Oracle 2: paperback now available and a giveaway!

GIVEAWAY CLOSED. WINNER: Lucky #12 – Megan from Chicago, Illinois! YAY!

This is slightly belated news, but I See You, Oracle 2 is now available in paperback! Yay!

Here are some beauty shots:




I thought I’d celebrate with a giveaway!

Good idea, yes?

And if one paperback is good, then two must be fantastic!


Do you want to win these two pretty paperbacks? I’ll even autograph them for you if you like. 😀

To enter all you need to do is comment below and let me know:

  1. What is your favourite scene in Oracle 1 or Oracle 2, and why?

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. Each comment will be assigned an entry number. ONE winning entry will then be selected via random number generator. One entry per person. Please make sure to fill out a valid email address in the comment form. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than notifying the contest winner.

If you haven’t commented on the blog before, or you comment from a different IP address, the comments are moderated. So don’t worry if you don’t see your entry right away. I will approve it, then assign it an entry number.

Contest closes THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 2016 at 8 p.m. PST.

<3 <3 <3

51 thoughts on “Oracle 2: paperback now available and a giveaway!

  1. When Rochelle gets her RV and is driving away to her freedom (well she thinks anyway) – (we all would love to feel like that sometimes) – I See Me –
    I Just started reading I See You on Kobo (asked for it for X-Mas but atlas I did not get it, so I got it last night)

  2. I really like as she’s learning more about her tattoos. Oh, and when she meets Jade. Wait… Do I have to pick just one?

  3. I love the scene where Rochelle says to Beau, “I see you.” Their relationship is just so good, it makes me happy. I love both books, but when she says she sees HIM, it just solidifies their relationship in such a lovely way and sets them off together for the rest of their lives. <3 If anything were to ever happen to break them up, I think I would be as broken as Rochelle (and the rest of your readers) would be.

  4. Yes please!!!! I think my favorite scene so far is in Oracle 2 when her butterfly first takes flight in the laundry mat!!

  5. I love so many scenes, so hard to choose one! I guess my first favorite scene in I See Me is when Rochelle gets the RV from Gary. I was glad she had found a good-hearted person who cared about her and helped her-especially with the creepy guy following her around. I was thrilled to see she kept in touch with Gary and his wife in I See You.

    1. I have only read the first one so far. My favorite scene is when she meets Jade and lets her do her magic on her mothers necklace.

  6. Too many to choose but … “Yeah, you know.” Kandy started the pristinely clean and completely conspicuous SUV, then executed a U-turn back toward the highway. “He laid it out in exquisite detail. Time, place, players, and ultimate outcome. Completely coherently. Like always. Then I bought him Oreos.” I don’t know why but it never fails to crack me up that Chi Wen loves Oreos. And I love Kandy and her snarky comments!

  7. Well, I’ll be honest I haven’t read Oracle 1 or 2 yet, but they are on my to read in January list. I’m sure there will be lots of good scenes though!

  8. I love when her butterfly tattoo starts flying around in the laundry mat. I think something like that would be really cool to see in real life.

  9. “He had the bakery heat up apple juice for me”
    It sweet how much Beau knows and cares for her so early on.

  10. My favourite part about the series is finding out that the two series are intertwined. It helps to start a book already feeling that you know and care about the people in it. It also helps feed that inter curiosity of wondering about some of the secondary characters in the first series by putting them upfront as the main characters in this one.

  11. My favorite part is in Oracle 2 when Kandy and Henry interact at the end (I don’t want to be more specific so there aren’t any spoilers, is that okay?). I love Beau and Rochelle but I like the possibilities that arise from this scene.

  12. I love several but the one I will pick is the scene of them sitting on the bench waiting for the Pack to find them Beau is terrified but needs to keep Rochelle safe. Same when Rochelle leaves Desmond’s. They were both Brave, hence why I love that their house is that model!!! Also, when Rochelle had to fiddle with the lock every time she gets in the Brave in Oracle 2 because Beau went overkill on the lock. His instinct to care for and protect Beau is just like my husband! Love when I see something from my own life reflected so beautifully on paper.

  13. When Rochelle gets the keys to the RV and drives it for the first time realizing how big it seems when driving it in traffic. I could relate.

  14. I liked when Rochelle spoke of “seeing” Jade for the first time in I See Me. The detail of how beautiful and powerful she looked with her green sword. I got chills. I love when books intertwine.

  15. My favorite scene in the first Oracle was the power play between Jade and the wolves. And especially when McGrowly snapped the piece of granite off his counter. I love the love between Rochelle and Beau though. I also love the exchange between Rochelle and Chi Wen.

  16. Just now noticed this giveaway blog lol and I’m out and about, my favorite is from the first book when Beau sees her first “episode” and he stays and doesn’t leave her. My favorite because he is seeing the real her and still wants to be with her lol..corny I know but that’s how I feel about my husband lol

  17. I love when Rochelle is doing her laundry and her tattoo flutters off of her wrist. I’m very interested to see where that’s going!

    Oh, plus, Chi Wen and I have matching shirts. So, there’s that. haha

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