your books so far – I’d say you’re well and truly my favourite author! Can’t wait to keep reading as you release more!
❤️❤️❤️ I’m so glad you found me and that you’re enjoying my stories! And thank you for popping by my blog to tell me. I just woke up to your message and you’ve made my day. ❤️
I’ve discovered your books last year and already read them all….love the universe. Looking forward to the next great adventure.
Thank you for joining me on the journey! I’m having a blast.
Hi, I got your first book on audible free and I am hooked! I am reading them in the order you have recommended and I am on book 9! I am a big reader and love a book that catches my attention, however, I have been reading less this year with a new job and studying. These books have kept me going, I listen whilst cooking (especially cupcakes!), cleaning, tidying, walking and just taking some time for me.
Looking forward to the rest, the characters are surprising and although I really enjoyed the first book, they have just got better with each one. Happy New Year x
I’m so glad my books have kept you company (and entertained) this year!!
I am tearing through these books. Love the parallel paths and interesting characters. Just read Unleashing Echoes. Loved it. Also got some Fluevogs at the year end sale 🙂 inspired by Jade. Thanks so much!
I’m so so glad you are enjoying the Adept Universe!!
I stared with one of your free offerings of the Dowser series. HOOKED instantly. Now I eat everything your write like Jade herself has just baked it. . . and I suppose she did in a way!
Ha, ha. Love it!! I’m glad you are enjoying the Adept Universe!
I’ve been following the reading order … just finished the Amplifier bk 4… LOVE this series! Well they’re all amazing! Amplifier just has so much to still delve into! I can’t wait for book 5!!
I’m so so glad you’ve been enjoying the Adept Universe and the Amplifier series specifically.
I’m crazy about Paisley! Ed’s a close second…lost it when he was wearing the mouse skull! 😂 Too Funny! The addition of the “pets” is such fun. Amazed at your talent … thankful to have found the Adept Universe during a lot more down time/ home time with Covid. Thanks so much & Keep up the GREAT WORK!!
Ha, ha! I’m so glad!!!
Thanks for writing great books. I love the cookbook too. I have made a bunch of things from it and they are very delicious!
Oh yay! Glad to hear it! 😊
This is probably a very stupid question, but… I’ve made the Chewy Ginger Snap cookie many times and my family loves them. My question is… for the roll, do you use the same recipe and just split it in thirds to roll? Freezing two rolls and baking one? Slicing and dipping in brown sugar instead of rolling balls in sugar.
I’ve read and purchased all of your books, I think. I love your stories, I love your characters, I love your recipes (and so does my family!) Thank you for all of it.
It’s actually a different recipe that Emma uses for her freeze and slice cookies (I haven’t written it up and released it). But you could always try it with the Chewy Ginger Snap and see what happens. 🙂
Okay thanks. I’ll probably continue with the current recipe and wait for Emma’s rolled version. I suspect it’s a larger batch to make the rolls with enough to freeze. And maybe firmer dough?
I’m enjoying your books and I’m currently rereading them. 🙂
I was lured in with the free book and have purchased all rest now émargeront awaiting Archivist 2, Amplifier 5, Misfits 2 & Oracle 4… hooked me from the 1st book, love them all!
Glad to hear it!!!
I am beginning Compelling Infinity but early page mentions 1.5 A Momentary Retrieval that I can’t find anywhere. Where is this short prequel av
Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0)
Invoking Infinity (Archivist 1)
A MOMENTARY Retrieval (Archivist 1.5/Moments of the Adept Universe 0.7)
Compelling Infinity (Archivist 2)
Archivist 1.5 was given away to my newsletter in Nov 2021. You can find it in the archives if you are a subscriber. If not, I will be releasing it along with a collection of shorts just as soon as the editor gets three more of them back to me. The collection will be called, Moments of the Adept Universe 1.
Thank you! Love all your books and your excellent characters!
I love the universe you’ve created and continue to add to. When I first started reading about Jade, I was hooked! And tomorrow, April 1,2023, on my 62nd birthday, I will begin reading the new release from yesterday. I’m still excited to see what will come up and which characters will make an appearance.
I sincerely hope you never get tired of the Adept universe, because you have a bunch of addicts that might not make it through the withdrawal if you end the series completely. #notevenkidding
Congratulations on your newest release! 💚💚💚
Happy Birthday!!! And I’m happiest writing so I will continue! 😃
So, I’m a huge fantasy reader. Started with magician back when I was a kid almost 40 yrs ago and have never stopped . Found your series early last week. Read all in order and just finished archivist 2. What’s next? And more importantly…..when? I’ve really enjoyed your wonderful world and I hope you will continue with it. I’m thinking you’re not finished yet with the archivist story – I hope. Many thanks
Yes! I just releases Amplifier 6 and I usually put out 2-3 books a year.
Hi MCD, have just read all of your books up to archivist 2 ( love them thank you) when will the next book in the series be out to purchase please or have I missed another series that slots in to the universe?
I’m not currently writing in the Archivist series or Adept Universe. But I will eventually return to the both. 😁 Just FYI I keep my newsletter and website (under About …) updated with what I’m currently working on and what my next release is. But I only put up timeline/preorders, etc, when a book is finished. For my own mental health. Thank you for reading!!
I just finished Mirth, part 1, and I WANT TO KNOW MORE!! 😄 you had me in tears, you wrote it so well. Couldn’t find it in my library, so looked here and unfortunately it’s not out yet.
I’m looking forward to hearing about when it’s ready in your newsletter!
Thank you for the work you do, and showing us how to love… more. 💜
Hopefully the end of March! And I will make it available through libraries as well. 💜
I am so excited Mirth 2 will be release on March 13th. I want to preorder it but I’m wondering if it will be available directly thru your website for preorder or do I have to order from Amazon, Barnes and Noble?
No direct or limited edition this time round. Sorry!