Monthly Newsletter Giveaway: Dowser 3

GIVEAWAY CLOSED. WINNER LUCKY #7!Screen Shot 2016-08-05 at 10.15.13 AMI’m publishing my monthly newsletter today (about 10 minutes after this post goes live). Each newsletter features a giveaway, along with some exclusive content (a recipe, Q&A, etc). This month the newsletter also includes a download link for the Dowser Series cookbook! Finally!

The giveaway for the 3rd edition of the newsletter is an autographed paperback of Treasures, Demons and Other Black Magic (Dowser 3).

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I’ll include the two postcards in the giveaway but the chocolate is already gone and the jade plant technically doesn’t belong to me in the first place. 🙂

To enter the autographed paperback giveaway, comment below and let me know:

  1. What is your favourite ‘treasure’? And why?

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. Each comment will be assigned an entry number. ONE winning entry will then be selected via random number generator. One entry per person. Please make sure to fill out a valid email address in the comment form. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than notifying the contest winner. No purchase necessary.

If you haven’t commented on the blog before, or you comment from a different IP address, the comments are moderated. So don’t worry if you don’t see your entry right away. I will approve it and it will magically appear.

Contest closes THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 2016 at 8 p.m. PDT.


37 thoughts on “Monthly Newsletter Giveaway: Dowser 3

  1. Favourite treasure…that would be either Kandy’s bracelets or the rings Jade received from Warner. Kandy’s bracelets I know have extreme bling and I have some outfits to go with them. But those betrothal rings Warner gave Jade insinuate so much and I love Love. So I guess my favourite treasure has to be the rings!!!

    1. Of course I was thinking favourite treasure in the books.

      My favourite treasure in my life most definitely is my wedding band. Seeing how I just got married two months ago!!!

  2. One Christmas, our parents gave the 3 of us girls a key necklace signifying that we have the key to their hearts. Four months later, my little sister was killed in a car accident. My parents gave her necklace to me. That is my treasure.

  3. My favorite “treasure” is a very old silver bracelet that belonged to my grandmother. I don’t wear it often because I don’t want to lose it and I’d be heartbroken if anything happened to it. My favorite “treasure” from the series has to be Jade’s necklace with all of the trinkets on it.

  4. My favorite personal treasure would be the arrowhead necklace my Dad made and gave to me. He found the arrow head while out walking and wound silver around the base to make it a pendant. It is my favorite treasure because it was made by his hands just for me. I wear it anytime something important is happening so he can be there in spirit with me. We lost him to cancer 10 years ago.
    My favorite treasure from the series is Jade’s necklace. I love how it grounds her when she is upset and gives her strength.

  5. My “treasure” is the understanding of how fortunate I am to be a Canadian. How different my life and family would be if fate had placed us elsewhere. Roof over your head, loving family, enough to eat … that’s priceless.

  6. I can’t think of one thing that I would consider my treasure… but I’m sitting here listening to Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros and Home came on and I think it says perfectly what my treasure is.. “Home, let me come home, Home is wherever I’m with you, Home, let me come home, Home is wherever I’m with you.” My treasure is my love.. he’s my home. 🙂

  7. I have a few favorite treasures, one is the huge “family” bible that is over 100 years old, that I just recently got from my grandmother. I love all types of treasures and trinkets, my wedding ring, my hear ring my dad got for me and my rainbow stone cross necklace my husband got for me. I could go on and on but those are some of my top choices.

  8. I have my Grandad’s ring. My Grandma gave it to him just before he went off to fight in WWII. When he died in the mid 70’s, Grandma gave it to me and I’ve worn it ever since. It is still mis-shapen where Grandma bent it so it wouldn’t fall off her finger when she wore it, immediately after Grandad died. It is very soft gold and has worn very thin. A few years ago it broke. I sat and cried for about an hour, thinking of mainly my Grandma. The week it was being repaired is the only significant length of time I’ve not worn it in 40 years.

  9. Aside from my loved ones … i have a few treasures from my grandparents. … one is a snake skin my grandpa kept from ww2

  10. I love Jade’s necklace, it means so much to her. My treasure is my son, Jesse and daughter, Caitlin.

  11. My treasure isn’t really mine, but it’s shared.

    My mother passed away four years ago, and when clearing out her house we got to her china cabinet.

    I came across a jewellery box buried inside a teapot. Inside was her 21st birthday present from her mother. A cocktail watch. With it was a note to me, asking me to keep it for my daughter till she was twenty-one. I gave her it last year and we both had a good cry.

    She asked me to keep hold of it AND the note. It may not work, at the minute, but it’s my daughters and I greatest treasure, including the note.

  12. My favorite treasure is my grandfather’s tiger eye sapphire ring. He gave it to me before he passed

  13. My parents gave me a pearl necklace for my 21st birthday. It is not only beautiful, but holds many wonderful memories.

  14. I would have to say my treasure is my daughter. She decided to come into this world early and has shine so bright ever since. There is no material object that can replace her. She can make any body’s day with a simple smile. She has shown me strength and bravery. She is our miracle worker with a heart of gold.

  15. I have a crystal bowl filled with rocks that I have found or have had gifted to me. I have had some of the rocks for over 30 years. I teach in a toddler program and many of the rocks are from my babies. I remember every child that gave me a treasure. So much love in that bowl.💕

  16. My mother’s wedding ring set from when she was married to my father, it has sentimental value since they divorced when I was young, and she passed away 3 years ago.

  17. My treasure would be my very precious Ferrero Rocher chocolates. I need to hide them deep inside the fridge because they are always gone!

  18. My favorite treasure is definitely my huge crystal collection. I’m a total rockhound. In the books, my favorite treasure would be Jade’s necklace, I love the way it can loop in different ways and how she feels when she laces her fingers through the dangling rings. Magic.

  19. My love for reading is my greatest treasure. It cannot be stolen or sullied. With it, I’ve traveled through time and into many different worlds. There had always been a refuge from any of life’s storms. I can always find a new adventure.

    And my second favorite is my wonderful dog who listens to my rants when I’m reading! She’s a trooper.

  20. My favorite treasure from the series is Jade’s necklace. I love it. I often think of trying to make one, but honestly, I am not that creative so it probably wouldn’t turn out well. My favorite personal treasure would be my books on my bookshelf. I love them too. Just looking at them brings me peace.

  21. My favorite treasure is the cut glass perfume bottles my grandfather bought my grandmother when he was trying to win her. They sre crystal, beautiful and whisper love.

  22. My favorite treasure in life is my son. I only have one child because that is all I think I am mentally capable of handling especially after having him around me for the past 3 yrs. But no matter the good or bad I would never prefer my life without him.

    That being said…..

    My favorite treasure in the books would either be a few things. Jade’s Necklace bec it keeps her grounded. Her knife because it’s freaking awesome and the weird treasure map made of skin. Especially when she was able to project the map to fig out where they needed to go.

  23. My real time fav is my lil monkey aka my 3 year old daughter. My favorite book treasure is the rings that Warner gives Jade to add to her necklace.

    1. My favorite treasure is my great-grandmother’s cameo that I wore for my wedding… Hopefully my daughter will wear it one day, too! 👰🏻

  24. So hear me out… My favorite treasure is soon to be my phone. My twins(the only kids I have)are going to college in two weeks. It is a distance that will keep them from coming home very often. I will be calling, texting, sending pictures, snapchatting and face timing everyday in some way. So for me to be able to connect with them and tell them I love them, yep, my phone. And I also read all my books on it, too.😉

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