Dowser 5: paperback flash giveaway


These beauties just showed up the mail yesterday, so it must be time for a FLASH giveaway!


Who would like to win an autographed paperback of Dowser 5?

You would?

Okay then!

To enter:

  1. Comment below with your favourite quote from Maps, Artifacts, and Other Arcane Magic (Dowser 5).

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. Each comment will be assigned an entry number. The winning entry will then be selected via random number generator. One entry per person. Please make sure to fill out a valid email address in the comment form. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than notifying the contest winner.

If you haven’t commented on the blog before, or you comment from a different IP address, the comments are moderated. So don’t worry if you don’t see your entry right away. I will approve it, then assign it an entry number.

Contest closes WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2015 at 9 a.m. PDT.

<3 <3 <3

52 thoughts on “Dowser 5: paperback flash giveaway

  1. I gripped Warner’s arm in excitement and gestured toward one of the most beautiful buildings I’d ever seen. “Oh my God! He’s taking us to Ben & Jerry’s!”

  2. “Now it’s just us,” she whispered. So I stabbed her in the gut. Which was a bitch, because I’d been aiming for the little creep’s heart. She deflected the blow with a downward strike of her palms at the last second, though. My jade knife slipped smoothly through her dragon hide, stopping only when it reached the hilt. This strike brought me to my knees and us face to face. She blinked, her brown eyes surprised but surprisingly lucid. “Let me properly introduce you to my knife,” I growled. Yeah, that was trite and obvious of me, but I was really pissed off. “Hello, knife,” Shailaja whispered.

  3. I refuse to choose a favorite, but this touching convo between Drake and Jade deserves a shout out:

    “You love me.” The fledgling guardian’s smile remained, but his tone turned serious. “You’d do anything for me.”

    “Yes, I would.”
    “As I would for you.”

    I nodded, not sure what to say in the wake of the fledgling’s heartfelt declaration.

    “Pack is important. Loyalty makes us stronger. We are dragons of the same generation. We must have each other’s backs.”

    Anytime and always,” I said, completely serious now.

    I love Drake!

  4. “The preschooler barreled into me like a tiny freight train … a tiny train driven by a crazy koala, and capable of hauling thousands of pounds of concrete.” I love this it had me laughing so hard. (I also saved the above quote about Ben and jerrys haha)

  5. “What would I do with you, Jade Godfrey, after I caught you?” he murmured, his gaze still on my neck.” I already know that your blood and I don’t mix.”

  6. Then, his eyes full of epic sadness, he whispered, “Only three cupcakes remain.”

    I love Drake and his (completely appropriate) reverence for cupcakes 🙂

  7. I love this part because it made me laugh out loud, “Oh my God! He’s taking us to Ben & Jerry’s!” I know someone else used it too but I love when books make laugh.

  8. “You’re angry, but not with me,” I whispered, aware but not really caring that the street was really too full of people to be making such a display of myself.

    “Never at you,” Kett replied. He pressed his hand briefly to the back of my head, then dropped his arms.

    I love Jade’s relationship with Kett.

  9. Blood trumped rock, paper, and scissors.

    I *love* when Jade goes into her “extreme” modes, no in between, all or nothing … * laugh *

  10. “We get to save each other this time.” He reached up to brush his withered fingers through my tangled, blood-and-vomit-speckled curls. … But it occurred to me- … that Kettil… might be in love with me.

    Ahhhhh! I just can’t get over that line (o.O)

  11. But it occurred to me — just in the breath I took to lift him, which I quickly exhaled along with the thought — that Kettil, the executioner and elder of the Conclave, might be in love with me.

    I say, took her freaking long enough!

  12. “The sheen of gold that rolled across Shailaja’s eyes was the only warning I got before she lunge for me. I called my knife into my hand even as I was thrusting it foward to meet her attack. Miss Cupcakes and Trinkets had taken a nap and woken up ready to rumble “

  13. “Yes, I’m ogling your manhood.” He laughed. “Stay there, Jade, standing over me all golden and pink, warm and ready. I’d have you there forever. I’d look at only you for the rest of my days.”“That would be a seriously long time, dragon.”“Indeed.”

  14. Kett slipped his hand into the front pocket of his jeans and pulled out two wedding rings. A matching set of plain gold bands. He held the rings out to me, the metal glimmering with a hint of red where they rested in the palm of his right hand. “Jesus,” I said. “You aren’t asking me to marry you, are you?” Kett smiled, tight-lipped and cool. “For your necklace. I found them and thought you might wish to add their magic to the chain. The timing appears to be auspicious.”

  15. I lifted my hands, stretching my arms back through the jumping and twirling crowd to gather all its wild magic to me. I pulled it … drop by drip, strand by thread … pulled it to me, through me, and into my necklace. I gathered the wild cast-off until the chain and wedding rings were heavy against my heart. A comforting barrier to all the aches that had resided there for so long, and all the worries that threatened to live there forever. A magical shield of golden links. Heart armor. I threw my head back and laughed.

  16. “Do you know that child?” Gran asked.
    “She’s not a child,” I answered. “And yes. Unfortunately. She’s the crazy dragon kid from the freaking fortress.”

  17. “The path might be set, but how you choose to walk it is your decision, Jade Godfrey.”

    It makes you think hard about what events might come to pass for Jade. I can’t wait to read them all!

  18. I didn’t know what I was looking for until I saw it. It wasn’t what I expected. It wasn’t one specific image. It wasn’t a clue. It wasn’t enlightenment. It wasn’t good versus evil.

    It was endurance.
    I had endured.
    I endured.
    I will endure….

    I would walk the path as I chose to walk it, with not another inch of it dictated by friend or foe.

      1. It is a very good part. Showing Jade has finally found herself and accepts herself for who she is.

        We all have endured one thing or another and despite how we felt after, we still lived. Endurance makes us stronger. That and not allowing others to dictate our actions/lives is something we all should strive for.

      2. It is a difficult mindset to maintain, especially for women or for anyone else who has been genetically or environmentally conditioned to be caregivers. It is a constant battle to put yourself first.

  19. Then I took my dragon to bed.

    Yes (fist pump). Jade has been through so much and bemoaned the lack of a bed partner. She finally gets something tasty besides chocolate. Can’t wait to see what cupcakes this inspires.

  20. “What’s the second thing that might happen?”

    “I’ll try to rip your throat out.”

    “Well, that’s always a possibility, isn’t it?”

    Kett huffed out a pained laugh. Except I hadn’t really been joking.

    “I’m not sure you would survive the assault, alchemist…Jade. I reiterate my plea for you to leave me.”

    “Yep. I hear you. But we both know that’s not going to happen.”

    Kett sighed. “Quickly, then.”

    I LOVE their friendship & have loved watching it develop – they’re an odd pair, but they challenge each other well.

    1. Entry #23 – I was so glad Kett was able to be woven into the plot into this book so much. He and Jade have a very different bond than she does with Kandy, and I loved exploring their moments together.

  21. Right. Now I was declaring my magickal prowess to the bookshelf.

    Because books bite and are obnoxious … And I’ve totally done the same thing 😀

  22. This line makes me laugh, AND relate!!!

    “Then, his eyes full of epic sadness, he whispered, “Only three cupcakes remain.”

    Epic sadness……exactly how I feel when the cupcakes are nearly gone as well!! 🙂

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