Mirth Duology: paperback wraps

A lovely reader mentioned that though she is an eBook reader (like me!) she likes to make mini ‘trophy’ books with the full wrap book covers, which made me realize that I never actually share mine (😭), so I will make an effort to do so on the book detail pages moving forward. [Please remind me if I forget).

Without further ado, here are the two paperback wraps for the Mirth Duology. If you’ve purchased my paperbacks in the past, you’ll note I’m moving away from the more traditional synopsis/author info back covers into quotes, which I think are prettier.

These covers are hand lettered by Alicia (aka Serif and Somnia on Instagram), and I can’t wait to get my hands on the set (book 2 will be available to purchase on March 13).

Grand Romantic Delusions and the Madness of Mirth, Part 1 (purchase links)

Grand Romantic Delusions and the Madness of Mirth, Part 2 (purchase links)


Random Autographed Paperback: wait list open

Hello all! Some of you already know this, but I’m about to put in a paperback order to replace some of my older proof copies, and since many show up damaged (and therefore unusable) I often have to order extra anyway I thought I’d open up a waitlist for anyone interested.

There is a bunch more info over on the Google Form but in short: this is just a waitlist, I’ll contact you with shipping quotes, etc, and then you can choose to purchase or not. I’m closing the form on Jan 31, because I hope to ship on March 2 (when I go into Vancouver/Chit Chat, I can access better shipping rates). I’ll order as many books as I can, then cull the damaged copies to see how many of the ‘wish list’ I can fulfill.

More info here: Google Form: https://forms.gle/pwmEKzeDU9yF66L89


Moments of the Adept Universe 1: paperback

Yes! Moments of the Adept Universe, Vol 1 is now (finally!) available in paperback (via Amazon)!

Ahem, I’d actually forgotten to format it for paperback, etc, sorry! Memo’s sketches look fantastic in print (see video below). Which makes me think I should get some postcards printed up as well.

The FULL (updated) reading order is in the front of the paperback but you can always find and download the slightly less updated reading order under novels and reading order.

Oh! And remember I still have bookplates available (in a single pack and in a pack of five) if you need/want one for your Moments paperback.

Amplifier 5: paperback giveaway

Guess what finally made it all the way to the West Coast of Canada?! Instincts and Impostors (Amplifier 5) paperbacks! Whoot! The Amplifier 5 paperback also includes Recon Mission: Bee (Amplifier 5.5), which is why they are more expensive than my regular paperbacks (but way better value than having a separate paperback for a 22k novella).

Cover design by: Gene Mollica Studios Models: Devon Ericksen and Jonathan Cannaux 

Interested in winning an autographed paperback of Instincts and Impostors (Amplifier 5)(pictured above)?


Then, please comment below and let me know who is your favourite AMPLIFIER SERIES character and why!

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. One entry per person. One winner will be selected by random number generator. Only entries that follow the stated requirements will be valid. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than to contact the winner. No purchase necessary – all my books are available for free via your local library. The comments are moderated. I will approve your entry just as soon as I have a moment to do so.

Giveaway closes THURSDAY, OCT 20, 2022 at 8pm PDT.

The Amplifier Series is set within the larger Adept Universe but can be read separately. The main series starts with Demons and DNA (Amplifier 1) but there are two prequels (bundled together) as well. Click here for the full/recommended reading order of the Adept Universe.

Archivist O: paperback unboxing & giveaway

These beauties arrived in the mail today! Scroll through for all the pretty pictures.

Shall we do a giveaway? With absolutely no guarantee as to when I will actually get the autographed paperback in the mail? For example, Debbie, who won the release day giveaway at the end of March, still hasn’t been shipped her books (even though they are all boxed and ready to go) (that is how behind I am). Just FYI.


Okay then!

Actually lets make it THREE autographed copies … that’s still only one trip to the post office.

COMMENT BELOW (not on Facebook, etc) and let me know that you will give one of these pretty Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0) paperbacks a loving home! I’ll throw in any little extras I have on hand … probably bookplates, etc.

Likes and shares are always welcomed and appreciated.

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. One entry per person. THREE winners will be selected by random number generator. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than to contact the winner. No purchase necessary.

The comments are moderated. I will approve your entry just as soon as I have a moment to do so.

Giveaway closes SUNDAY, MAY 02, 2021 at 8pm PDT (giving me time to mention it to my newsletter, because there won’t be a free short this month).

Are you new to the Adept Universe? Book one is Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1).

Click here for the reading order of the Adept Universe.

Archivist 0: release day giveaway

Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0) is now available as an eBook on all retailers. Paperback soon to follow. If the series is well received then I’ll add audiobooks later this year.

As always, I’m running a giveaway to celebrate the release, but since I don’t have any Archivist series giveaway-related items (yet), I’m doing things a little differently – I’m giving away all the ‘first in series’ paperbacks in my Adept Universe, plus some swag!

Yep, that’s Dowser 1 (plus Cake in a Cup stickers), Oracle 1 (plus butterfly tattoos), Reconstructionist 1 (plus four extra signed bookplates), plus Amplifier 0 (with corresponding oracle card sticker)!! The paperbacks are autographed (and dated). Whoot!!

Comment below to win this prize pack!!

Are you interested in winning a ‘first in series’ giveaway?

Yes? YAY!

Then COMMENT BELOW with your FAVOURITE QUOTE from ANY of the Adept Universe novels.

Likes and shares are always welcomed and appreciated.

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. One entry per person. Only entries that follow the giveaway requirement will be counted. One winner will be selected by random number generator. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than to contact the winner. No purchase necessary, Dowser 1 is currently free and all my books are available from your library.

The comments are moderated. I will approve your entry just as soon as I have a moment to do so.

Giveaway closes SUNDAY, MARCH 07, 2021 at 8pm PDT.

Are you new to the Adept Universe? Book one is Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1).

Click here for the reading order of the Adept Universe.

Misfits 1: paperback now available

In the age of Covid19, everything having to do with paper and shipping has seriously slowed down (as it should be really), but I finally received the proof for Misplaced Souls (Misfits of the Adept Universe 1) and therefore the paperback is now available!

I am, however, still waiting on my author copies, so the slew of giveaways I usually do to commemorate a new release will have to wait a little longer. Though, make sure you’re on my mailing list (subscribe link under the cookbook image on the right of this page), as I’ll email when I finally get my hands on some copies of this beautiful book!!

Cover design by: Gene Mollica Studios
Interior formatting by 52 Novels
Mory perched on her favourite headstone with Ed. Yes! A sketch by Memo drawn specifically for the paperback! Squee! Though I promise to post it separately here on the blog as well (remind me if I forget).
Paperback chapter heading, aka more formatting bling.
Ed page break. Designed by Elizabeth Mackey. Also featured in the paperback version of Dowser 8.5.
And yes, I’m still using a 16-year-old shot that Michael took of me at Point No Point as my author photo. LOL


I also (finally) got some bookplates printed (for autographs). I just have to figure out how to set up an online store so you can order them from me. So, yeah … that will happen … soonish?

Amplifier 1: paperback giveaway


I thought it might be fun to do a giveaway specifically for anyone who hasn’t ever won anything from me before. The random number generator is usually pretty random, but it has been known – as the years go by – to select some of the same winners.

A box of pretty paperbacks!!
Cover design by: Gene Mollica Studios
Models: Devon Ericksen and Jonathan Cannaux 

So this giveaway has only one entry requirement:

If you would like to win an autographed paperback of Demons and DNA (Amplifier 1) and HAVE NEVER WON ANYTHING FROM ME then simply comment on this post (below).

That’s it!

Please DO NOT enter this giveaway if you have won items from me before – such as paperbacks or ebooks or postcards or T-shirts or audiobooks (not counting preorder ebook giveaways).

Likes and shares are always welcomed and appreciated.

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. One entry per person. Only entries that follow the giveaway requirement will be counted. One winner will be selected by random number generator. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than to contact the winner. No purchase necessary.

The comments are moderated. I will approve your entry just as soon as I have a moment.

Giveaway closes SATURDAY, MAY 25, 2019 at 8pm PDT.

Are you new to the Adept Universe? Book one is Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1).

Click here for the reading order of the Adept Universe.

Dowser 8: paperback giveaway

GIVEAWAY CLOSED. LUCKY #66 has been notified.

I got my hands on a box of Misfits, Gemstones, and Other Shattered Magic (Dowser 8) paperbacks yesterday. And you know what that means?

It’s time for a paperback giveaway! Yay!

So … are you interested in giving one of these beauties a home? I’ll even scrawl my name in it.


Well, then!

Comment below to enter to win an autographed copy of Dowser 8.

Fun! Fun!!

Likes and shares are always welcomed and appreciated.

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. One entry per person. One winner will be selected by random number generator. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than to contact the winner. No purchase necessary.

Giveaway closes SUNDAY JULY 22, 2018 at midnight PDT.

Are you new to the Adept Universe? Book one is Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1).

Click here for the reading order of the Adept Universe.

Dowser 8: paperback proof

Front cover of Dowser 8. Designed by Elizabeth Mackey.

This beauty arrived by courier this morning.

Dowser 8 paperback: title page. Interior files formatted by 52novels.

I approved the proof, so the paperback version of Misfits, Gemstones, and Other Shattered Magic (Dowser 8) will be available on Amazon in the next day or so, then on other retailers in a few days.

Dowser 8 paperback: chapter heading.

And, of course and always, I ordered copies for a giveaway. 🙂

Dowser 8 paperback: back cover designed by Elizabeth Mackey.

After the ‘photoshoot’ I immediately added this pretty paperback to my #shelfie.

Books by MCD.