MCD’s Coconut Macaroons, etc

[Updated July 23, 8:41 am ā€“ added missing cooking times to recipe]

I just had virtual coffee (via the SFWA auction I mentioned some time ago, like a month ago? Who knows? What is time??) with Anetia and Barb (my two other readers were MIA šŸ˜°), and for fun, I typed up the recipe of the treat I was eating during our chat. I thought I’d share the recipe here as well (also as kind of an apology for being a bit ‘sensitive’ over on Facebook yesterday).

How’s that for a lot of brackets stuffed into one paragraph??!! (Do you think I can manage a few more?) šŸ˜œ

Without further ado, here are my treats this weekend:

Pictured: chocolate coconut macaroons and coconut almond macaroons.


Hers (MCD) and His (MJH) macaroons.

[If you have the time] Use the leftover yokes for mousse, ice cream, or lemon curd!

And I totally think Jade would whip these tasties up for Cake in Cup!!

MCD Direct Sales: Amplifier Series audiobooks

Now you can grab all the Amplifier Series audiobooks directly through MCD (via BookFunnel), including the brand new Endings and Empathy (Amplifier 6). YAY!

If you missed why Iā€™m implementing direct sales with audiobooks, please read this blog post.

Amplifier Series audiobooks (via MCD):

The Amplifier Protocol (Amplifier 0) and Close to Home (Amplifier 0.5), narrated by Tia Rider. Length 6.2 hours. $5CDN

Cover design by: Gene Mollica Studios Model: Devon Ericksen Narrator: Tia Rider


Demons and DNA (Amplifier 1), narrated by Tia Rider. Length 8.23 hours. $10CDN


Bonds and Broken Dreams (Amplifier 2), narrated by Tia Rider. Length 10.21 hours. $10CDN

Cover design by: Gene Mollica Studios Models: Devon Ericksen and Jonathan Cannaux Narrator: Tia Rider


Mystics and Mental Blocks (Amplifier 3), narrated by Tia Rider. Length 9.26 hours. $10CDN

Cover design by: Gene Mollica Studios Models: Devon Ericksen and Jonathan Cannaux Narrator: Tia Rider


Idols and Enemies (Amplifier 4), including The Music Box (Amplifier 4.5) narrated by Tia Rider. Length 12.47 hours. $10CDN


Instincts and Impostors (Amplifier 5), narrated by Tia Rider. Length 9.13 hours. $10CDN


Recon Mission: Bee (Amplifier 5.5), narrated by Siiri Scott. Length 2.29 hours. $2.50CDN


Endings and Empathy (Amplifier 6), narrated by Tia Rider. Length 9.87 hours. $10CDN


All available audiobooks via MCD

Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1)

Trinkets, Treasures, and Other Bloody Magic (Dowser 2)

Treasures, Demons, and Other Black Magic (Dowser 3)

I See Me (Oracle 1)

I See You (Oracle 2)

I See UsĀ (Oracle 3)

Catching Echoes (Reconstructionist 1)

Tangled Echoes (Reconstructionist 2)

Unleashing Echoes (Reconstructionist 3)

Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0)

Invoking Infinity (Archivist 1)

Compelling Infinity (Archivist 2)

Coming soon:

Dowser 4, 5, and 6 ā€“ July 2023

Dowser 7, 8, and 9 ā€“ October 2023

Admin note: automated taxes on direct sales

Just a quick note (sorry for cluttering your inbox), but I enabled ‘automated taxes’ for the direct digital products (i.e. logos and audiobooks) that I’m selling via the Made By Meghan site this morning. There is a threshold in Canada for collecting GST so I hadn’t bothered (though the Kickstarter last January is likely going to be factored into that, so I really should have been charging GST for all of 2023 – yikes). I thought there was a threshold for VAT as well, but ā€“ and I will confirm this with my accountant ā€“ apparently, that has changed and every single sale (digital goods or not) is now subject to VAT in the EU. Sigh.

The store is now set up to calculate the taxes (GST/VAT, etc) automatically based on YOUR location. It is added to the cost, so for example, an audiobook will now be $10CDN+applicable tax but clearly shown/noted in the cart. Still all Canadian currency, so the final charge on your credit card, etc, will show the price after the exchange rate is applied.

Anyway, just an FYI! I still have to sort all my end out with the accountant (and where/how I’m going to find time to keep track of it all), but I spent hours last night and this morning reading up on it and it’s pretty clear I should have been charging VAT to my EU readers right away.

Not sure this affects many of my American readers, BTW. Again, the taxes are (supposed to now be) automated based on your location. Though the flat GST rate (5%) might be applicable to all (hard for me to test since I’m in BC).

The T-shirts, etc, purchased via Amazon are a separate thing. Amazon takes care of collecting the tax on those.

Happy Monday! [I can’t wait to get back to full-time writing … hopefully, that’s still going to be possible one of these days?? šŸ˜]

I can’t wait to fill this (still empty!!) notebook with all things Conduit Series. Art by Sprig and Fae (Etsy store. I’m not affiliated, just love their art).

MCD Direct Sales: Reconstructionist audiobooks

These are NOT NEW Reconstructionist Series audiobooks, Iā€™m simply making the trilogy available directly through me. YAY!

If you missed why Iā€™m implementing direct sales with audiobooks, please read this blog post.

Reconstructionist Series audiobooks (via MCD):

Catching Echoes (Reconstructionist 1), narrated by Whitney Dykhouse. Length 8.18 hours. $10CDN


Tangled Echoes (Reconstructionist 2), narrated by Whitney Dykhouse. Length 9.10 hours. $10CDN


Unleashing Echoes (Reconstructionist 3), narrated by Whitney Dykhouse. Length 9.10 hours. $10CDN


All available audiobooks via MCD

Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1)

Trinkets, Treasures, and Other Bloody Magic (Dowser 2)

Treasures, Demons, and Other Black Magic (Dowser 3)

I See Me (Oracle 1)

I See You (Oracle 2)

I See Us (Oracle 3)

Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0)

Invoking Infinity (Archivist 1)

Compelling Infinity (Archivist 2)

Coming soon:

Amplifier Series ā€“ all 7 audiobooks ā€“ July 2023

Dowser 4, 5, and 6 ā€“ July 2023

Dowser 7, 8, and 9 ā€“ October 2023

MCD’s Virtual Tip Jar

I’ve had a few lovely readers ask me to add ‘tip jar’ function to the audiobooks I’m selling direct and/or to the Conduit Series serialization that I’m currently posting on my blog weekly on Tuesdays. I’ve always shied away from the idea of a monthly Patreon or a tip jar because I feel like it has the potential to create an imbalance between myself and my readers. I prefer to produce a product and make it available for purchase only after I believe I’ve made it the best it can be. In the case of a monthly Patreon, I also worry that it would put too much pressure on me in general and on the writing of new words specifically.

But I understand that a few readers feel like I undercharge for my work, and that specifically, I’ve priced the direct sales audiobooks too low. [Remember that I’ve priced for my Canadian readers, so my USA, UK, and some other international readers currently get a 30% (or so) ‘discount’ because of the exchange rate].

If you want to support me, and the writing of new words, the best thing you can do is purchase one of my books (in any format). I’ve broken down the ‘profit’ I see from those just so you can get a sense of how of your much of your money filters into my accounts already, thusly supporting my chocolate and character art illustration habits. Plus, you know, helping pay my mortgage. šŸ˜ Because you all freaking rock.

The numbers below are ‘before’ the actual expense of the production of a book, of course. I’ve blogged about that somewhere before in more detail, but in short, an ebook/paperback combo costs me $5k-7k (depending on the cover designer and any ‘extra’ art, etc) for editing, proofing, formating, etc. And an audiobook costs around $5k now (the exchange rates are seriously killing my budget).

I clear $3 to $4.50 on eBooks. I am in the process of raising my prices by a dollar, but you know, I’m a little crazy busy and it’s a slightly involved process so, well … I’m getting to it slowly.

I clear $3 to $4 (or so) on paperbacks.

I clear $2 to 3 on merchandise (currently really just T-shirts, etc).

And, I clear $8 (or so) on any audiobooks you buy from me directly (current list)(more coming).

So … if you’ve purchased all my eBooks, and aren’t interested in collecting paperbacks or T-shirts (or you already have what you want), the best way to funnel extra cash to me is to grab one of the audiobooks I’m now selling directly. I will be adding to my audio catalog, slowly and steadily, until you can download every audiobook I have available. Yay!

Side note: a lot of us are feeling financial strain right now. Food is suddenly crazy expensive, rents are crazy high, and extra cash just isn’t a thing. Even I’m on a chocolate/yarn/book-buying moratorium at the moment (and you know I don’t give up any of those easily). That’s why I already make my books available for free via libraries (OverDrive charges libraries a minimum fee). I’m also slowly adding my titles to KoboPlus (a monthly subscription that includes audiobooks) and my books have always been available via a Scribd subscription as well.

The other way to support me ā€“ and all your fav authors ā€“ is to talk about our books! Share our ‘marketing’ social media posts or make your own. Genuine word of mouth is the kind of publicity we can’t actually buy.

If you still wish to support me beyond the eBooks/paperbacks/audiobooks, and/or specifically for the Conduit Series, I have set up a Paypal donate button thingy. I would genuinely prefer you buy an eBook or audiobook, etc, but if you’d also like to ‘tip me’ for the Conduit serialization or simply buy me a hot chocolate, here is the PayPal Tip Jar link (you don’t have to have a PayPal account to use it):


If you are so inclined, and you are specifically ‘donating’ toward the ongoing serialization of the Conduit Series (I added a drop down menu because I thought it was fun), I’d love to list your name in the acknowledgments in the back of Conduit Book 1 so please fill out your preferred name in the ‘add a note’ section!

Again, please don’t feel this necessary or expected by me at all. Your support already means the world to me ā€“ I wouldn’t have this career without you! I will (eventually) get the next book written and will be genuinely pleased when you buy it or borrow it from your library.

Sunshine & Lollipops!

ā€“ MCD

MCD Direct Sales: Oracle audiobooks

These are NOT NEW Oracle Series audiobooks, I’m simply making the trilogy available directly through me. YAY!

If you missed why Iā€™m ā€˜implementingā€™ direct sales with audiobooks, please read this blog post.

Oracle Series audiobooks (via MCD):

I See Me (Oracle 1), narrated by Jennifer Grace. Length 8.09 hours. $10 CDN


I See You (Oracle 2), narrated by Jennifer Grace. Length 8.59 hours. $10 CDN


I See Us (Oracle 3), narrated by Jennifer Grace. Length 10.11 hours. $10 CDN


All available audiobooks via MCD

Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0)

Invoking Infinity (Archivist 1)

Compelling InfinityĀ (Archivist 2)

Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1)

Trinkets, Treasures, and Other Bloody Magic (Dowser 2)

Treasures, Demons, and Other Black Magic (Dowser 3)

Coming soon:

Amplifier Series ā€“ all 7 audiobooks ā€“ July

Reconstructionist Trilogy ā€“ July

Dowser 4, 5, and 6 ā€“ August 2023

Dowser 7, 8, and 9 ā€“ October 2023

SFWA Silent Auction (donate to chat with MCD)

[Yes, I’m supposed to be taking today and tomorrow off ā€“ and I am really trying to NOT work ā€“ but this is time sensitive (only seven days to bid)!]

I’m donating two sessions to the SFWA silent auction (links below) this year. The proceeds from the auction support SFWA’s advocacy for and professional development of creators working in the speculative fiction genres, including scholarships to the Nebula Conference, the Writer Beware program, and benevolent funds such as the Legal Fund and the Emergency Medical Fund, etc. The silent auction closes June 26 at 3:00pm PT.

Click here to browse all the items on offer (rare books, collectibles, etc):Ā 

MCD’s Specific Sessions

Virtual Kaffeeklatsch* with MCD: four readers will join MCD for a chat about her books/universe specifically, and/or a general, casual conversation about about favourite books, chocolate, and other treats!

*Kaffeeklatsch: an informal social gathering at which coffee is served. Virtual = bring your own beverage of choice!

Note: This virtual session will take place by Zoom on July 22 at 4 pm Eastern Daylight Time.

Bid here: Seat 1:

Bid here: Seat 2:

Bid here: Seat 3:

Bid here: Seat 4:

Career session: chat with MCD about indie/self publishing, building the uber fan, and branding. A 30-minute conversation that can be shaped to the winning bidder’s level of experience and current needs. Newbies to indie publishing can get help mapping out a publishing plan, midlevel authors can brainstorm accessible ways to build their platforms or talk about what marketing techniques are working in todayā€™s publishing landscape. Trad pubbed authors thinking of going hybrid with their back list would be a good fit as well!

No critiques offered, just career brainstorming, please.

Note: This virtual session will take place on July 22 at 5:15 pm Eastern Daylight Time.

Bid here:


Dowser 1 Tenth Anniversary: giveaway

Happy 10th Birthday, Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1)! As part of the ongoing celebration (click here for the schedule of events), I’m giving away a bunch of Dowser Series rarities and one-of-a-kind items!

Are you interested in winning a one-of-a-kind, autographed, proof paperback copy of Dowser 1? A limited-edition travel mug, and a Women’s XXL premium I Do Bite T-shirt? A set of nine Dowser Series recipe cards? Plus a bookplate and sticker?


To enter, comment on this blog post with your favourite quote from the Dowser series!

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. One entry per person.Ā One winner will be selected by random number generator.Ā Only entries that follow the stated requirements will be valid (i.e. it must be an actual quote, not just a vague mention of a scene, or a copy/paste of a synopsis, etc ā€“ yes, I notice. In my opinion, and this is my giveaway, this sort of giveaway should go to a true Dowser Series fan). Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than to contact the winner. No purchase necessary ā€“ all my books are available for free via your local library. The comments are moderated. I will approve your entry just as soon as I have a moment to do so.

GiveawayĀ closes MONDAY, JUNE 19, 2023 at 8pm PDT.

Cake in a Cup: The Menu

Okay, this is odd, but because I’m about to post a ‘name a cupcake’ poll in the reader-run Facebook fan group (give me a couple of minutes, please) I needed a link to the list of Cake in a Cup cupcakes. But, apparently, I hadn’t posted a Cake in a Cup menu yet? Strange. Anyway, here it is alphabetically for ease of searching.

The cupcakes marked with asterisks* have recipes in the Adept Universe cookbook [download here]. The linked cupcakes have individual (though likely older and not as well-formatted) recipes on my blog.

Allure in a Cup ā€“ lemon yellow cake with chocolate buttercream     

Bliss in a Cup* ā€“ fudge cake with peanut butter icing

Blitzen in a Cup*Ā ā€“ mocha cake with eggnog buttercream

Buzz in a Cup*Ā ā€“ mocha fudge cake with mocha buttercream

Charm in a Cup*Ā ā€“ lemon yellow cake with strawberry buttercream

Chill in a Cup* ā€“ chocolate mint cake with chocolate mint buttercream

Clarity in a Cup*Ā ā€“ apple spiced with honey buttercream

Comfort in a Cup*Ā ā€“ banana cake with buttercream

CozyĀ in a Cup*Ā ā€“ banana chocolate chip cake with dark chocolate buttercream

Delight in a Cup*Ā ā€“ white cake with lemon buttercream

Delirium in a Cup* ā€“ chocolate peanut butter cake with chocolate peanut butter icing

Desire in a Cup ā€“ chocolate raspberry cake with dark chocolate buttercream         

EcstasyĀ in a CupĀ ā€“ double chocolate cake with lemon buttercream

Elation in a Cup* ā€“ peanut butter cake with chocolate buttercream

Enchantment in a Cup* ā€“ chocolate peanut butter cake with peanut butter icing

Envy in a Cup*Ā ā€“ cocoa spice cake and spiced cocoa buttercream

Euphoria in a Cup ā€“ fudge cake with dark chocolate cream cheese icing                 

Exultation in a Cup* ā€“ chocolate peanut butter cake with dark chocolate buttercream

Flirt in a Cup ā€“ blackberry cake with chocolate blackberry buttercream      

Glee in a Cup* ā€“ peanut butter cake with peanut butter icing

Happiness in a Cup* ā€“ peanut butter cake with honey buttercream

Harmony in a Cup ā€“ white cake with cherry buttercream

Heaven in a Cup ā€“ white cake with coconut icing

Hug in a Cup*Ā ā€“ chocolate cake with buttercream

Joy in a Cup* ā€“ lemon yellow cake with buttercream

Kiss in a Cup    ā€“ chocolate cake with cherry chocolate buttercream           

Lift in a Cup*Ā ā€“ white cake with coffee buttercream

Love in a Cup*Ā ā€“ dark chocolate cakeĀ with strawberry buttercream

Lust in a Cup*Ā ā€“ dark chocolate cakeĀ with dark chocolate cream cheese icing

Rapture in a Cup ā€“ yellow/chocolate cake swirl with chocolate cream cheese icing

Sass in a Cup*Ā ā€“ chocolate blackberry with chocolate blackberry buttercream

Serenity in a Cup* ā€“ carrot cake with cream cheese icing

Sex in a Cup* ā€“ cinnamon cocoa cake with dark chocolate buttercream

Sin in a Cup ā€“ spice cake with mocha buttercream

Solace in a Cup* ā€“ chocolate carrot cake with chocolate cream cheese

Sunshine in a Cup* ā€“ lemon yellow cake with lemon Buttercream

Tart in a Cup ā€“ blackberry cake with blackberry buttercream           

Tease in a Cup*Ā ā€“ chocolate blackberry with blackberry buttercream

Thrill in a Cup ā€“ white cake with mocha buttercream           

Tingle in a Cup* ā€“ chocolate mint cake with mint buttercream

Vixen in a Cup*ā€“ chocolate gingerbread cake with salted caramel buttercream

Wonder in a CupĀ ā€“ white cake with dark chocolate buttercream

Do you have a favourite Cake in a Cup cupcake? Let me know in the comments below! My favs are Cozy, Lust, and Clarity!

Dowser Tenth AnniversaryĀ – schedule of events

Updated: June 17, 2023 at 3pm PT

The Tenth Anniversary of Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1) is fast approaching, and I wanted to make sure youā€™re all prepped to participate in the festivities on the day if you are so inclined.

If you want to bake one of the cupcakes featured in the Dowser Series for the Tenth Anniversary celebration, you can find and download a PDF of the Adept Universe Cookbook here via BookFunnel:

June 18, 2023 ā€“ schedule of events

June 17, 9:01pm PT/June 1812:01 ET ā€“ Anniversary bundle releases (via BookFunnel)(Kickstarter only).

8 am PT ā€“ Dowser 1 Anniversary Giveaway goes live here ā€“ youā€™ll need to drop a favourite quote from the Dowser Series in the comments to enter to win.

Giveaway: one-of-a-kind proof copy Dowser 1 paperback, travel mug (with old book cover), I Do Bite T-shirt (size: XXL Women’s).

11 am PT ā€“ Hot Chocolate with MCD: Live on Facebook ( MCD will read from Dowser 1 and answer reader questions and/or just chat with readers. 

Giveaway: 2 sets of nine Dowser Series recipe cards and a bookplate, plus 10 single recipe cards and a bookplate. These are the last recipe cards in existence! šŸ˜‚ Post pictures of your hot/cold ‘coffee break’ drink to enter the giveaways.

1 – 2 pm PT ā€“ Dowser Series Paperback Giveaway (on Facebook). The giveaway and the rules will be posted earlier in the day, but ā€“ short version ā€“ for one hour (only) MCD will give away Dowser series paperbacks ā€“ with the new anniversary covers ā€“ via Amazon wish lists.

To enter, you place the Dowser series paperbacks you want on your Amazon wish list, then drop a link to that wish list in the comments on the Facebook post. MCD will contact you for your address and also send you a recipe postcard and autographed bookplate.

Note: Only Dowser 1 ā€“ 7 have the new covers (Sorry! We got behind!).

Open internationally. Giving away a minimum of 12 paperbacks.

3:30 pm PT ā€“ Flash your Cupcakes: Live on Facebook. MCD will read from Dowser 9.5, and answer questions about the NEW novella. This will be spoiler ridden!

Giveaway: 2 sets of nine Dowser Series recipe cards and a bookplate, plus 10 single recipe cards and a bookplate. Again, these are the last recipe cards in existence! šŸ˜‚ Post pictures of your ‘cupcakes’ (or other afternoon treat) to enter the giveaways.

5 pm – 6 pm PT ā€“ Dowser Series T-shirt Giveaway (on Facebook). The giveaway and the rules will be posted earlier in the day, but for one hour (only) MCD will give away Dowser Series T-shirts (links found here: via Amazon wish lists.

To enter, you place the Dowser series t-shirts you want on your Amazon wish list (including size, etc), then drop a link to your wish list in the comments. NonUK or USA residents that enter will ā€˜winā€™ logos as the T-shirts donā€™t ship to other countries. A few readers have mentioned issues with adding size/colour/type of T-shirt to their wishlists. It works for me, so I’m not sure why some readers are having trouble. If you are having issues, simply add the type/size/colour you want to your comment along with your wish list link.

Open USA/UK (logos for other countries). Giving away 10 T-shirts.

Iā€™m looking forward to June 18! I hope you join me to celebrate ten years of all things Dowser Series!

Sunshine & Lollipops,


Kickstarter backers: Please note: I still havenā€™t heard from everyone I’ve messaged and/or emailed about their private relay email addresses. If you are one of those backers, you not only have missed out on the stretch goal audiobooks (Tier 2 and up) but you WILL NOT receive Dowser 9.5 on June 18. And there is absolutely nothing I can do about it above and beyond begging you to contact me, as I have done on repeat for months.

Extra notes/reminders, pertinent to the Kickstarter campaign:

For those of you who havenā€™t figured out how BookFunnel works yet here are some (hopefully helpful) links:

To get your book, just log in to the BookFunnel app or (see links below) using your Kickstarter email.

More info on BookFunnel and how to access your books:

BookFunnel Reader FAQ:

Get the Bookfunnel App:

Log in via the website: