Dowser 1: Flash giveaway


Who just got Dowser 5 off to the proof reader?


Who thought it was perfect timing for a impromptu giveaway?


Who wants to win a signed, misprinted paperback of Dowser 1?


misprinted paperback of Dowser 1


Then, to enter:

1. Comment on this blog post – Tell me a favourite something of yours … chocolate, shoes, cupcakes, cookies, anything!

Yep, that’s it.

I’m running off to the Farmer’s Market to find a treat for me – yay! I’ll assign entry numbers to each comment when I get back, then close the giveaway at 8 p.m. PDT to run a random number generator and contact the winner!

Yes, this is a FLASH GIVEAWAY! YAY!

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. Each comment will be assigned an entry number. The winning entry will then be selected via random number generator. One entry per person. Please make sure to fill out a valid email address in the comment form. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than notifying the contest winner.

If you haven’t commented on the blog before, or you comment from a different IP address, the comments are moderated. So don’t worry if you don’t see your entry right away. I will approve it, then assign it an entry number.

Contest closes TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 2015 at 8 p.m. PDT.

130 thoughts on “Dowser 1: Flash giveaway

  1. Ice-cream with lingonberries in between thin crisp waffles, my own creation (I use waffle cone maker and do not make cones, just leave as is and put ice cream in between). I love nibbling on them while reading, just heaven 😉

  2. Something that is my favorite. .. how about fiction genre, that would have to be urban fantasy.. 🙂
    but I love chocolate (monty bojangles choccy scoffy….mmmmm) & vibram fivefingers (shoes)

  3. My favourite thing in the world would be baking red velvet cup cakes with my kids, they love putting the frosting, and then we sit on the sofa and eat them all 🙂

  4. My favorite thing would be to sit back, relax, and read. I usually read any free books I can get my hands on, but when I find a really good book I basically read all the books in the series in about a week. This time I found a great author and have read all of your books that you currently have on the market! Keep up the great work!

  5. I can’t narrow it down to ONE. I love the smell of petrichore, dobermans, chocolate, opening a hardcover book for the first time (and it’s accompanying smell), sleeping, driving, and I’ll stop with coming up with new nail art ideas 🙂

  6. I love all of the different cupcakes. My favorite thing is pumpkin spice cappuccino, I love halloween so really anything related!

  7. A favorite of mine? Only one?!!!! Well I think my favorite indulgence is chocolate cheesecake with strawberries on top….I also have. athing for sunglasses, but the cheesecake totally tops that. Oh and books!!! Yes lotsa books!

  8. One of my favorite thugs? Fluevog’s, naturally! I only have 2 pair, the pink mini ZaZa’s and the basic black 8-eye boots! Just the beginning of what I hope tone a very large collection!

  9. A slightly soft avocado. You going to a farmers market made me think in terms of food and I just love a good avocado!

  10. Reading! When I’m not reading I’m thinking about reading. The best way to have a conversation with me is to ask me about a book

      1. Fire in the Darkness by Stacey Marie Brown. The main character is a bit young for my taste and prone to teenage tantrums but I’m loving the story. It’s book two and book one Darkness of Light is free on Amazon

  11. My favorite thing is fall! 🎃 Everything awesome happens in the fall! My daughter’s birthday, Halloween, my anniversary, bonfires, haunted houses, sweaters, hot cocoa, piles of leaves… I could go on and on!

  12. Bookbub introduced me to you, and I love your writing!! Clever and witty, and full of chocolate and magic!

  13. Ymmm! Cupcakes the chocolaty the Better, Chocolate Cupcakes are magic all their own, No Demons allowed, to eat cupcakes.

  14. I LOVE the Dowser Series! I can’t wait for book 5 yay! Best friend: My white Boxer Buddy. Favorite cupcake: Oreo Cupcake from Small Cakes. Confession: I love to take naps!

  15. Lazy Sunday mornings are my favorite things. Sitting on the porch, drinking coffee, ,listening to the birds sing and watching the squirrels run around. 🙂

  16. I am always hungry after I read your work! My favorite reading spot is in the sun, on my comfy couch. In the morning with a good cup of Illy coffee!

  17. I LOVE LOVE LOVE books!! That’s my weakness. I have a nook, and it’s way too easy to order new books! I went through the Dowser series in no time! 😘

  18. In honor of Jade’s obsession, I absolutely love anything white chocolate related. It all started back as a kid in the 80’s when the Nestle Alpine bars were around.

  19. Chocolate Gooey Cupcakes – flip flop Birkensrocks and Traders Joe’s Dark Chocolate Almond candy Bar

  20. My favourite thing is popcorn! I can smell it from a mile away, and eat it for dinner on a regular basis 😉

  21. Hot summer mornings and dew kissed flowers.
    Freshly mown grass and crisp spring showers.
    These are a few of my favorite things…

  22. My kids. 🙂 I have 6, ranging from age 18 down to 2. I adore each of them and I savor every single minute. Love my babies!

  23. Recently had high tea at the St James Tea Room in Albuquerque, New Mexico and loved everything about it.

  24. Cupcakes are definitely my downfall — dark chocolate and vanilla. And if I only have one I don’t have to share! 🙂

  25. My black high heels: pink flowers with skulls in the middle & green vines & 3D geometric design on the heels, peep toe portion: black and pink striped 🙂 made by “Too Fast”

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