We lost our rooster Fuzzy a couple of weeks ago, but I was way too emotional to post at the time. The original plan in the Fall of 2014 was to only have laying hens. But when we sold/gave away the other cockerels from our first batch of chicks, no one took Fuzzy so he just kind of … hung out … then suddenly found himself overseeing a flock of hens.
Fuzzy the Blue-Lace Red Wyandotte, sharing the best greens with Red.
We had a rough time when we first moved to Salt Spring Island. I adored Vancouver. And I really, really missed it. Getting the chicks helped cement us on the island, and – nine months later – when our landlords broke our ‘long-term’ lease, it was the chickens that helped us make the decision to stay, to find a place where we could house them on our own property.
Fuzzy overseeing his ladies.
Sometimes when I couldn’t sleep at night from the anxiety that surrounded that time in our lives, I would imagine the chickens cuddled up in their coop, sleeping peacefully and cooing softly to each other.
After a snowstorm and terribly distrustful of the chilly ‘white stuff’.
Fuzzy had been having trouble with his legs for the last two years, and the vet couldn’t figure out the issue. We carried him around a bit for the last few months of his life, just when he needed help or encouragement. Placing him with his ladies when they were free-ranging always made him happy. He loved giving them treats or finding them comfy places to nest, though they usually ignored him. He used to crow after us, calling us back when we dared to leave the property for a walk.
Fuzzy flaring his neck feathers at getting his picture taken.
The night before he passed, he tried to wander off after sunset. But we tucked him in the coop with his ladies and he passed way in his sleep.
Watching over his ladies.
RIP Fuzzy. Thank you for bringing so much light into our lives.
So … Michael stepped into my office shed the other day to look at the pictures I’d selected for the upcoming Amplifier 4 book cover. He happened to glance down at my keyboard and some … teasing commenced.
Apparently, Michael believes there would be some value in being able to see ALL the letters.
Yes, I upgrade my laptop every three years because I like to keep it covered under AppleCare. And yes, I buy so many notebooks (and occasionally pens) I’ll never run out (that is the point after all) but I tried a Bluetooth keyboard and hated it, like … 12 … years … ago …
Okay. This keyboard could easily be 15 years old. But … I write so well on it! Learning a new keyboard would just be painful!
Last Tuesday I took a virtual class through ChangePain.ca about the Mediterranean diet and treating chronic pain. We pretty much eat a Med diet already with the exception of needing to up our olive oil intake and to figure out how to add in legumes. During lunch, Michael and I chatted about how to do both, plus adding Greek yogurt to our morning smoothie.
Our lunch consisted of olives, sliced carrots, tomatoes, cucumber, and a tuna salad with some black sesame crackers. Michael swaps out the tuna for salmon or roasted organic chicken, but we were in the process of eating the cold plate lunch he makes most days.
This will be relevant in a moment …
So … Michael wanted to know if he should replace the crackers he snacks on through the day with soybeans, and I scanned through some of the literature the doctor had sent to see if I could find a quick answer. While doing so, I came upon this:
That’s right. I have just discovered that Michael feeds me ‘variety plates.’ Because, similar to a toddler, it’s the best way to hold my attention for long enough to make me eat a full meal.
Okay, now that I’ve been fed, I better get back to work. I have stickers and a new notebook to play with!
Because I like to include pretty pictures and a ton of links, I’m posting an expanded version of my February newsletter content – which will include the two giveaways I also just posted – on my blog. So for those of you who follow my blog and subscribe to my newsletter you’re getting some doubled content today, my apologies.
The links below lead to books on Amazon.com (simply replace the .com with .ca or .co.uk to find the book in your region). Also, most if not all of these books are available on all retailers, but linking to every store would take me hours, sorry!
MCD’s Most Anticipated Releases of 2020
(so far)
First, I need to mention a couple of books that just released because if I’d gotten this post written last week they would have still been on my preorder list!
Intriguing world-building and driving plot! The first book in this space opera series (aka urban fantasy in space) is Rules of Redemption.
I also really enjoyed the first three books in T.A. White’s Broken Lands series (Pathfinder’s Way) (I haven’t read book four yet as it’s the beginning of a new story arc).
The next chapter in the City of the Lost series doesn’t release in Canada until February 11, so I haven’t gotten my hands on it yet but it’s available everywhere else. I’m a big, big fan of Kelley Armstrong’s work and absolutely adore the romance in this thrilling series.
Releasing March 17. Smoke Bitten (Mercy Thompson 12) by Patricia Briggs.
I’ve just gotten all caught up on this urban fantasy series (Moon Called) via audiobook (likely my third full re-read) and pretty much love every single book!! I just need to re-read the Alpha and Omega series before March 17!
Releasing April 28. Starbreaker (Nightchaser 2) by Amanda Bouchet.
I really enjoyed the first book in this space opera series (Nightchaser) and am looking forward to the next. I also loved the author’s sexy, action-and magic-infused fantasy series, Kingmaker Chronicles (Promise of Fire).
Releasing May 5. Aurora Burning (Aurora Cycle 2) by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff.
I enjoyed the multiple POVs and the world-building in this YA space opera (Aurora Rising). Bonus: the book covers are outrageously gorgeous.
The authors’ The Illuminae Files (Illuminae) made my favorites list in 2019.
Releasing May 19. Chaos Reigning (Consortium Rebellion 3) by Jessie Mihalik.
Each book in this sexy, sexy, intriguing space opera series (Polaris Rising) is written from the POV of one of three exceedingly accomplished but very different sisters. Book 1 and 2 made my Best of 2019 list and I can’t wait to read book 3!!
I’m a massive fan of everything Ms. Hunter writes. This is an offshoot of her Jane Yellowrock series (Skinwalker) and I thought it was going to take me a while to fall in love with the characters (I was never a fan of Rick’s) but I fell for Nell pretty quickly in book one, Blood of the Earth.
Releasing August 25. Emerald Blaze (Hidden Legacy 5) by Ilona Andrews.
ALL THE ANTICIPATION!! August is far too far away. I adore everything these authors write!! The first book in this action-filled, dreadfully sexy urban fantasy is Burn for Me.
What are your most anticipated releases of 2020? Comment below and let me know. I will most definitely be adding to my preorders steadily throughout the year!
Michael: *knocking on the window of the kitchen door*
Me: *making a hot chocolate, calling through the window* Yes? Did you want to come in?
Michael: Yes.
Meghan: Through this door?
Michael: Yes.
Meghan: Even though you just left through that door? *gestures toward the door on the other side of the tiny cabin* You want me to come over and unlock this door and let you in?
Michael: Yes.
Meghan: *takes three steps, unlocks, and opens door* You just wanted me to do some sort of work today.
Michael: *grinning* Nope. I just wanted to tell you to not use that door. *points* See that piece of wood, blocking the door?
Meghan: so … don’t use the other door?
Michael: Don’t use that door.
Meghan: Like, never again?
Michael: Never, ever again. Is there anything else you’d like me to break while I’m at it?
Meghan *thoughtfully* well … not this door, because then we’d have to climb in and out of the house through the bathroom window.
Context: Michael needed to remove a section of ‘soffit’ so he could ‘check the heel height of the trusses’ … yeah, I have no idea what that means either, but apparently it’s a measurement the draftsperson/engineer needed to draw the plans for the addition.
BTW. In the time is has taken me to write this post, the offending piece of wood is no longer blocking the door. So apparently Michael completely lied about the ‘never again’ thing. 😂
This 50-foot fir tree fell perfectly between our little cabin and our Jeep last Thursday afternoon. Michael was signing Christmas cards and watched it fall.
If you haven’t been following the drama of #windstorm2018 via my Facebook or Twitter feed, the short version is that we are now on day five of a massive power outage and the holidays don’t even remotely resemble our regular traditions – absolutely no baking has been done!! We will attempt to make seafood chowder and garlic bread on the wood stove tonight. And it looks like – barring a Christmas miracle – that we will also be roasting the turkey on the barbecue tomorrow. Michael wants our Christmas morning blueberry cinnamon buns despite the lack of a mixmaster and the need to bake on the BBQ. We shall see.
Thankfully the tree missed the chicken run/coop as well!!
So! Normally to celebrate the season I would have shared a new recipe, a holiday favourite, on my blog, but I will have to make do with a short list of recipes shared from other years:
from March 2017 (mentioning this because I’m going to make some for Michael on the wood stove this afternoon. Well … fingers crossed.) – White Chocolate Bark
Since I’m not in the position to be shopping/wrapping gifts/baking/hosting a holiday party (we had to cancel ours) this year I decided to top up our charitable contributions with a couple of our favourite organizations and one new one. We tithe monthly to the Covenant House and Make A Wish Foundation (BC chapter), as well as a few others through the year, but I just made extra donations to the SPCA (BC chapter) and Knitters Against Malaria.
Even on day five of a power outage with a rather large tree blocking our front door, a second tree threatening to fall on my tiny office shed, and wires down all over the street, we are still lucky enough to have each other and a roof over our heads. Many are much less fortunate than us this holidays season. So a few donations always makes me feel a bit better about being so blessed.
Thank you so much for spending time with me in 2018 – reading my books, as well as chatting on the blog or in the fan group or on social media. January 2019 is going to be packed full of goodies – including Amplifier 0, a fun book bundle, a BIG sale on the first Dowser trilogy, etc. It all starts on my blog on January 8th! I hope to see you here!!
The sun is shining (though it is chilly) and I’m back in my writing shed, treadmill rolling underfoot, hot chocolate in hand, to write an utterly thankful post to all of you who have supported me, my work, my dreams, and the words that haunt me until they make it onto the page and are released into the world.
I am utterly blessed.
Tired, drained, but completely content this morning.
It’s been slightly difficult year. Things are shifting in the indie publishing world, sales are down across the board for any author who is unwilling to play in the Kindle Unlimited pool, and it is getting more and more difficult to reach even the readers who have indicated they want to be notified of new books, etc, let alone building up a readership. So I am also shifting, trying new things, and in 2019 I’m going to be expanding – via the audiobooks and launching two, possibly three new series, as well as trying a few new ventures – giving Amplifier 0 away for free on my blog chapter by chapter (starting Jan 8), being part of an author bundle (also in January), going more ‘traditional’ with some new book covers, attending the Nebulas in May, etc.
But yesterday and this morning, I know that no matter what I have planned for the future, I have already found a lovely, supportive reader base. And I’m so thankful that you are on this journey with me. So, so thankful.
Today, I have this blog post to write, and nine giveaways to package up – from the release day party yesterday – but I might actually take it easy for the rest of the day. Some reading and knitting sound perfect.
Tomorrow I’ll dig into the third draft of Amplifier 0.5 (preorder novelette) and Amplifier 1. And hopefully I’ll get my hands on the proof of the paperback for Dowser 9 soon because I have some swag boxes to fill!!
And after that?
The Amplifier Protocol (Amplifier 0), Chapter One, Part One, drops HERE on January 8, 2019. Yep. As a thank you and a way of introducing you to the Amplifier herself, I’m giving away the prequel novella (38K) for free over a series of weeks on my blog. It will be available on stores after that, of course. But I’ll thought it might be fun to build to the release of book 1 and hopefully have a conversation about the world and the characters along the way. I promise to post (and email if you are on either of my mailing lists) about it in more detail closer to the date.
In 2019, I’ll be releasing Amplifier 1 and 2, along with prequel short stories. Then in some order (depending on what I write and when I write it) Misfits of the Adept Universe – Mory’s 1st book, Jasmine Bytes – Jasmine’s first book, and Amplifier 3. And maybe, just maybe … I’m toying with an idea for Oracle 4, but I need to have conversation about how to launch it (it might actually be better combined into the Misfits series because of the jump in time since Oracle 3), so this might not happen, or it might just be a passion project … We shall see!!
But for now, thank you, thank you, thank you – for buying the books, yes. But also for reviewing and sharing and reading through your library, for talking about them with your friends and family, and all your interactions with me online.
You all completely rock!
December 5, 2018 – the view from my office window – feeling very blessed.
So I just had a rather odd (crazy? dreadful? overwhelming?) realization at the Farmers’ Market today that I can – and do – answer most questions about my life with the phrase, “almost twenty years.”
How long ago did you meet/move in with/get engaged to your husband? About twenty years ago, coming up on our eighteenth wedding anniversary.
How long have you been seriously writing/writing full time? About twenty years.
How long have you been working with your editor? Oh geez … must be getting close to twenty years.
How long have you been knitting? Oh, well, I guess … about twenty years?
How long have you had cats? Almost twenty years.
How old is your turtle? Well … let’s see … she was 1 1/2 years old when we rescued her … so about twenty?
In other completely unrelated news, I’m turning forty-five on October 11.
Raindrops on blueberry bushes turning red for the autumn.
Happy first day of autumn!
My favourite time of year … when I’m not being obsessive about the passage of time.
Short version: First drafts are hard. And I have a terrible habit of piling every single, nagging concern/fear/issue I have with my writing/career/future into a difficult-to-drag-around massive-bundle-of-angst. As we all do, I suspect.
Michael talked me down.
Back to writing.
I’m working on the first draft of the Amplifier Series prequel novella. Dowser 9 is due back from the story editor (aka SFG) next Thursday.
I took a moment this morning to review what I’d written of the Amplifier prequel so far before diving back in, coming up with one overwhelming conclusion:
Emma (aka the Amplifier, aka Socks, aka AMP5) is a real bad ass. It isn’t something that she grows into (a la the Dowser) or something she’s never known was possible (a la the Oracle) or something she’s suppressed (a la the Reconstructionist). It’s the only way she knows how to be, the way she understands her role in the world she has been bred into – a fundamental aspect to her nature.
So it’s a good thing that Emma (eventually) has a thing for gingersnaps and Downton Abbey, and that she falls in love at first sight in book one. Otherwise we wouldn’t have anything in common.
The birth of a bad ass in midnight blue ink.
So yeah, I’m writing.
Just in case you thought I had any sort of other bad-assed craziness going down over here in my tiny office perched on the edge of a tiny island. 😉