Richard Parker oversees Chapter Five

Parker and Chapter FiveSoon I will be announcing the release date for Trinkets, Treasures, and Other Bloody Magic (aka Dowser #2)(YAY!!!). But, to tide you over until then, I thought you’d like to see that Richard Parker, the golden-shaded Persian, is cracking his whip this afternoon and keeping me on track with the first draft of Dowser #3.

About to crack Chapter Five and 21,000+ words.

And yes, that is a mug of hot chocolate. What else did you expect?

A conversation with Leo about the blueberry box


“That blueberry box is clearly too small for you, Leo.”

Leo blatantly ignores Meghan, even though she just so happens to feed him regularly and provide such things as blueberries boxes, looms, and other great places to nap.

“And it’s hanging half off the counter. You might tip and fall.”

Leo continues to ignore Meghan, who is obviously exaggerating as humans have such a propensity to do.

“Fine. I’ll just post a picture of you on the blog then.”

Leo, not even remotely motivated by this nothing of a threat, doesn’t bother to crack an eye for the pictures. What does he care of the blog when he has this perfectly sized box to nap in?