Oracle 3: paperback proof

This pretty thing was waiting by my front door when I got home from driving Michael to the optometrist this afternoon.





Everything looks to be in order – yay! – so I’ll finally be able to order some paperbacks and fulfill my terribly belated preorder giveaway. Oh, also the paperbacks will be available to purchase online in the next couple of days.



11 thoughts on “Oracle 3: paperback proof

  1. AHHHHHHH. I need physical copies of all of your books eventually. I love them too much just to have ebook versions.

    1. I have very few paperbacks myself now, living in a tiny space my books were one of the first things to go. But I’m slowly collecting signed editions. 🙂

    1. Yes! The think it hit you harder than us. Lots of blown branches, hitting the roof, but the power held. The chickens weren’t happy though!

      1. the islands got the worst of the wind.. but yeah. there was a death in Surrey, a 15 year old boy – and then all the people without power. we “BC” seem to be in a good weather zone, but we do have the mega earthquakes to consider.

      2. There was a fair sized public memorial at the school. this one was an accident, not like the one where the elementary kid climbed a tree and fell to his death and the parents blamed the school rather than the kid’s own action. I find that the sense that the public has of social safety very strange

  2. I really need to get your books in paper copies. Ebooks are convenient, but I just love having the “real” book to hold. I am running out of bookshelf space though….and that is after commandeering my son’s bookshelf. 🙂

    1. I’m all over ebooks. I have a small collection of signed books now though. Living in a tiny house is not conducive to collecting anything. I also prefer reading ebooks. I like highlighting fav quotes and looking up words.

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