I See Me (Oracle 1): Chapter 1 – Author-Read-Along

Okay – as I mentioned here – I’m rereading I See Me, Oracle 1 in preparation for writing Oracle 2. I’ve written and released Dowser 4 as well as written Dowser 5 since having Rochelle and Beau in my head, so I wanted to acquaint myself with their voices before really digging into the next book (though I already know the plot, the players, and the locations). I’m going to pin this post for awhile and link all the read-a-long posts at the bottom for easier navigation. Please feel free to comment, ask questions, discuss things with each other, etc. below.


I See Me (Oracle 1) is an origin story. I adore writing origin stories. But it’s also a love story. The scene where Rochelle and Beau first meet haunted me for over a year before I gave in and wrote their story. I’d taken a lot of notes and sketched out a few scenes, but it wasn’t until I was halfway through the first draft of Dowser 4 that I See Me demanded to be written, needed to be written then – for timeline reasons – so I set Dowser 4 aside and devoted a few months to R&B. So … an Origin story. I loved the idea of an adept growing up not know anything about magic – how would that be possible? Under what circumstances? What would the ‘human’ world think magic was? Who would be the first to understand/find/interact with that person? And … a pure romance. Under what circumstances could two people come together and bond so completely that they began to believe in ‘true love’ and ‘love at first sight’? Ideas that almost anyone who hasn’t experienced the phenomena sneers at these days. Anyway, more on that later. IMG_0336 CHAPTER ONE – thoughts/notes/quotes: Opening line: I wanted the book to immediately begin with a hint of the conflict to come. In the first draft of I See Me every chapter began with dialogue, each scene opened somewhere in the middle of the action to continually drive the plot and story forward. In later drafts I tweaked that setup somewhat for clarity and grounding (adding setting, etc, upfront). I worried about the possible slow start and build of this book for readers who were coming into this universe for the first time through this book (and didn’t understand that magic was at play). But I hoped that readers of the Dowser Series would figure out pretty quickly who the ‘bad guys’ were and be intrigued by their interaction with Rochelle in these early chapters. Notes

  • Colours, shades of grey, and black/white. Rochelle views the world in a VERY specific way – for her almost everything is perceived as some shade of grey. It’s important to note what she sees in colour, and what she renders in B&W.
  • Names: only people of some importance have actual names. This is another way Rochelle keeps herself distanced from people.

Favourite Quotes

Other people wanted to be haunted by my imaginary friends so much that they willing paid hundreds of dollars per sketch. My shrink would point that out as a silver-lining, but I’d prefer working at McDonald’s over delusions, any day. – I See Me (Oracle 1), Chapter One Today was my birthday. Today I would be free … well, as free as my mind would let me be. If I could just render the shading of the blade’s edge perfectly. – I See Me (Oracle 1), Chapter One

I See Me (Oracle 1) read-a-long

Chapter One (above)

Chapter Two & Three

Chapter Four and Five

Chapter Six and Seven

What were your thoughts, comments, and/or questions on Chapter One?

Reintroducing Spirit Binder

Last December I decided to give my novel, Spirit Binder, which was originally published in June 2012, a freshening up. I had it reproofed, beta’d, and did some light editing myself. I’d received some consistent feedback that there were typos in the original (there were, damn it!) and that the opening chapter was a little difficult to get into (for obvious reasons because of the POV). I hope those issues are now solved and/or smoothed.

Unfortunately, this ‘freshening’ opened a tiny can of worms, which ended up with me having ALL my novels (except After The Virus) reproofed. And, along with trying to get Dowser 4 edited, proofed, and formatted, I’m just now getting around to announcing that the freshly proofed Spirit Binder is available. YAY!

Spirit Binder is a stand alone fantasy novel set a thousand years after spirit (aka magic) rises to take back the world in an apocalyptic event. It is not connected to the Dowser or Oracle series. My young adult novel, Time Walker, is set ten years after the events in Spirit Binder but is not a direct sequel.

Here is the ‘freshened’ excerpt.

Spirit Binder book cover by Irene Langholm
Spirit Binder book cover by Irene Langholm

Synopsis: Theodora Rudan woke severely injured, covered in blood, and missing ten years of her life. Just to complicate matters further, she was born under a prophecy; one that has rabid followers with three different interpretations, all of whom are willing to sacrifice her in order to fulfill it. Not knowing if she can trust the stranger she’s betrothed to, the warrior visiting her dreams, or even her own mother, Theo tries to piece together her past only to find that her present is far more dangerous. It’s the power of her own blood that scares her most of all. This is a responsibility Theo never wanted, and a destiny she cannot deny.


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Please note the changes to the novel are not significant. The plot has not been altered. However, if you’ve previously purchased this book through Amazon, I believe you can download an updated version through your kindle account. Or you will be able to do so in the nearish future as I put in a request last January with Amazon. If you’ve purchased through Kobo, iBooks, or B&N and you’d like a ‘fresh’ copy email me at info [at] madebymeghan.ca with your proof of purchase and I’ll send you a coupon code for a new download (either through iBooks or Smashwords).

Many apologies that this work needed to be done in the first place. I’m blessed with fantastic proof readers and beta readers, but typos and missing words still slip through. If you ever find a typo in any of my books, please let me know. It is fairly easy to update the ebooks, though slightly more difficult with the paperbacks.

Okay! Back to writing Dowser 5!!

Spirit Binder – An Excerpt



Pieces splintered, seemingly irretrievable.

An overwhelmingly dreadful, insanely painful energy crushed her together. Again. Then pulled her apart.

She was undone.

It was too much. She wasn’t going to make it through. How she had ever thought she was tough enough, focused enough, to even be here, she didn’t know. In fact, now that she thought about it, she couldn’t remember why she was here, how she got here, or why this twisting, burning energy was searing through her every sense.

She felt the resolve drain from her like dirty bath water; it left the filmy residue and everything. So many people had died. She was fairly sure everyone but her was dead. The only possible reason that she was still alive had to be sheer willpower; the same willpower that had just gone down the drain.

She fell — collapsing like a rag doll hitting a stone floor — not even remotely aware that she’d previously been suspended in mid-air. She wasn’t too sure all her stuffing was still inside her seams. She was dimly aware that something had snapped in the fall. It might have been her ankle, but she felt like it had been her mind.

Blackness engulfed her, and she welcomed the relief from the relentless, spirit-rending pain.

Time lost meaning …

Something in front of her moved — a black, hulking something — a guardian, perhaps? She was vaguely aware that there had been others to fight previously, but what or why she’d been fighting was lost to her. The hulking thing filled the entire space. Though perhaps that was just her perspective from the floor. She was lying on dreadfully hard stone. She’d thought she was still on her feet — no … now she remembered the fall.

Though how she could see anything in this darkness she didn’t know. Perhaps it was all in her mind. She did have the talent to see things that others couldn’t see. Didn’t she?

Maybe she was dead. Though, since her ankle was a screaming red-hot pulse of pain, maybe she wasn’t so lucky.

The hulking thing, which looked as if it might actually be part of the granite cave walls, moved toward her again. A creepy slurping noise emanated from it.

Slllllurrrrpppp … Slurrruppp …

Was it sucking something off the ground, and the walls, and the ceiling?

Dead or not, she was going to have to move. She wasn’t being sucked up by an unknown guardian demon, if that was what it was. It certainly wasn’t something she’d ever aspired to, though according to others she didn’t aspire to do enough. Though … who those ‘others’ were was unclear to her right now, just like everything else was jumbled and confused.

She was very sure she’d never even seen a demon before, and that moving had to be the hardest thing she’d ever tried.

She tried to call back the amazing willpower that had helped her through the darkness that was life after … After what? She had a sense that life had been difficult and dreary, but not of the why or how. How was it she knew that about herself, but not much else? It must be the pain overloading her senses. Maybe her brain was spell-burnt. Had she been hit by some sort of powerful knockback spell? A spell that she hadn’t sensed, even though she was extremely sensitive to any sort of magic?

That wasn’t something they could block. She retained some smugness over that at least, but then immediately worried who ‘they’ were and what else they actually managed to ‘block’ her from previously.

The slurping was putting her on edge. She could feel it reverberating through the stone floor into her right ear. Which, upon reflection, seemed to be stuck to the stone. That was seriously uncomfortable, and rather nasty.

She turned her head. It worked, but it hurt. Her ear and her hair ripped up with the turn, and must have made a sound because the hulking Slurper paused its slurping.

She waited, now staring up into the darkness. Unless her eyes weren’t open, then she was just staring at the back of her dark eyelids. She tried to feel her feet, then decided they were too far away, so she refocused on her shoulders. They seemed to branch off from her neck, which was good because that’s where they were supposed to be.

The Slurper started slurping again and she put two and two together.

She was lying in blood. A large pool of blood — if the smell was any way to judge. It was drying, hence the stickiness.

The Slurper was the clean-up crew.

She’d been left for dead.

Which was really foul. Especially since, given the prophecy, the world went to ruin without her alive. Well … more than it already was, at least. That was how it went — depending on interpretation — wasn’t it? She had been born under a prophecy, right?

It must have been bad for them to leave her here. And, now that she thought about it, she wasn’t exactly sure where ‘here’ was. Had she been coming or going? Was this an exit or an entrance? Had she been fighting or running away?

And who were ‘they’ anyway? The ‘they’ that she was fairly sure had left her here? Or the ‘they’ who’d attacked her?

She had been attacked. Right?

Something nudged her feet, so they did exist and were still currently attached to her body. Pain shot up her leg from her ankle and settled in her hip. She was obviously still alive; a fact she kept forgetting.

The Slurper had reached her.

She momentarily thought about just letting it have her. She wondered if it had some enzyme in its saliva that would liquefy her remains. Then she thought that would probably hurt. Hurt even more than she was currently hurting.

So she reached out; not with her hands, they didn’t seem to be responding, but with her mind. She reached out with her mind, and found the Slurper’s on/off switch. Now, granted, she could just flip this switch to off. That would be the shortcut, but she didn’t go around simply switching things off. This creature hadn’t ever done her harm that she knew of. Besides, the backlash would most likely be agony itself, not that she knew firsthand.

So no easy route for her. She opted for a gentle nudge of the metaphorical switch; a nudge away from her.

The Slurper paused.

She felt its heart beating a double rhythm; either that or it had two. It was cold where it touched her leg, as if it had frozen her. Which, on the bright side, actually eased the pain in her ankle.

It was confused. It seemed to operate on easily directed instincts, but it didn’t normally take its orders from her. She hadn’t even bothered to cloak her presence in its mind. Honestly, she’d all but forgotten she could do such a thing. She’d just reached out and —

She might not be strong enough to turn it.

It snuffled, like a hulking rock cat holding back a sneeze.

Then it turned.

She stifled a scream when it stepped on her numb leg. That would have attracted too much attention.

It slurped off in a parallel direction, and eventually worked its way around her. She lost track of it in her effort to pull herself together. She still wasn’t totally sure she had all her pieces.

She really should get up off the ground. It wasn’t a very nice place to be lying.

The numbness in her ankle and leg — the limb the Slurper had frozen and then stepped on — wore off in a blaring, blazing blast of fiery pain. The agony threatened to overload her already exceedingly fragile mind. Fortunately, the pain motivated her to move.

She made it to her knees. Well … she was fairly certain they belonged to her, because the pain of kneeling on a jagged rock registered within the already overstimulated pain center of her brain.

Her hands weren’t so much painful as limp. They didn’t like the weight she was foisting on them, but they held.

She crawled.

She suddenly realized she was surrounded by a light glow, which was probably why she’d been able to see the Slurper at all. It was as if the blood that painted the walls and ground was glowing dimly, except where the Slurper had slurped it up. Glowing blood. That was new. Wasn’t it?

She headed into the darkness in the opposite direction of the Slurper, which might or might not be the way out. Depending on whether or not the Slurper had been assigned to clean from the inside out or not. She was hoping the creature was some sort of a hired clean-up crew, not a resident of the cave — or wherever she was — and therefore it had started cleaning from the outside in. But honestly, she was really just trying to move forward. So, having gained hands and knees, she’d started moving in the direction she’d been facing.

Later on — it might have been weeks for all she knew — she made it to her feet. This was accomplished due to her knees hurting too badly to carry her any longer, rather than any great achievement on her part.

She still couldn’t see in the dark. She found handholds, smoother edges in the rock walls, and dragged her upper body forward until one of her legs was forced to kick in to prevent a possible fall.

The tunnel started slanting upwards, which didn’t make going forward any easier, but led her to believe she was close to something; an exit hopefully.

Light appeared.

Just a sliver, but it hurt her eyes.

She reached for it, with her hands this time. She wasn’t stupid enough to reach for unknown light with her mind. Many types of magic masqueraded as light. Plus, her hands were vaguely working again.

Her hand smothered the sliver of light. She spread her fingers and realized she was feeling a crack in the stone wall.

The light was filtering in through some sort of an opening.

She continued to trace the edge. And after eons, her brain informed her that she might have found a door, though not a handle.

Even with this discovery before her, she didn’t feel like moving forward anymore. The effort to get this far had just been too much. Leaning next to the sliver of light seemed appropriately calming, so she did just that.

Except the sliver didn’t stay in place. The weight of her body widened it. Without anymore warning than that, she stumbled through the hidden door into a large room.

A room filled hundreds of books.

She appeared to have arrived through a bookcase, which was a little strange and obvious all at the same time.

“Oh, darling!” a woman gasped. “We’ve … I’ve been searching … you’ve come home!”

A woman stood behind a grand desk. Everything about her was perfectly poised, from her smooth, bobbed hair to her fine, but simply cut, silk dress. She removed a pair of reading glasses to reveal eyes that were almost too green. Despite her words, the woman didn’t actually look all that surprised to see her ‘darling’ coming through the bookcase.

“I have?” She couldn’t remember if she’d been missing at all, except that she was certain she should’ve been fairly easy to find in the secret tunnel behind the bookcase. Wouldn’t that be the first place to look?

“I shall call the healer. You’re bleeding on my carpet. Yes, I know it’s annoying that it insists on covering that section of the library floor. It seems to revel in being a tripping hazard. But, none the less, your blood is too valuable to feed such common beings.”

The woman skirted the desk and moved toward her. Every cell in her body suddenly screamed at her to move, to run, or at least to attack, but she was incapable of doing so.

Something was wrong here. Or, something was supposed to be wrong here. Something about this woman? Well, other than the obviously dyed red hair. No one had hair that dark red naturally, did they? It actually matched the ruby necklace nestled at the woman’s throat.

The woman stopped a few feet away. She might have been in her late forties, but could have been younger. The power emanating from the woman was painful, and she actually convulsed when it brushed against her. The woman looked aghast at the discomfort she caused, and somehow pulled all that power, power that seemed too vast to contain, back inside of her. The convulsions stopped.

“Sorry, darling. I forgot how sensitive you are.” The woman reached a tentative hand out to her, but didn’t move forward to complete the touch.


“Yes, darling?”

“My head hurts.”

“I know. But it will get better. It will all be better now that you’re home.”

That was it.

This was home.

She hadn’t recognized it until her mother had pointed out that fact, but now she understood. This was where she’d grown up. She had friends and teachers here, and her mother …

“Something happened.”

“Yes, darling. Someone took you away, but I’ve got you back now. Everything will be right once more.”

She slumped to her knees, as her legs gave out before her mind did. The carpet rose to break her fall.

Her mother called out for help, yet she wasn’t distressed. Even through the haze that coated her eyes, she could see her mother’s satisfied smile. Which was odd, wasn’t it?

Other people soon arrived. Her mother never touched her, though her hand lingered over her forehead a few times. Huddled on the hovering carpet, she gave in to the ministrations of hands and magic that felt familiar, yet distant. As if she was tasting something in memory.

“Theodora, spirit-predestined, daughter of my blood, is home,” her mother formally announced. There were murmured answers, but she couldn’t distinguish the words.


That was her name.

Funny, it didn’t sound right. As if it didn’t belong to her.

Only later did she remember she’d been wrong about the Slurper creature. It had been cleaning from the inside out.

She also remembered she wasn’t to address her mother as ‘mother’ or ‘mom’, but as Your Majesty. Or, in private, as Rhea. Though her mother hadn’t seemed to mind being addressed incorrectly.

She succumbed to the welcoming darkness.

Spirit Binder book cover small


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*Disclaimer: Spirit Binder is a stand alone fantasy novel originally published in 2012. It is NOT connected to the Dowser or Oracle Series.

Dowser 4 – excerpt


Shadows (etc) ebook cover

How about an excerpt to tide us over until then?

*SPOILER ALERT for Dowser 1 – 3*



The blade was inches from my neck before I felt it. Thankfully, I had my blond curls clipped back today. Otherwise, I would have gotten an unwanted and unneeded haircut. I flung myself sideways, rolling over my shoulder and coming up on one knee to block the reverse strike with my jade knife.

The over-the-head blow glanced off my knife and was knocked to the side, but the force of it reverberated down my arm in a wash of pain. I slid back on the white stone floor even as I rolled forward onto the balls of my feet to step into my attacker. This close, his sword was all but useless.

Unfortunately, he was faster than me, or I would have managed to gut him.

Instead, he grabbed the wrist of my knife hand and twisted my arm up over my head, then around my back. This forced me to pivot away or have my shoulder dislocated. He pinned my knife hand, the wrist still painfully twisted between my shoulder blades. I had to rise up on my toes to lessen the pain of the hold.

“Branson!” I screeched, completely forgetting the formality with which I was to address the sword master of the dragons. “I was meditating.”

He brought his blade up to my neck. I managed to get my left hand around his wrist, but had to practically lay my head back against his shoulder to avoid having my throat slit.

“I don’t think you are capable of such, warrior’s daughter.” Branson’s voice was deep, his tone brusque. He was wearing traditional black training leathers, with a laced vest that left his well-muscled arms bare.

I twisted his wrist to try to get the blade away from my neck. His forearms were adorned with tattoos of water dragons, which I’d mistaken for snakes when I first met him.

I gained an inch.

The sword master hadn’t spoken directly to me for over a week after that display of ignorance. Drake — the fourteen-year-old apprentice to Chi Wen the far seer and adoptive son of Suanmi, the fire breather — had delighted in relaying Branson’s drills during my period of punishment.

“Are your fingernails green?” Branson asked now, completely bemused.

“Jade is the new black, baby,” I said. “You should see my toes.”

Then I kicked him in the head.

Well, first I twisted my own head quickly to the right, dropped underneath the blade at my neck, and spun away to face him again. Unfortunately, he was still holding on to my wrists, so my arms were now crossed in front of me. I threw all my weight backward. This off-balanced the sword master enough that he stumbled forward, letting me snap a kick between our crossed arms directly underneath his jaw. I had always loved having long legs.

Oh, yeah. Befuddlement of ancient beings was my new secret weapon.

Branson grunted, lost his hold on my wrists, and staggered back. My entire right leg went so numb that it wouldn’t actually take my full weight.

I’d been sitting cross-legged and eyes closed in the center of the dragon nexus when Branson attacked me. The circular room was supported by gilded columns, between which nine ornately carved doors were situated. Two archways stood across from each other, leading deeper into the nexus — to the residences of the guardian dragons, as well as the library and the training rooms.

Still listing to the left, I raised my knife before me as I faced off with the sword master.

I was wearing my standard uniform of printed T-shirt and jeans. And though my brand-new teal-with-white-piping Liz Fluevogs offset my black-and-white ‘UM — Element of Confusion’ top in an utterly cute way, I really needed to see about getting the shoes fitted with metal plates and toes. All the better to kick indestructible people in the head.

It was my day off from training and the bakery, so I really hadn’t expected to be attacked. But I was never without my jade knife, not since I’d found the large stone along the Fraser River outside Lillooet and hand carved it myself. I hadn’t even known I was an alchemist at the time, and therefore capable of creating magical objects. I’d just seen the stone and known it should be a knife — a knife imbued with so much of my magic now that no one could disarm me, not without knocking me out. Nor could anyone touch the knife without my permission without being burned by it.

Branson shook his dark head as if clearing it.

I smirked. I’d never managed to rattle him before.

He slowly raised his golden double-edged sword to answer my poised knife. His blade was a slimmer, longer version of the bejeweled broadsword that my father Yazi, the warrior of the guardians, wielded. Its pommel and hilt were utilitarian, though.

Branson had been in training for the mantel of the warrior before he’d been gravely wounded as a fledgling. No, dragons weren’t completely indestructible. Just don’t mention that to any of them. Occasionally, the sword master’s old wound showed up as a limp. Despite that, and the fact that he was at least a hundred years older than my three hundred and fifty year old father, I’d never knocked him off his feet.

“I’m not here for a lesson, sword master,” I said, struggling to remain polite — and to hide the fact that I still couldn’t feel my right leg. My wrist also felt severely sprained from being twisted harshly behind my back. “I await the treasure keeper.”

Branson grinned, but it did little to lighten his perpetually stern face. He had that same hint of Asian ancestry to his features that Drake did. I didn’t think he and the fledgling guardian were related, but I was far from an expert on dragon genealogy.

“Life is a lesson,” Branson said.

Ah, damn. Dragons only got all preachy right before they kicked my ass. Granted, I usually deserved an ass kicking — I attracted trouble almost as easily as I attracted or found magic. Except that dragon-inflicted bruises usually took a couple of days to heal, and I had a birthday party to go to tonight.

I narrowed my eyes at my trainer, causing all the overly golden hues of the room to blur together behind him. Dragons adored surrounding themselves with gold and jewels and art, and it was a little much sometimes. The heart of the dragon nexus was all gaudy Greek temple mixed with oriental motifs, though each door was carved in artwork that represented the specific territories of each guardian. The room was also saturated with guardian magic, hence me not tasting Branson’s magic as he approached.

The narrower my eyes got — I was working on my intimidation factor — the wider Branson’s grin grew. Indigo eyes, blond curls now falling out of my hair clip, and sun-kissed skin didn’t much help in that department. I was fairly certain it was my ample assets that made me less than imposing, though, since I was the spitting image of my father and he scared the crap out of everyone even while laughing. Actually, it was the absolute power that rolled off him when he laughed that was terrifying.

I’d narrowed my eyes too far. Now my eyelashes were making my vision fuzzy.

I sighed, opened my eyes, and gave my knife hand a roll. The overly stretched tendons and ligaments crunched, but then snapped back into their proper place.

That was better.

I smiled, extended my left hand forward to balance my right, and stepped sideways to circle Branson.

If he wanted a tussle, I was up for it. Bruises or no bruises.

The sword master lost his grin as he stepped opposite to me. He watched my every move, my every twitch, with deadly intent. I was never going to get the upper hand when he was focused like this.

I thought about flashing him to throw him off — and not just because I kept wondering how his sword-callused hands would feel sliding up my inner thighs. A totally inappropriate thought, yes. But then, I hadn’t had sex in way over a year. I hadn’t been kissed in ten months. Even my constant chocolate high couldn’t keep my serotonin levels up perpetually.

I decided against the flashing because I knew Branson would be utterly aghast — and might even refuse to be in the same room with me ever again. Plus, I wasn’t wearing my prettiest bra at the moment. It had been far too long since I’d had any reason to wear anything other than a serviceable sports bra.

Attempting to not massively broadcast my intent, I abruptly lunged forward, thrusting my knife for Branson’s heart.

Then, completely blindsided, I got shoulder checked by a small mountain.

This knocked me flying off my feet and cracked my head against one of the nine pillars that encircled the heart of the dragon nexus.

Remember the only way to reliably disarm me these days?

Yeah, knock me out.

So that happened.

I See Me, Oracle 1 – an excerpt and a giveaway

Oracle_1_eBook“There’s that guy again.” Sprawled facedown over the black vinyl chair, I had a perfect view of West Broadway through the storefront window of Get Inked.

“What guy?” Tyler muttered as he hunched over my bare shoulder with his two-coil tattoo machine. Someone had to come up with a better name for that, other than ‘tattoo gun.’ Most ink artists hated calling it that.

“That guy … from the pizza place two days ago. The guy who tried to buy me a slice of pepperoni, like I eat meat.” I didn’t point. I wasn’t stupid enough to move my shoulder and risk ruining the ink.

All Tyler had to do was look up and he’d see the guy drinking a venti Starbucks and leaning against the pockmarked concrete wall of the convenience store across the street. A tall, skinny guy wearing black jeans and a knit hat in an attempt to look like a hipster, but really just hiding stringy, dirty blond hair. I was serious about the ‘dirty’ part, as in actual dirt. If the guy let his teeth yellow any worse, they’d match his hair. At least he hadn’t actually smelled when he sidled up to me a couple of days ago.

“The daisy would look so much cooler with some color,” Tyler muttered. He wasn’t easy to distract once he had the two-coil in hand. Normally I liked that about him.

“Red … pink?”

“It’s a peony.”


“A peony. And daisies aren’t red.”

“Fine. I’ll stick with the boring black, as usual.” Tyler snapped a used cartridge out of his tattoo machine and plugged in a new one. Then he started filling in the edges of my newest design.

I’d copied my peony sketch onto transfer paper about two hours ago, and Tyler and I had argued over its placement for another hour. It had taken me three months to get the flower design exactly right — as perfect as I’d seen it in my head — and ready for its permanent place on my shoulder.

I had a tattoo of barbed wire with various things snagged in the spikes running up my left arm. The ‘things’ were eclectic — keys, spiders … even a black-and-white Canadian flag. With the addition of the peony, I was getting Tyler to extend the tattoo over my shoulder now. Eventually, it would meet and intermingle about two-thirds of the way across my back with the ivy leaf pattern that ran up my right arm.

“I don’t like him,” I said. The guy across the street was playing with something, rolling something silver around in his hand. Pedestrians were steadily passing by him in either direction, but he hadn’t once bothered to glance up from his phone.

West Broadway was a major artery through this part of the city. It ran all the way from Burnaby up to the University of British Columbia, which was pretty much as west as it got without running into the Pacific Ocean. As was typical for January in Vancouver, the day was gray.

Despite the cloud cover, I kept catching flashes of silver when the light hit whatever the guy was fooling around with. It was probably some creepy magic trick with coins or something.

“He tried to talk to me.”

“He must be insane then. Who would want to talk to you?” Tyler was joking, but it wasn’t that far from the truth. I could count my friends on one hand. If I included my social-worker-of-the-day, I’d have to use my thumb.

 – I See Me (Oracle 1), Chapter 1


(tentative) Release Day: Thursday, November 6, 2014 – but only if I have it available everywhere

Want to be the first to know? Make sure you’ve signed up for the new release mailing list.



First person to answer the following question correctly wins an advanced ebook copy of I See Me (Oracle 1). Leave me your answer in the comments below (and make sure to fill in your email address, so I can contact you).

Warning: this is probably only winnable by people who have read the Dowser books fairly recently or someone with a wicked memory.

Who is the creepy guy that Rochelle sees across the street?

Answer (supplied by Becky first): HOYT

Read-a-long with the author: Cupcakes (Etc) – Chapter Four

Okay! My thoughts on chapter three of  Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic. I tweeted my fav quotes as I came upon them, but I’ll share a digest below as well.

Cupcakes _2nd book cover

WARNING: I assume there may be spoilers in the comments – because this is hopefully going to be a discussion – but I’ll try to keep my main post pretty spoiler free. Though, as the chapters progress, I’m sure that will change.


OMG, Hudson. Sigh.

But first Jade:

 … I batted at the phone with my foot, but the screen didn’t recognize my toes’ right to shut off the alarm.

And Kandy 🙂

“Yes. Your magic is tasty.” This time the wolf did show her teeth when she smiled. I thought that might indicate the conversation was moving in the wrong direction … the woman-eating direction, and not the good kind.

Then Hudson!

Out of the corner of my eye, as I hung my head upside down, I watched him spread his long fingers palm down on the mat by his feet. He reached easily ten inches across — with each hand — and I desperately tried to block the image of those hands across twenty inches of my body.

And again:

“Ah, but you’re the one who already wouldn’t agree to firsts without lasts,” he said. Ever so lightly, he touched the small of my back to direct me up the street toward Whole Foods. “And by lasts, you meant forever, didn’t you? Wolves, you will find, understand all about forevers.”

And again.

 “Kandy will watch over you while I’m gone. I’d like to take you to dinner.”

“You’re guarding me?”

“Kandy is guarding you. I’m attempting to date you.”

No wonder Jade swooned for him so hard!

What are your thoughts on the fourth chapter?

Read-a-long with the author:

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four – above

Chapter Five – to be linked

Read-a-long with the author: Cupcakes (Etc) – Chapter Three

Okay! My thoughts on chapter three of  Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic. I tweeted my fav quotes as I came upon them, but I’ll share a digest below as well.

Cupcakes _2nd book cover

WARNING: I assume there may be spoilers in the comments – because this is hopefully going to be a discussion – but I’ll try to keep my main post pretty spoiler free. Though, as the chapters progress, I’m sure that will change.

Dancing and wild magic and Hudson. Oh, Hudson, Hudson.

I wanted to press myself against him. I wanted to taste him with my actual mouth, not just my magical senses. I wanted a different kind of build and release, but that wasn’t how I played this game.

Everyone knew that witches didn’t run with wolves.

Noooo!!! Why does Jade have to be to moral … and, reading into her actions here, why is she so scared of magic, specifically her own?

And then HIM. It’s interesting to me that some readers finish book one having leaped to the conclusion that Desmond/McGrowly is “typically” gorgeous and gruff. In my mind he’s not. He truly scares Jade. That should tell you a lot about her (especially as the books progress).

But Jade can’t ever admit anything completely straight-up, can she? Not early in the first book – LOL

I was pretty sure he was going to eat me, but only after he played with me for a while. And not in a satiating, mutual bliss sort of way. This one liked to hunt, and he kept what he killed.

And, just when you think the rest of Jade’s night is going to be smooth sailing, the vampire shows up again. Damn, vampire.

I was becoming uncomfortably aware of the yawning darkness of the vampire-filled night behind me. Okay, so it was just one vampire. He was one too many.

What are your thoughts on the third chapter?

Read-a-long with the author:

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three – above

Chapter Four

Read-a-long with the author: Cupcakes (Etc) – Chapter Two

Okay! My thoughts on chapter two of  Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic. I tweeted my fav quotes as I came upon them, but I’ll share a digest below as well.

Cupcakes _2nd book cover

WARNING: I assume there may be spoilers in the comments – because this is hopefully going to be a discussion – but I’ll try to keep my main post pretty spoiler free. Though, as the chapters progress, I’m sure that will change.

Side note: I’ve noticed as I do these blog posts that I’m obviously I’m fixating on Jade as I read rather than the plot, but that’s cool. Since this exercise is about getting me back in Jade’s head before I tackle Dowser 4 again, it’s good that she is grabbing my attention.

If you have thoughts/questions about the plot though, let me know 🙂

Okay, so … reading between the lines (at this point) Jade is surrounded by dysfunctional relationships. She has her head deep in the sand about it, though. On a personal note, Jade is a lot like me in this instance – loyal to a fault and willing to give and give …

Jade’s break-up with an ex-boyfriend is cast as a joke here, but this simple passage could really be read into if you were so inclined.

It had been an expensive lesson. Don’t break up with people when they’re in your home and holding onto fragile, expensive stuff.

The second section that stood out for me was a conversation between Rusty and Jade. She just has such an amusing way of distancing herself from things that utterly terrify her … sarcasm – and chocolate – are her coping mechanisms.

“I’d prefer to not be bitten at all, rather than just have my death avenged.”

“Right. Well, if he was crazy, there’d be bodies everywhere.”

Oh, that was comforting. Insane vampires were slaughtering fiends. Since I hadn’t noticed anyone dead, I must be first on his list.

I absolutely adore the entire scene in the club bathroom – is it okay to love a scene I’ve written so much? Jade is certainly nothing like the vampire expected her to be.

“I thought you weren’t going to bite me tonight,” I said, pleased that my voice sounded much calmer than my mind.

He tilted his head and gazed at my neck … actually, at my carotid artery. My pulse sped up; I was surprised it could get any higher.

“I wasn’t,” he murmured.

“Well, watching my blood move through my veins isn’t going to be helpful, then.”

And this:

Well, that was terribly flattering news. I’d always wanted to feel odd.

And add Sienna to the mix:

“And you were … what? Giving him a blow job in the bathroom stall?”

“Yes, Sienna. I was giving a vampire a blow job, because that’s all vamps really want from a girl.”

What are your thoughts on the second chapter?

Read-a-long with the author:

Chapter One

Chapter Two – above

Chapter Three

Read-a-long with the author: Cupcakes (Etc) – Chapter One

N.B.: I’ve made this post sticky, so you can start with Chapter One here and follow the links at the bottom to the other chapters. If you scroll down, the posts appear newest first – opposite to the chapter order – as I post them.

Okay! I know I said I wouldn’t start reading Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic until today, but I cheated a little and read ahead yesterday so I could blog this morning. I tweeted my fav quotes as I came upon them, but I’ll share a digest below as well.

Cupcakes _2nd book cover

WARNING: I assume there may be spoilers in the comments – because this is hopefully going to be a discussion – but I’ll try to keep my main post pretty spoiler free. Though, as the chapters progress, I’m sure that will change.

I absolutely love the opening line for the book/series. I believe I’ve managed to nail genre and tone in a single line. This line came to me as I was writing the very first draft of Cupcakes (Etc), and served as a launching point for the entire book, which was super cool. Whereas the opening lines for Trinkets (Etc) and Treasures (Etc) had to be honed much more. Especially the opening of Trinkets, but more on that later 🙂

The vampire stood at the door to my bakery.

The next line that stood out to me as I was reading – for what must be the tenth or more time – is a long time favourite, and if you’ve ever received an email from me you already know I use this as my signature. Again, this line really encapsulates the tone I was going for with Jade – I adore writing Jade.

The customer looked familiar, like maybe he’d been in the bakery a few times before. The vampire, however, was new.

The next bit jumped out at me, and I’m not sure that it had ever really stood out before. Perhaps after writing three (and a half) books from Jade’s POV I really recognized this section as really, truly her. This is Jade in two sentences – an observation and a … well … ill-informed follow-up?

The vampire was gone.

I was nowhere stupid enough to step out onto the sidewalk to look for him … okay, maybe a quick peek.

I thought there was some great interaction between Sienna and Jade in this chapter as well, but I wasn’t compelled to highlight any of it. Some readers wonder about the relationship between the two sisters and why Jade reacts/acts as she does when it comes to her family. I would encourage them to look closer at these sections in the very first chapter. Sometimes, we’re guilty of reading for plot instead of character – I know that’s pretty much all I read for the first time I gobble up a book – but if you read between the lines here, I think Jade’s decisions/actions to come, and her loyal love for one of the ONLY family members she has, might become more clear.

What are your thoughts on the first chapter?

I’m going to pin this post and link the other chapters back to it … I hope …

Read-a-long with the author:

Chapter One – above

Chapter Two

Throwback Thursday: Sunshine’s Night of Darkness, Scene 16

SCENE ONE (and an explanation of what the hell is going on with these posts)



Synopsis:  It’s Sunshine’s first day of work in security at the P.U.R.E Corporation and all she wants to do is make it through orientation, but first she’s got to fill out a name tag requisition form, fit her uniform, meet a cute computer geek … oh, and save her fellow employees from genetically-mutated, blood-lusting vampires.

Notes: All work is registered with the WGC & the WGA.

– Scene Sixteen –


The group waits as Irma crosses back out of her office. Human Resource EMPLOYEES bustle around desks and computers and the assistant continues to bind booklets. Irma hands a form to Sunshine and a binder to Huxley.


Your name tag requisition.




(re: binder)

Oh, that’s okay. I have one.

Irma just stares at him.


I like to keep up on the homework if I miss a class, and study ahead.


(sarcastic i.e. undermining Irma)

I totally knew it, there is going to be a test!!

Sunshine snorts.


(just trying to get through it)

P.U.R.E continually looks to build a dedicated team. You’re encouraged to better yourselves both physically and mentally. To this end, the spa and other facilities can be accessed off hours for an employee rate, as outlined in your orientation manuals. We offer a comprehensive dental and medical plan…

sunshine(etc) poster


SUNSHINE’S NIGHT OF DARKNESS – a screenplay by Meghan Ciana Doidge